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# DBIS LateX-Template for Bachelor/Master-Thesis v0.2
This is a template for bachelor and master theses at the research group Databases and Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck.
### Contents
`thesis_de.tex` - main template file for German theses
`thesis_en.tex` - main template file for English theses
`config_de.tex` - configuration file for German theses
`config_en.tex` - configuration file for English theses
`unilog4c.pdf` - Logo of the University of Innsbruck
`lit.bib` - sample bibtex-file
### Compiling your Thesis
This template is optimized for use with `pdflatex`. Therefore, please simply call e.g., `pdflatex thesis_en.tex` to compile the thesis. This should present you with a compiled pdf-file holding the empty thesis template. Make sure to also compile the bibtex-file by calling `bibtex thesis_en` and subsequently, compiling the main thesis file again.
If you prefer using `latex` instead of `pdflatex`, we also provide the eps-version of the logo of the University of Innsbruck as . Changing the line defining the logo to the following should do the trick:
% insert university logo
\includegraphics[width=30mm]{unilog4c.eps} \\[3mm]
### Required LateX-Libraries
- appendix
- babel
- fancyhdr
- graphicx
- inputenc
- url
# Changelog
### 2016-11-15
- added readme
- added changelog
- made pdflatex primary compilation mode (by changing logo file from eps to
- changed bibliographystyle from dbis to ieeetr
- changed bakk_arbeit to thesis_de and masterthesis to thesis_en
- deleted preface in both German and English version
- checked compatibility with overleaf and sharelatex
- deleted preface in both German and English version
- deleted dbis.bst (bibliography style)
lit.bib 0 → 100755
author = {Koren, Yehuda},
title = {Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
series = {KDD '09},
year = {2009},
isbn = {978-1-60558-495-9},
location = {Paris, France},
pages = {447--456},
numpages = {10},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/1557019.1557072},
acmid = {1557072},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {collaborative filtering, concept drift, recommender systems},
author = {Raphael Volz},
title = {{Web Ontology Reasoning with Logic Databases}},
school = {Universit{\"{a}}t Karlsruhe (TH)},
address = {Universit{\"{a}}t Karlsruhe (TH), Institut AIFB, D-76128 Karlsruhe},
year = {2004},
title={Introduction to information retrieval},
author={Manning, Christopher D and Raghavan, Prabhakar and Sch{\"u}tze, Hinrich and others},
publisher={Cambridge university press Cambridge}
author = {AlchemyAPI},
title = {{AlchemyAPI Sentiment Analysis API}},
howpublished = {},
year = {2016},
note = {(last visited: 2017-04-06)}
author = {{Apache Group}},
title = {{Understanding the Parallelism of a Storm Topology}},
howpublished = {},
year = {2016},
note = {(last visited: 2017-04-06)}
% Bachelor and Master Thesis Template
% Research Group Databases and Information Systems
% University of Innsbruck
% define document class
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% insert university logo
\includegraphics[height=40mm]{uni_2017.eps} \\[3mm]
Universität Innsbruck\\[5mm]
Department of Computer Science\\
Databases and Information Systems\\[25mm]
\begin{LARGE}Title\\ \end{LARGE}
\begin{footnotesize}Bachelor Thesis\end{footnotesize}\\[15mm]
Student Name \\ Student Name\\[30mm]
supervised by\\
Prof. Dr. G\"{u}nther Specht\\[10mm]
\begin{footnotesize}Innsbruck, \today \end{footnotesize}
\section*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
Ich erkläre hiermit an Eides statt durch meine eigenhändige Unterschrift, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbständig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe.
Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder inhaltlich den angegebenen Quellen entnommen wurden, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht.\\
Ich erkläre mich mit der Archivierung der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit einverstanden.\\[3cm]
Dies ist die deutsche Zusammenfassung.
This is the English abstract.
