Code for management and processing PermaSense data
Authors: Samuel Weber, Jan Beutel, Matthias Meyer Copyright: ETH Zurich, 2020 Version: 2.0, March 30,2020
Used for following publication(s)
- Weber, S., Beutel, J., Da Forno, R., Geiger, A., Gruber, S., Gsell, T., Hasler, A., Keller, M., Lim, R., Limpach, P., Meyer, M., Talzi, I., Thiele, L., Tschudin, C., Vieli, A., Vonder Mühll, D., and Yücel, M.: A decade of detailed observations (2008–2018) in steep bedrock permafrost at the Matterhorn Hörnligrat (Zermatt, CH), Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1203–1237,, 2019.
The Python3 GSN data management toolbox allows to:
- Query data from PermaSense GSN~server and save it locally as csv-files,
- Reload the locally stored csv-files,
- Filter according reference values if available,
- Clean data manually if needed,
- Generate 60-minute aggregates using in principle arithmetic mean (exceptions for weather data, see ESSD paper Weber et al., 2019),
- Export yearly csv-files for each position/location,
- Generate standard plots for all positions/locations as sanity check and
- Query images from PermaSense GSN~server and save it locally as jpg-files.
Python and additional modules are required. Using anaconda you can install the requirements by executing the following command from this directory.
conda env create -f condaEnvironment.yml
source activate essd_zenodo_datamgr
Note: Before you can use the function get_GSNimg
, you have to download NConvert and copy it in the directory gsn_data_management
- NConvert is a powerful command line multi-platform batch image processor with more than 80 commands. Compatible with 500 image formats.
- Download:
Getting Started
By default data are generated in a subdirectory ./data