This repository is deprecated. Take a look at https://git.uibk.ac.at/informatik/stair/minibot for recent updates.

This repository contains all sources for the NvidiaSpheroLynxmotionIntel MiniBot:
To connect to the robots:
- Plugin the WiFi Router and connect to it using SSID:
- Power the Nvidia Jetson and ssh into a robot (You can find the IP on the robots). User:
- To build the catkin_ws ros packages use at least gcc9. (
catkin build
) - To view the robot in rviz:
roslaunch minibot display.launch
- For more information on the Sphero RVR base see the Readme in the ROS package.
- For more information on the LSS 4DOF Arm see the Readme in the ROS package.
- For more information on the Nvidia Jetson Image see the Readme in the buildenv folder. Note: This Nvidia Jetson Image contains no GUI interface. You need to connect via ssh - or at a later stage maybe via a webbrowser.
- Nvidia Jetson: Ubuntu 20.04 Build environment (ansible)
- ROS Noetic Basic Installation
Sphero RVR:
- Driver
- ROS Description Package
- Basic ROS Drive Node
- Basic Demo
- ROS Control Node
Lynxmotion LSS 4 DoF Arm
- Python Driver
- ROS Descritpion Package
- Basic Demo
- CPP Serial Driver (for ROS Control - ROS Control only works with CPP)
- ROS Control Node
- Intel RealSense: Drivers + ROS Package
- Build and usage instructions
- Web-Visualisation: https://github.com/dheera/rosboard/
Build 6 of those Robots
- Build the LSS Arms
Design and print adapters for
- Nvidia Jetson Holder/Protection
- Battery Holder
- Intel Realsense
- Test setup on all robots
- Calibrate Arms
- Demo Scripts (inlcuding Full Robot Model)
Power Supply Tests
Test the (Xoro MTB 2005) Power supply for Arm and Nvidia Jetson
- Results: you can not use the DC output an USB Output in parallel
Test a QC3 battery pack with an USB-C PD output for Arm and Nvidia Jetson
- Results: you can not set de USb-C PD output with a ZYPDE adapter to 9/12 Volt and use the USB or USB-QC output in parallel
Use ZYPDE Adapter with 5V/3A for the Arm and USB-C QC for the Nvidia Jetson
- Results: sadly one can not use PD in combination with USB with all tested Battery Packs
- Semi-optimal solution: now we have 3 Battery Packs: 1 Built-IN (Sphero RVR), 2 external (https://www.amazon.de/-/en/10000mAh-External-Battery-Portable-Charger-gray/dp/B084TKKT6V): 1 with USB 5V/3A for the Nvidia Jetson and one with PD for the Arm
Test the (Xoro MTB 2005) Power supply for Arm and Nvidia Jetson
- Startup Scripts
- Test scripts for complete setup