@@ -10,17 +10,11 @@ For reference, a temperature sensor and pressure sensor is used
## Installation
### ESP32 Firmware
Download the latest firmware for the .
Flash the device using PlattformIO with
pio run -t nobuild -t upload --upload-port PORT_NAME
and exchange `PORT_NAME` with the device's port. To show all available ports with PlattformIO use
pio device list
To get the firmware for the ESP32 AZ Delivery Devkit v4, download the .
This folder contains an ESP flasher, the firmware for forced calibration and for normal operation.
*Alternatively*, flash the ESP32 with a flasher program of your choice.
To flash the ESP with the main firmware run `upload_main.bat`. For calibration with a reference CO2 value, use `upload_calibration.bat`. Please note that the DataLogger can't send the CO2 reference value.
This isn't implemented and has to be done with a program capable of communicating via Serial. Furthermore, the ESP won't start unless it has a connection via Serial.
### Logger program
The logger program  can be downloaded *or* build by source as shown below.