% chapter starts on right side
% change numbering to normal format, set page counter to 1
\chapter{Chaptername 2}
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\chapter*{Appendix} % use *-form to suppress numbering
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\section{Subsection Appendix}
% Bachelor and Master Thesis Template
% Research Group Databases and Information Systems
% University of Innsbruck
% define document class
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% include required packages
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% insert university logo
\includegraphics[height=40mm]{uni_2017.eps} \\[3mm]
Universität Innsbruck\\[5mm]
Institut für Informatik\\
Datenbanken und Informationssysteme\\[25mm]
\begin{LARGE}Title\\ \end{LARGE}
Student Name \\ Student Name\\[30mm]
betreut von\\
Prof. Dr. G\"{u}nther Specht\\[10mm]
\begin{footnotesize}Innsbruck, \today \end{footnotesize}
\section*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
Ich erkläre hiermit an Eides statt durch meine eigenhändige Unterschrift, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbständig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe.
Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder inhaltlich den angegebenen Quellen entnommen wurden, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht.\\
Ich erkläre mich mit der Archivierung der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit einverstanden.\\[3cm]
Dies ist die deutsche Zusammenfassung.
This is the English abstract.
% chapter starts on right side
% change numbering to normal format, set page counter to 1
\chapter{Kapitelname 2}
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\chapter*{Appendix} % use *-form to suppress numbering
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\section{Subsection Appendix}
% Bachelor and Master Thesis Template
% Research Group Databases and Information Systems
% University of Innsbruck
% define document class
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,titlepage, twoside]{report}
% include required packages
% % use abbrv-bibliography style
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% define style for appendix header
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\parindent 0cm
% insert university logo
\includegraphics[height=40mm]{uni_2017.eps} \\[3mm]
Universität Innsbruck\\[5mm]
Department of Computer Science\\
Databases and Information Systems\\[25mm]
\begin{LARGE}Title\\ \end{LARGE}
\begin{footnotesize}Master Thesis\end{footnotesize}\\[15mm]
Student Name\\[30mm]
supervised by\\
Prof. Dr. G\"{u}nther Specht\\[10mm]
\begin{footnotesize}Innsbruck, \today \end{footnotesize}
\section*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
Ich erkläre hiermit an Eides statt durch meine eigenhändige Unterschrift, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbständig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe.
Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder inhaltlich den angegebenen Quellen entnommen wurden, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht.\\
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde bisher in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form noch nicht als Magister-/Master-/Diplomarbeit/Dissertation eingereicht.\\[3cm]
Dies ist die deutsche Zusammenfassung.
This is the English abstract.
% chapter starts on right side
% change numbering to normal format, set page counter to 1
\chapter{Chaptername 2}
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\chapter*{Appendix} % use *-form to suppress numbering
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\section{Subsection Appendix}
% Bachelor and Master Thesis Template
% Research Group Databases and Information Systems
% University of Innsbruck
% define document class
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% include required packages
\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}
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\evensidemargin 1cm
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% define header format
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\fancyfoot[RO, LE]{\thepage}
\fancyfoot[CE, CO]{}
\headheight 26pt
% define style for appendix header
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% code for creating empty pages
% no headers on empty pages before new chapter
\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
\makeatother \clearpage{\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage}
\parindent 0cm
% insert university logo
\includegraphics[height=40mm]{uni_2017.eps} \\[3mm]
Universität Innsbruck\\[5mm]
Institut für Informatik\\
Datenbanken und Informationssysteme\\[25mm]
\begin{LARGE}Title\\ \end{LARGE}
Student Name \\ Student Name\\[30mm]
betreut von\\
Prof. Dr. G\"{u}nther Specht\\[10mm]
\begin{footnotesize}Innsbruck, \today \end{footnotesize}
\section*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
Ich erkläre hiermit an Eides statt durch meine eigenhändige Unterschrift, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbständig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe.
Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder inhaltlich den angegebenen Quellen entnommen wurden, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht.\\
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde bisher in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form noch nicht als Magister-/Master-/Diplomarbeit/Dissertation eingereicht.\\[3cm]
Dies ist die deutsche Zusammenfassung.
This is the English abstract.
% chapter starts on right side
% change numbering to normal format, set page counter to 1
\chapter{Kapitelname 2}
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\chapter*{Appendix} % use *-form to suppress numbering
% reset counter for section numbering
% redefine numbering of sections to A.x
\section{Subsection Appendix}
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395.062 43.739 m 401.531 43.739 l 401.531 61.809 l 417.234 43.739 l 426.527
43.739 l 408.145 63.325 l 424.461 78.911 l 415.648 78.911 l 401.531 64.637
l 401.531 94.098 l 395.062 94.098 l h
395.062 43.739 m f
0 193.504 500 -194 re W n
[ 1 0 0 1 0 -0.495743 ] concat
0 0.2 0.380392 rg
253.555 44.234 m 259.754 44.234 l 259.754 49.191 l 259.891 49.191 l 261.613
46.574 265.605 43.41 271.871 43.41 c 282.473 43.41 286.949 52.773 286.949
62.414 c 286.949 71.844 281.992 80.176 271.801 80.176 c 265.676 80.176
262.164 77.766 260.164 74.531 c 260.027 74.531 l 260.027 94.516 l 253.555
94.516 l h
280.066 61.93 m 280.203 56.422 277.309 48.641 270.355 48.641 c 263.059
48.641 260.027 55.871 260.027 61.723 c 260.027 68.266 263.402 74.941 270.426
74.941 c 277.449 74.941 280.203 68.266 280.066 61.93 c f
0 0.2 0.380392 rg
124.332 78.895 6.473 -35.117 re f
124.332 94.246 6.473 -6.473 re f
0 193.504 500 -194 re W n
[ 1 0 0 1 0 -0.495743 ] concat
0 0.2 0.380392 rg
390.98 135.07 m 381.684 135.07 l 381.684 147.074 l 375.211 145.012 l 375.211
135.07 l 367.293 135.07 l 367.293 129.836 l 375.211 129.836 l 375.211 109.316
l 375.211 102.293 379.344 99.125 386.02 99.125 c 388.086 99.125 390.082
99.676 391.531 100.09 c 391.531 105.598 l 390.566 104.98 389.121 104.359
387.121 104.359 c 384.16 104.359 381.684 106.562 381.684 110.625 c 381.684
129.836 l 390.98 129.836 l h
390.98 135.07 m f
456.02 135.07 m 446.727 135.07 l 446.727 147.074 l 440.254 145.012 l 440.254
135.07 l 432.336 135.07 l 432.336 129.836 l 440.254 129.836 l 440.254 109.316
l 440.254 102.293 444.383 99.125 451.062 99.125 c 453.129 99.125 455.125
99.676 456.57 100.09 c 456.57 105.598 l 455.609 104.98 454.16 104.359 452.164
104.359 c 449.203 104.359 446.727 106.562 446.727 110.625 c 446.727 129.836
l 456.02 129.836 l h
456.02 135.07 m f
142.641 44.234 m 149.113 44.234 l 149.113 60.484 l 149.113 69.023 152.418
74.941 159.785 74.941 c 165.43 74.598 167.223 70.605 167.223 62.414 c 167.223
44.234 l 173.695 44.234 l 173.695 65.098 l 173.695 74.531 169.633 80.176
160.543 80.176 c 155.652 80.176 150.973 77.766 149.043 73.773 c 148.906
