Yet another completion tool implemented in Haskell which is based on Huet's completion procedure and supports LPO. Use `make` to build (the packages`term-rewriting`and `split` have to be installed) and type `./yatt path prec` where `path` leads to a `.trs`-file and `prec` is a list representing the precedence, e.g. `f,g,h` corresponds to f > g > h. The tool prints `SUCCESS` and a the resulting complete TRS or `FAIL`. Even though the `RULES` section in the input `.trs`-file is used, the input is regarded as a set of equations. Note that the resulting complete TRS is not variant-free in general.
Yet another completion tool implemented in Haskell which is based on maximal completion due to Klein and Hirokawa. Currently, it only supports LPO. Use `make` to build (the package `term-rewriting`has to be installed) and type `./yatt path` where `path` leads to a `.trs`-file. The tool prints `SUCCESS` and a the resulting complete TRS or `FAIL`. Even though the `RULES` section in the input `.trs`-file is used, the input is regarded as a set of equations.