- using srtm1 dataset by default now (Nikolaus Krismer)
- upgrading to latest postgresql and postgis version (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updating dropTables to use CASCADE (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added support for 3d datamodels (Nikolaus Krismer)
- changing parameter usage for osmPti2mmds (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updating gradle to version 3.1 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed minor problems with spaces in deploy directory (Nikolaus Krismer)
- changes to match new argument naming in isochrone-tools project (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updating neo4j to latest version (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed open task (downloading without error checking for spatialite DB (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixing problem where mineT functionswere not added to DB (Nikolaus Krismer)
- deactivating data update on every provision (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added lock/done files. removing deprecated geoserver part (only leaving functionality that is used by isochrone-web project) (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- changing SRID to 4326 (tests showed that especially for MineR(X) this is much faster) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- renaming node type property (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- fixing styles after fixing attribute upper-case issue in project isochrone-web (Nikolaus Krismer)
- adding MineT(X) functions for geography datatype (Nikolaus Krismer)
- moved berlin dataset to only be deployed on dbis-isochrone (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added functions for MineT(X) algorithm to postgis/postgresql DB (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updated gradle to version 3.0 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added dataset of berlin o virtual machine (Nikolaus Krismer)
- version update to latest geoserver binary (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- got rid of repoforge/rpmforge. cmake is not needed anymore (no pgrouting is used anymore). version udpates (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- disabling advanced projection handling in Geoserver's WMS, to prevent problems with useCoverageMask in isochrone-web (Nikolaus Krismer)
- minor coverage style improvements (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixing some issues related to StyleIsoNodes in geoserver (Nikolaus Krismer)
- version upgrade of apache-tomcat (Nikolaus Krismer)
- version upgrade of apache-tomcat (Nikolaus Krismer)
- version upgrade of apache-tomcat (Nikolaus Krismer)
- gradle update to version 2.14 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- version upgrades for geoserver, java and neo4j (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed geoserver installation icons/styles (Nikolaus Krismer)
- gradle wrapper update to version 2.13 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- not creating nodes density table if was imported from db dump (Nikolaus Krismer)
- gradle update (to version 2.11) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- moved database creation script to isochrone-datamodel (Nikolaus Krismer)
- removing remote cache for geoserver-shell (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- improved coloring; improved exception handling; downloading java from OTN now (Nikolaus Krismer)
- changes due to rename in isochrone-datamodel (Nikolaus Krismer)
- deactivating invalid datasets (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added some more logging output to dataset generation (Nikolaus Krismer)
- improved error handling in bash script (Nikolaus Krismer)
- improved some messages and the documentation (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- added script createDataset (in folder etc) to allow creation of datasets on local machine (Nikolaus Krismer)
- re-added some parts for neo4j-spatial and geoserver (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed parameter order issue (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added jenkins deploy mode (to prevent tomcat webapp deploy on dbis-tests) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added missing srid for italy and st dataset (Nikolaus Krismer)
- not starting tomcat on jenknis (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added some more options; moved remote cache dir to owncloud (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed problems with deleting of tables in between srid change (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed a problem when generating db dumps for multiple srids (Nikolaus Krismer)
- allowing multiple target_srids now (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added information about srid 82344 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updated geoserver and geoserver-shell (Nikolaus Krismer)
- moving targetSrid to config file (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added comment about how to disable postgreSQL cache (Nikolaus Krismer)
- changed location of datasets on dbis-informatik (srid used as suffix now) (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- added support for chaging srid and fixed problem with exported datasets (did not contain density) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- always installing phpliteadmin when using spatialite now (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed problems with filenames in config (Nikolaus Krismer)

User expired
- re-activated Neo4J-spatial (with help from Robert Bierbauer's and his master thesis) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- now creating node_densities for updated datasets (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updateing gradle to version 2.7 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updateing readme (tag location) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- #2 fixed (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added possibility to export spatialite database from postgis (Nikolaus Krismer)
