A standalone executable is provided in the [releases](releases)-folder:
-[Linux GLIBC](releases/linux/project02)
-[Linux Musl](releases/linux_musl/project02): If your GLIBC-version is out of date, an executable compiled with MUSL is provided as well. This one runs on the zid-architecture of the university.
-[Linux Musl](releases/linux_musl/project02): For incompatible GLIBC-versions, an executable compiled with MUSL is provided as well. This one runs on the zid-architecture of the university.
Run `project02 --help` to see the command-line-options.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ digraph lecture {
You can find this file provided [here](data/lecture.dot).
The file is provided [here](data/lecture.dot).
First the nodes are listed, then the edges. A chain of edges is supported.
For the nodes, two custom attributes are used:
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ When done, remove the image:
- It checks if some successor of the green node is in the winning set.
- If that is the case, the green node is added to the winning set, and removed from the nodes being iterated on.
- Any time a node is added to the winning set, any red nodes that are a predecessor of this newly added node have their counter reduced by 1.
- If the counter of a red node becomes 0, it is added to the winning set and removed from the predecessor-set of the added node.
- If the counter of a red node reaches 0, it is added to the winning set and removed from the predecessor-set of the added node.
- The loop runs until no new nodes are added in a `pre`-step.