@@ -348,8 +348,15 @@ In addition, more possibilities for user interaction could be added. For instanc
\section{Contribution Statements}
Please write down a short contribution statement for each member of your group. You may evaluate the contribution along the three common categories:
i) conception (i.\,e., problem framing, ideation, validation, and method selection), ii) operational work (e.\,g., setting up your tech stack, algorithm implementation, data analysis, and interpretation), and iii) writing \& reporting (i.\,e., report drafting, literature review, revision of comments, presentation preparations, etc.).
Each member of the group contributed in an enthusiastic and equal manner, leveraging their individual skills to contribute to the parts of the project where they could make the most impact. Additionally, everyone was eager to learn new skills and teach others what they knew. We are all satisfied with how much everyone contributed and how well we worked together. The following presents a brief summary of each group member's contribution to the project:
\item Danielle's programming and organizational skills were a great asset to the team. She ensured that meetings had structure, with clear goals, responsibilities, and deadlines defined. She worked most on the implementing the shex validation and developing the backend app, leading several pair programming sessions with her team members. She also participated in the final presentation and parts of the report.
\item Jamie contributed most with her teamwork skills and adaptability. Although she did not have as much experience programming in java and javascript as other team members, she readily made an effort to learn and thrived with the pair programming method we implemented, working largely on the webapp and parts of the rdf2 implementation. Additionally, she was heavily involved in the designing the presentations and reviewing the report.
\item Kristina contributed most in the research and planning of the project. Her research skills were heavily utilized in the initial phase of the project, which greatly helped the others when it came to choosing libraries and overcoming difficulties in the implementation of technical problems. She worked most on programming parts of the project requiring knowledge of shex. Her extra research also proved useful in delivering thorough and well thought out presentations and drafting the report.
\item Philipp's technical skills were highly useful in the programming part of the project. He advised the selection of the tech stack and led many pair programming sessions, readily sharing his technical knowledge with the other team members. This also came in handy when contributing the evaluation and 'related work' sections of the report.
\item Valerian, similarly to Philipp, also had strong technical skills that he applied in various areas of the project. He worked on the sparql parts of the programming and on creating the frontend app, often leading a pair programming session. He also contributed to the evaluation and writing up the results of this.
You may use appendices to include any auxiliary results you would like to share, however cannot insert in the main text due to the page limit.