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  • #58_attempted_workaround
  • 50-sht85-over-serial-instead-of-espnow
  • custom-modem-implementation
  • dev-electronics
  • dev_hardware
  • develop
  • espnow
  • hardware-dev
  • host-OTA-update
  • ina219_host_for_solar_panel_checks
  • main default protected
  • nb-iot
  • resilience-updates
  • termperature-chamber-tests
  • tyrol-highschool-inday
  • update_readmes
  • prod-deployed-JUL-4-2023
  • Temperature-Chamber-Tests-April-7
  • temperature-chamber-test-feb
20 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Jun2131May302625232215854227Apr25241765430Mar2827231410632122Feb20151413973231Jan302726252420191816129430Dec2019525Nov2422211816874228Oct272625242120181713121076316Sep138765231Aug30221817121183229Jul28262521Renamed TVS diodes in schematicmove host lib one directory uprefactor globals into Globals, refactor functions into UtilitiesProject files of rs485 node rev1.0 as manifacturedProject files of main station rev1.0, with production filesMerge branch 'client_central_mast' into host-refactorsMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into host-refactorsMerge branch 'client_central_mast' into 'develop'move several functions to utilities and apidataupdate band setting codedefined pin numbers for managing power lines.Create ibom.htmlversion for testing (host: connect every 30 mins, client: send every 5 minutes)refactors of hostchange DeepSleep.cpp of clients to make bootcount workset up resend manager, begin refactorMerge branch 'host-send-to-dev-api' into 'develop're-enable connection to server that was commented outupdate ResendManager.cppminor refactor, allow Resendmanager to handle throws if no SD card is available, logic to generate a protocol addressFix DR26 sensorName, add MUX to channel conversion in Utilities.cppremove broken importsupdate ESPCam to work with our current systemupdate host with ability to send data to the backend- add additional constructors to TEROS10, DR26small refactors, added commentsone timestamp per sensor instead of one per measurementsetting time to be once per sensor not once per measurementMerge branch 'minor-changes' into 'develop'update TestSensorLibraries.cppCurrent main station schematic and PCBSchematic and PCB of RS485 node moduleFinished ESP-Cam schematic and PCB rev1.0Finished satellite schematic and PCB rev1.0Updated project specific part lib.fix mockMove LC709203F to the adafruit library, add measurement TypesChange SDA/SCL Pins for TEROS10 and ADS1115make LC709203F conform to ForteSensor implementation,WIP: major file move / naming streamlining,