73.773 l 148.906 79.352 l 142.641 79.352 l h
184.711 44.234 m 191.184 44.234 l 191.184 60.484 l 191.184 69.023 194.488
74.941 201.855 74.941 c 207.504 74.598 209.293 70.605 209.293 62.414 c
209.293 44.234 l 215.766 44.234 l 215.766 65.098 l 215.766 74.531 211.703
80.176 202.613 80.176 c 197.723 80.176 193.043 77.766 191.113 73.773 c
190.977 73.773 l 190.977 79.352 l 184.711 79.352 l h
223.82 45.336 m 226.781 43.754 230.156 43.41 233.461 43.41 c 239.727 43.41
245.715 46.852 245.715 54.355 c 245.715 65.578 230.5 63.512 230.5 70.676
c 230.5 73.566 233.391 74.941 236.695 74.941 c 238.211 74.941 242.066 74.047
243.512 73.152 c 244.062 78.801 l 241.516 79.559 239.035 80.176 236.008
80.176 c 229.055 80.176 223.613 76.664 223.613 69.367 c 223.613 59.52 238.832
60.07 238.832 53.668 c 238.832 49.879 235.18 48.641 232.219 48.641 c 230.359
48.641 226.711 49.469 224.164 51.121 c h
295.637 44.234 m 302.109 44.234 l 302.109 60.207 l 302.109 69.023 305.895
74.531 311.68 74.531 c 312.781 74.531 314.09 74.395 315.258 73.91 c 315.258
79.695 l 313.883 79.969 312.918 80.176 310.988 80.176 c 307.273 80.176
303.555 77.559 301.832 73.91 c 301.695 73.91 l 301.695 79.352 l 295.637
79.352 l h
353.473 79.352 m 347 79.352 l 347 63.102 l 347 54.562 343.695 48.641 336.328
48.641 c 330.684 48.984 328.891 52.98 328.891 61.172 c 328.891 79.352 l
322.422 79.352 l 322.422 58.488 l 322.422 49.055 326.48 43.41 335.57 43.41
c 340.461 43.41 345.141 45.816 347.07 49.812 c 347.207 49.812 l 347.207
44.234 l 353.473 44.234 l h
387.352 78.801 m 385.492 79.559 382.117 80.176 379.5 80.176 c 368.758 80.176
361.598 72.465 361.598 61.793 c 361.598 51.738 368.898 43.41 379.5 43.41
c 381.84 43.41 384.941 43.613 387.625 44.855 c 387.145 50.637 l 385.148
49.328 382.391 48.641 380.188 48.641 c 371.855 48.641 368.484 55.527 368.484
61.793 c 368.484 68.473 372.547 74.941 379.777 74.941 c 381.84 74.941 384.32
74.461 386.801 73.43 c h
387.352 78.801 m f
0 0.2 0.380392 rg
43.121 149.801 m 43.121 98.715 l 94.801 98.715 l 94.801 150.395 l 43.121
150.395 l h
43.121 149.801 m f
1 g
1.183 w
0 J
0 j
[] 0.0 d
4 M q 1 0 0 1 0 193.504257 cm
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0.952941 0.572549 0 rg
43.113 94.188 m 43.113 43.114 l 94.785 43.114 l 94.785 94.786 l 43.113
94.786 l h
43.113 94.188 m f
1 g
1.191 w
q 1 0 0 1 0 193.504257 cm
43.113 -99.316 m 43.113 -150.391 l 94.785 -150.391 l 94.785 -98.719 l 43.113
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43.113 -99.316 m S Q
0 0.2 0.380392 rg
353.965 149.801 6.473 -6.473 re f
208.559 149.801 6.473 -6.473 re f
403.832 146.563 6.473 -6.473 re f
415.062 146.563 6.473 -6.473 re f
0 193.504 500 -194 re W n
[ 1 0 0 1 0 -0.495743 ] concat
0 0.2 0.380392 rg
154.641 134.938 m 148.172 134.938 l 148.172 118.688 l 148.172 110.148 144.863
104.227 137.496 104.227 c 131.852 104.57 130.062 108.562 130.062 116.758
c 130.062 134.938 l 123.59 134.938 l 123.59 114.074 l 123.59 104.641 127.652
