Electronics_Project_SS23, Control theory exercise
General information
Elyas Mattivi, Christian Dejaco
Temperature controller exercise: Develop a PCB board that can be used as a control theory exercise for next year's electronics course.
Project sketch
- A first sketch of the circuit can be seen in the attached image
- A heating resistor and an NTC will be used for temperature control
- STM32 can be used as a digital controller
- Alternatively a tunable analog PI controller can be used
- The aim is to design and assemble a finished PCB that can be used in next year's course
Mandatory requirements
- The project will focus on developing and assembling a PCB prototype that can be connected to the STM32 development board.
- A first prototype can be made without fabricating a PCB, using the STM32 development board, and a custom soldered board.
Negotiable requirements
- The project will be used in the electronics course
Project goals
- minimal goal Design PCB and demonstrate prototype circuit on a breadboard.
- realistic goal Order prototype PCB and solder components onto PCB.
- ideal goal Test and characterize prototype PCB.
Work plan and time schedule
- 24.05. Design schematic in KiCad (decide for components)
- 31.05. Design PCB and order within that week
- 07.06. Order and organize components, build and test schematic on breadboard (minimal goal)
- 21.06. Solder components onto PCB (realistic goal)
- 28.06. Test and characterize fished PCB (ideal goal)