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Commit 816afc4d authored by User expired's avatar User expired
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added vm configuration (from project isochrone)

parent 94bb6649
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 1318 additions and 0 deletions
\ No newline at end of file
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
REQUIRED_PLUGINS = %w(vagrant-cachier vagrant-vbguest)
exit unless REQUIRED_PLUGINS.all? do |plugin|
Vagrant.has_plugin?(plugin) || (
puts "The #{plugin} plugin is required. Please install it with:"
puts "$ vagrant plugin install #{plugin}"
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
HOSTNAME=`hostname -s`
if HOSTNAME.strip.eql? "dbis-w65107"
# puts "Server mode"
# puts "Local mode"
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.vm.boot_timeout = 600
# Hardware configuration
# WARNING: Be VERY careful with this settings!!!
# -> giving the client more cores can SLOW DOWN the VM (if there is not enough workload on the guest, two less cores on the host...)
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| = (isLocalMode ? "isochrone-local" : "isochrone")
v.gui = false
v.cpus = 1
v.memory = 2048
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpuexecutioncap", "100"]
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ostype", "RedHat_64"]
# Enable vagrant-cachier plugin
config.cache.enable :yum
# Information about the box itself (name from vagrantcloud) = "jayunit100/centos7"
# Setup of shared folders
config.vm.synced_folder "conf", "/setup/conf"
config.vm.synced_folder "img", "/setup/img"
# Setup environment on startup (done using a shell script)
config.vm.provision "shell", path: "", args: ["niko", "secretPhdPassword#2014!", (isLocalMode ? "true" : "false")]
# Network configuration :forwarded_port, guest: 5432, host: 5432, auto_correct: true, id: "postgresql" :forwarded_port, guest: 7474, host: 7474, auto_correct: true, id: "neo4j" :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8000, auto_correct: true, id: "httpd"
unless isLocalMode :forwarded_port, guest: 8080, host: 8080, auto_correct: true, id: "tomcat"
# :private_network, :ip => ''
# :public_network
This diff is collapsed.
// Plugin declaration
plugins {
id 'com.bmuschko.vagrant' version '2.0'
id 'com.kageiit.url-cache' version '1.0.0'
id 'org.ajoberstar.grgit-release' version '0.10.0'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.*
// Basic settings
group = 'at.uibk.dbis'
version = '0.3.7-SNAPSHOT'
description = 'PhD project of Nikolaus Krismer (infrastructure as vagrantbox)'
ext {
vagrantDir = getProjectDir()
// Groovy method declaration
def getDate() {
def date = new Date()
def formattedDate = date.format('yyyyMMdd')
return formattedDate
// Detailled settings (dependencies, tasks, task configuration, ...)
eclipse {
project {
natures = [
file {
withXml { xmlProvider ->
Node project = xmlProvider.asNode()
Node filteredResources = project.appendNode('filteredResources');
Node filterGit = filteredResources.appendNode('filter')
filterGit.appendNode('id', 1421146667415)
filterGit.appendNode('name', '')
filterGit.appendNode('type', 30)
Node matcherGit = filterGradle.appendNode('matcher')
matcherGit.appendNode('id', 'org.eclipse.ui.ide.multiFilter')
matcherGit.appendNode('arguments', '1.0-name-matches-false-false-.git')
Node filterGradle = filteredResources.appendNode('filter')
filterGradle.appendNode('id', 1392635165065)
filterGradle.appendNode('name', '')
filterGradle.appendNode('type', 30)
Node matcherGradle = filterGradle.appendNode('matcher')
matcherGradle.appendNode('id', 'org.eclipse.ui.ide.multiFilter')
matcherGradle.appendNode('arguments', '1.0-name-matches-false-false-.gradle')
Node filterVagrant = filteredResources.appendNode('filter')
filterVagrant.appendNode('id', 1392635165131)
filterVagrant.appendNode('name', '')
filterVagrant.appendNode('type', 30)
Node matcherVagrant = filterVagrant.appendNode('matcher')
matcherVagrant.appendNode('id', 'org.eclipse.ui.ide.multiFilter')
matcherVagrant.appendNode('arguments', '1.0-name-matches-false-false-.vagrant')
vagrant {
provider = 'virtualbox'
vagrantDestroy.doFirst {
if (!vagrantDir.isDirectory()) {
throw new StopExecutionException()
// Custom tasks
task changelog << {
def grgit ='.'))
def fileChangelog = new File('')
def tags = ["HEAD"]
grgit.tag.list().reverse().each{ t ->
tags += t.getName()
def builder
def commits;
def numTags = tags.size()
for (int i = 0; i < numTags; i++) {
builder = new StringBuilder()
builder.append("- Version ${tags[i]}:\n".replaceAll('Version HEAD', 'Upcoming version'))
if (tags[i+1] == null) {
commits = grgit.log(includes: [tags[i]])
} else {
commits = grgit.log { range tags[i+1], tags[i]; }
commits.inject(builder) { bldr, commit ->
bldr.append(' - ')
fileChangelog << builder.toString()
task vagrantExport(type: Zip) {
description = 'Builds an archive file that contains the files, needed to create the vagrant box'
from 'etc/vagrant'
appendix = ''
baseName = 'vagrantbox'
classifier = ''
version = getDate()
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [db_username: 'myUser', db_password: 'myPassword'])
task vagrantPrepare << {
description = 'Prepares the vagrant environment (creates directory, copies Vagrantfile, ...)'
if (!vagrantDir.isDirectory()) {
println "Creating directory $vagrantDir and copying content"
sync {
from files('etc/vagrant')
into vagrantDir
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [db_username: 'niko', db_password: 'secretPhdPassword#2014!'])
