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  • allow-adding-of-email-to-station-for-audit-emails
  • develop
  • features_ecology
  • fixUrl
  • forte-presentation-20-10-2023
  • homePage
  • main default
  • manageUser
  • releaseFixes
  • stationConfig
  • summary-cards
  • ui-modifications
12 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.031May13Nov10763131Oct2519169654130Sep21201815131185131Aug3029282423222120181716141087331Jul262523211611109543229Jun27262319151312125May242317161510864225Apr18171614108Mar20Feb19181410217Jan1620Dec12652130Nov2928Add LICENSEmainmainadd license information to readmeworking onhomePagehomePageworking onworking on further refactoringworking on reafactoringfix: load previously stored email to guiallow-adding-of…allow-adding-of-email-to-station-for-audit-emailsfix: fix app.module.ts, add guiadd: station form now allows for email inputMerge branch 'features_ecology' into developdevelopdevelopfix: minor ui / text changes, remove commentsmanageUsermanageUserfix: minor tooltip changesfeatures_ecologyfeatures_ecologyMerge branch 'dependencies' into 'develop'add licenses of dependencies in package.jsonworking on mobile versionHomeLaunch First versionUserManagmentsensor Formworking on ecology featuresworking on ecology featuresworking on ecology featuresworking on ecology featuressome 'enhancements' for the presentation (MJ unit stuff)forte-presentat…forte-presentation-20-10-2023replace time with german equivalentsome 'enhancements' for the presentationuser FormMerge branch 'show-settings-on-admin-only' into 'develop'fix: only show settings view if your role is an adminuser FormMerge branch 'station-config' into 'develop'fix: hide from/to in summary when no data is found for a day after having a valid selection beforeupdate: change solar radiation from total sum to integralui/feature: add local time on hover of timerange in summary viewMerge branch '88-add-label-in-daily-summary-to-indicate-from-when-until-when-the-data-is-taken' into 'develop'Merge branch '42-cell-temperature-should-be-left-out' into 'develop'ui/dirty fix: hide avg/min/max cards that contain the string 'CELL_TEMP' in their name.feature: add from and to datetime strings when querying the summary viewMerge branch '84-remove-link-of-tree-button-in-navbar' into 'develop'ui: use favicon logo as the nav logoui: minor changes, add Unit to value range