Nikolaus Krismer authored
(so removing it from this "core" project)
Nikolaus Krismer authored(so removing it from this "core" project)
This is an implementation of various algorithms that can be used for calculating isochrones in multimodal spatial networks. An isochrones in such a network is defined as a possibly disconnected subgraph that coers all space points in the network from where a query poiint q is reachable within a given time span and by a given arrival time at q.
This project is realized using the java programming language and uses the buildtool gradle.
To generate the eclipse environment type gradle eclipse
in the project's root folder.
Development and testing of this project is supported by a vagrant virtualbox testmachine.
By executing "gradle vagrantUp" a test-environment (with postgresql, postgis, pgRouting and geoserver installed and configured) is started that can easily be used.
This approach reduces the initial setup procedure.
To find out more about vagrant and the environment provided look at [the homepage of vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com vagrantup.com) and the files in the etc/vagrant
User documentation:
To generate the user documentation type gradle asciidoctor
This will create the build/docs/asciidoctor
directory which contains an index.html file that can be viewed in your favorite web-browser.
Technical documentation:
To generate the technical documentation type gradle javadoc
This will create the build/docs/javadoc
directory which contains an index.html file that can be viewed in your favorite web-browser.