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DBIS LateX-Template for Bachelor/Master-Thesis v0.3
This is a template for bachelor and master theses at the research group Databases and Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck.
- main template file for german bachelor theses -
- main template file for german master theses -
- main template file for english bachelor theses -
- main template file for english master theses -
- Logo of the University of Innsbruck in.eps
format -
- Logo of the University of Innsbruck in.pdf
format -
- sample bibtex-file
Compiling your Thesis
This template is optimized for use with pdflatex
Therefore, please simply call e.g., pdflatex thesis_bachelor_english.tex
to compile the thesis.
This should present you with a compiled pdf-file holding the empty thesis template.
Make sure to also compile the bibtex-file by calling bibtex thesis_bachelor_english
and subsequently, compiling the main thesis file again.
If you prefer using latex
instead of pdflatex
, we also provide the eps-version of the logo of the University of Innsbruck as uni_2017.pdf
Upgrading from an old version of the template
Changing the line defining the logo to the following should do the trick:
% insert university logo
\includegraphics[width=30mm]{unilog4c.eps} \\[3mm]
Required LateX-Libraries
- appendix
- babel
- fancyhdr
- graphicx
- inputenc
- url