98.992 136.738 98.992 c 141.629 98.992 146.309 101.402 148.238 105.398
c 148.375 105.398 l 148.375 99.82 l 154.641 99.82 l h
165.656 99.82 m 172.133 99.82 l 172.133 116.07 l 172.133 124.609 175.438
130.527 182.805 130.527 c 188.449 130.184 190.238 126.191 190.238 117.996
c 190.238 99.82 l 196.711 99.82 l 196.711 120.684 l 196.711 130.117 192.648
135.762 183.562 135.762 c 178.672 135.762 173.988 133.352 172.062 129.359
c 171.926 129.359 l 171.926 134.938 l 165.656 134.938 l h
208.555 99.82 m 215.027 99.82 l 215.027 134.938 l 208.555 134.938 l h
255.031 134.938 m 248.559 134.938 l 238.852 106.293 l 238.715 106.293 l
229.211 134.938 l 222.117 134.938 l 234.719 99.82 l 242.434 99.82 l h
288.223 107.738 m 286.637 106.43 281.68 104.227 277.41 104.227 c 271.281
104.227 265.844 108.977 265.844 115.934 c 290.906 115.934 l 290.906 127.223
287.117 135.762 275.414 135.762 c 265.5 135.762 258.957 128.395 258.957
117.996 c 258.957 106.566 264.672 98.992 277.137 98.992 c 282.918 98.992
285.742 100.371 288.223 101.266 c h
265.844 120.75 m 266.324 125.297 268.941 130.527 275.277 130.527 c 280.852
130.527 284.02 126.121 284.02 120.75 c h
299.582 99.82 m 306.055 99.82 l 306.055 115.793 l 306.055 124.609 309.844
130.117 315.625 130.117 c 316.727 130.117 318.035 129.977 319.207 129.496
c 319.207 135.281 l 317.828 135.555 316.863 135.762 314.938 135.762 c 311.219
135.762 307.5 133.145 305.777 129.496 c 305.641 129.496 l 305.641 134.938
l 299.582 134.938 l h
323.406 100.922 m 326.367 99.336 329.738 98.992 333.047 98.992 c 339.312
98.992 345.301 102.438 345.301 109.941 c 345.301 121.164 330.086 119.098
330.086 126.258 c 330.086 129.152 332.977 130.527 336.281 130.527 c 337.797
130.527 341.652 129.633 343.098 128.738 c 343.648 134.383 l 341.102 135.145
338.625 135.762 335.594 135.762 c 328.641 135.762 323.199 132.25 323.199
124.953 c 323.199 115.105 338.418 115.656 338.418 109.254 c 338.418 105.465
334.766 104.227 331.805 104.227 c 329.945 104.227 326.297 105.055 323.75
106.703 c h
353.977 99.82 m 360.449 99.82 l 360.449 134.938 l 353.977 134.938 l h
401.074 126.949 m 403.691 129.152 407.613 130.527 411.266 130.527 c 417.738
130.527 419.941 127.43 419.941 121.371 c 417.395 121.508 415.602 121.508
413.055 121.508 c 406.375 121.508 396.734 118.754 396.734 109.941 c 396.734
102.297 402.039 98.992 409.613 98.992 c 415.531 98.992 418.977 102.23 420.492
104.363 c 420.629 104.363 l 420.629 99.82 l 426.688 99.82 l 426.551 100.852
426.414 102.711 426.414 106.703 c 426.414 121.234 l 426.414 130.805 422.352
135.762 412.297 135.762 c 407.82 135.762 403.965 134.383 400.73 132.457
c h
419.941 113.453 m 419.941 108.219 416.566 104.227 410.164 104.227 c 407.203
104.227 403.621 106.223 403.621 109.941 c 403.621 116.137 412.297 116.688
415.809 116.688 c 417.188 116.688 418.562 116.551 419.941 116.551 c h
419.941 113.453 m f
end restore
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