- activating database logging in testcase now (not globally anymore) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updating gradle scmversion plugin (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added contribution guidelines (Nikolaus Krismer)
- moving gradle changelog tasks to separate buildscript (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixing problems in changelog generation (again) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- Merge branch 'master' of (Nikolaus Krismer)
- calling grgit add before grgit commit (by now push is empty) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- not commiting changelogs in jenkins without changes :-) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- improving gradle changelog mechanism (excluding jenkins commits) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- adding changelog and commit task for changelog updates done by jenkins (Nikolaus Krismer)
- Updating changelog (Nikolaus Krismer)
- removing task clean again (Nikolaus Krismer)
- better changelog creation (using markdown syntax a bit more) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixing problems with gradle's clean task (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixing invalid clean task definition (Nikolaus Krismer)
- adding removal of CHANGELOG to clean task (Nikolaus Krismer)
- removed hard-coded version from gradle (is set using scmversion plugin) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added density generation for synthethic networks (Nikolaus Krismer)
- removed pgRouting / osm2pgrouting from files (not needed and never used) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updated grgit gradle plugin to version 1.2.0 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- heavily increased performance (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed problems with initializing db for isochrone-datamodel (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed invalid reference to remote caching location (Nikolaus Krismer)
- using isochrone-datamodel now (Nikolaus Krismer)
- clearified comment (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed path to isochrone-tools artifact (Nikolaus Krismer)
- using updated data-tables (created using isochrone-datamodel) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- #1 fixed (Nikolaus Krismer)
- Updating java to latest version (8u51) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- upgrade to gradle version 2.6 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added MIT license (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updated geoserver to latest version (2.7.2) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- increased version number (Nikolaus Krismer)
Version v0.5.0:
- increased version number (Nikolaus Krismer)
- geoserver version update (Nikolaus Krismer)
- always adding pg_procedures to created database (not only when postgis is installed) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added installation of phpLiteAdmin and spatialite (Nikolaus Krismer)
- Merge branch 'master' of (Nikolaus Krismer)
- source profile in init script so it works without problems in centos 6 with the service command (Nikolaus Krismer)
- Fixed tomcat startup message (root)
- creating directories needed by script at the beginning (Nikolaus Krismer)
- using multiple bootstrap shell script (so on dbis-isochrone data can be imported without running virtualbox machine) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- updating gradle (to v2.4) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- java version update (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added postgresql.conf (should fix empty log file and unexpected locale) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- not sharing vagrant's home directoy anymore -> writing bootstrap logs to dedicated log folder -> should fix the problem where vagrant asks for password on "vagrant up" (Nikolaus Krismer)
- adding synced folders for log files (log files in home and in postgresql-log directory) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- changed path to nexus repository (dbis dns name changed) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- improved db setup (log file handling) so test can get timings from postgresql log file (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed some parameter sorting in unzip command (Nikolaus Krismer)
- increased version number (Nikolaus Krismer)
Version v0.4.1:
- removed support for fedora 20 some version updates added isochrone-tool artifact download -> generating synthetic networks in datbase now (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added documentation about VT-x/AMD-V in virtualbox (Nikolaus Krismer)
- upgrade to gradle version 2.3 (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed typo reworked profile.d exports (added missing postgresql to path) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed typo (Nikolaus Krismer)
- removed duplicate definition of auto_correct (in ports section) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- Increased version number (Nikolaus Krismer)
Version v0.4.0:
- version upgrade to 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT (renaming 0.3.7-SNAPSHOT to 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- update to latest apache-tomcat (version 8.0.18) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- disabling port auto_correction (causes problems for test cases) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- java version update (to jdk8u31) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- update to latest geoserver version (2.6.2) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- fixed typo (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added documentation in README (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added support for forced server mode (Nikolaus Krismer)
- added vm configuration (from project isochrone) (Nikolaus Krismer)
- first commit (Nikolaus Krismer)