// task dependencies
tasks.vagrantUp.dependsOn vagrantPrepare
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
datastore create --workspace isochrone --name Neo4J --connectionParams "dbtype=neo4j 'The directory path of the Neo4j database: '=/opt/neo4j/data/graph.db"
datastore modify --workspace isochrone --name Neo4J --description "Neo4J datastore"
datastore modify --workspace isochrone --name Neo4J --enabled true
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
#layer group create --workspace isochrone --layers n4j_bz_ways,n4j_ibk_ways --name n4j_ways --styles line,line
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
# ToDo: Create featuretype for datastore "Neo4j" and public roads in bozen
# featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/bozen-131201-filtered.osm
# featuretype create --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/bozen-131201-filtered.osm --enabled true --advertised true --title neo4j_bz_ways --srs EPSG:4326 --schema "the_geom:LineString:srid=4326" --projectionpolicy FORCE_DECLARED
\ No newline at end of file
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
# ToDo: Create featuretype for datastore "Neo4j" and public roads in innsbruck
# featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/innsbruck-131201-filtered.osm
# featuretype create --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/innsbruck-131201-filtered.osm --enabled true --advertised true --title neo4j_ibk_ways --srs EPSG:4326 --schema "the_geom:LineString:srid=4326" --projectionpolicy FORCE_DECLARED
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
# ToDo: Create featuretype for datastore "Neo4j" and public roads in italy
# featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/italy-131201-filtered.osm
# featuretype create --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/italy-131201-filtered.osm --enabled true --advertised true --title neo4j_it_ways --srs EPSG:4326 --schema "the_geom:LineString:srid=4326" --projectionpolicy FORCE_DECLARED
\ No newline at end of file
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
# ToDo: Create featuretype for datastore "Neo4j" and public roads in italy
# featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/sanfrancisco-131201-filtered.osm
# featuretype create --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/sanfrancisco-131201-filtered.osm --enabled true --advertised true --title neo4j_sf_ways --srs EPSG:4326 --schema "the_geom:LineString:srid=4326" --projectionpolicy FORCE_DECLARED
\ No newline at end of file
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
# ToDo: Create featuretype for datastore "Neo4j" and public roads in southern tyrol
# featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/southtyrol-131201-filtered.osm
# featuretype create --workspace isochrone --datastore Neo4J --featuretype /opt/southtyrol-131201-filtered.osm --enabled true --advertised true --title neo4j_st_ways --srs EPSG:4326 --schema "the_geom:LineString:srid=4326" --projectionpolicy FORCE_DECLARED
\ No newline at end of file
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
postgis datastore create --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --host localhost --port 5432 --database isochrone --schema public --user @db_username@ --password @db_password@
datastore modify --workspace isochrone --name PostGIS --description "PostGIS datastore"
datastore modify --workspace isochrone --name PostGIS --enabled true
\ No newline at end of file
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
layer group create --workspace isochrone --layers pg_bz_ways,pg_ibk_ways --name pg_ways --styles line,line
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
postgis featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --table bz_ways
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "bz_ways" --name "pg_bz_ways"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_bz_ways" --title "Ways in Bozen"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_bz_ways" --enabled true
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
postgis featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --table ibk_ways
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "ibk_ways" --name "pg_ibk_ways"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_ibk_ways" --title "Ways in Innsbruck"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_ibk_ways" --enabled true
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
postgis featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --table it_ways
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "it_ways" --name "pg_it_ways"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_it_ways" --title "Ways in Italy"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_it_ways" --enabled true
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
postgis featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --table sf_ways
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "sf_ways" --name "pg_sf_ways"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_sf_ways" --title "Ways in SanFrancisco"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_sf_ways" --enabled true
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
postgis featuretype publish --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --table st_ways
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "st_ways" --name "pg_st_ways"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_st_ways" --title "Ways in SouthTyrol"
featuretype modify --workspace isochrone --datastore PostGIS --featuretype "pg_st_ways" --enabled true
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
style create --file /setup/conf/geoserver_style_edge.sld --name StyleEdge
style create --file /setup/conf/geoserver_style_edgeexpiration.sld --name StyleEdgeExpiration
style create --file /setup/conf/geoserver_style_isocoverage.sld --name StyleIsoCoverage
style create --file /setup/conf/geoserver_style_stations.sld --name StyleTransportationStations
style create --file /setup/conf/geoserver_style_nodeexpiration.sld --name StyleNodeExpiration
geoserver set --url http://localhost:8080/geoserver --user admin --password geoserver
workspace create --name isochrone
workspace default set --name isochrone
namespace modify --prefix isochrone --uri de.krismer.isochrone
ows wms create --workspace isochrone
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