David Beitey authoredDavid Beitey authored
- Obtain/rebuild Shibboleth SP with FastCGI support.
- Recompile Nginx with the
custom module. - Configure Shibboleth FastCGI authorizer and reponsder applicatons to run.
- Configure Nginx to talk to both FastCGI authorizer and responder.
- Configure your Nginx application
block withshib_request on
. - Configure Shibboleth's
so the authorizer and responder are aware of which paths to protect. - Ensure your application code accepts the relevant incoming headers for authN/authZ.
Shibboleth supports Apache and IIS by default, but not Nginx. The closest one
gets to support is via FastCGI, which Shibboleth does have
but the default distribution needs to be rebuilt to support it. Nginx has
support for FastCGI responders, but not for FastCGI authorizers. This current module,
, bridges this gap using sub-requests within Nginx.
The design of Nginx is such that when handling sub-requests, it currently cannot forward the original request body, and likewise, cannot pass a sub-request response back to the client. As such, this module does not fully comply with the FastCGI authorizer specification. However, for Shibboleth, these two factors are inconsequential as only HTTP redirections and HTTP headers (cookies) are used for authentication to succeed and, only HTTP headers (attributes/variables) are required to be passed onto a backend application from the Shibboleth authorizer.
Shibboleth SP with FastCGI Support
For Debian-based distributions, your shibboleth-sp-utils
package has
likely already been built with FastCGI support, since default repositories
feature the required FastCGI dev packages.
For RPM-based distributions, you will either need to obtain a pre-built
package with FastCGI support or build your own. Since the fcgi-devel
libraries aren't present in RHEL or CentOS repositories, you likely require a
thirty-party repository such as EPEL (or compile from source yourself).
Recompilation of shibboleth-sp
is simple, however, and an example script
can be found at https://github.com/jcu-eresearch/shibboleth-fastcgi.
Running the FastCGI authorizer and responder
Nginx does not manage FastCGI applications and thus they must be running before Nginx can talk to them.
A simple option is to use Supervisor or another
FastCGI controller to manage the applications. An example Supervisor
configuration to work with a rebuilt shibboleth-sp
on 64-bit RHEL/CentOS
looks like:
Paths will need adjusting for Debian-based distributions, and the socket locations are arbitrary. Make note of these socket locations as you will shortly configure Nginx with them.
Compile Nginx with Shibboleth module
Compile Nginx with the nginx-http-shibboleth
custom third-party module,
following instructions at http://wiki.nginx.org/3rdPartyModules. How you do
this depends on your Nginx installation processes and existing workflow. In
general, however, you can clone this module from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/nginx-shib/nginx-http-shibboleth.git
and add it into your configure
step of Nginx:
./configure --add-module=/path/to/nginx-http-shibboleth
Note that you'll almost certainly have other options being passed to
at the same time. It may be easiest to re-build Nginx from your
existing packages for your distribution, and patch the above configure
argument into the build processes.
Also, you will likely need the Nginx module nginx_headers_more in order to prevent header spoofing from the client, unless you already have a separate solution in place.
If you wish to confirm the build was successful, install a version of Nginx
with debugging support, configure full trace logging, and the example
configuration below. You should notice shib request ...
lines in the
output showing where nginx-http-shibboleth
is up to during a request.
Configure Nginx
Nginx now needs to be configured with location
blocks that point to both
the FastCGI authorizer and responder. Specify your FastCGI socket locations,
where required. Note that the more_clear_input_headers
directive is
required to prevent header spoofing from the client, since the Shibboleth
variables are passed around as headers.
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name example.org;
#FastCGI authorizer for Auth Request module
location = /shibauthorizer {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/opt/shibboleth/shibauthorizer.sock;
#FastCGI responder
location /Shibboleth.sso {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/opt/shibboleth/shibresponder.sock;
#Resources for the Shibboleth error pages. This can be customised.
location /shibboleth-sp {
alias /usr/share/shibboleth/;
#A secured location. Here all incoming requests query the
#FastCGI authorizer. Watch out for performance issues and spoofing.
location /secure {
more_clear_input_headers 'Variable-*' 'Shib-*' 'Remote-User' 'REMOTE_USER' 'Auth-Type' 'AUTH_TYPE';
#Add your attributes here. They get introduced as headers
#by the FastCGI authorizer so we must prevent spoofing.
more_clear_input_headers 'displayName' 'mail' 'persistent-id';
shib_request /shibauthorizer;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
#A secured location, but only a specific sub-path causes Shibboleth
location /secure2 {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
location = /secure2/shibboleth {
more_clear_input_headers 'Variable-*' 'Shib-*' 'Remote-User' 'REMOTE_USER' 'Auth-Type' 'AUTH_TYPE';
#Add your attributes here. They get introduced as headers
#by the FastCGI authorizer so we must prevent spoofing.
more_clear_input_headers 'displayName' 'mail' 'persistent-id';
shib_request /shibauthorizer;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
can be replaced with any application or configuration that should receive the Shibboleth attributes as headers. Essentially, this is what would normally be the backend configured againstAuthType shibboleth
in Apache. -
The first 3 locations are pure boilerplate for any host that requires Shibboleth authentication, so you may wish to template these for reuse between hosts.
location provides web resources for default Shibboleth error messages. If you customise error pages, or don't care for images or styles on error pages, delete this location. -
Take note of the
calls. As the Shibboleth authorizer will inject headers into the request before passing the request onto the final upstream endpoint, you must use these directives to protect from spoofing. You should expand the second call to this directive when you have more incoming attributes from the Shibboleth authorizer. Or else beware... -
location will ask the FastCGI authorizer for attributes for every request that comes in. This may or may not be desirable. Keep in mind this means that each request will have Shibboleth attributes add before being sent onto a backend, and this will happen every time. -
You may wish to consider only securing a path that creates an application session (such as the
location block), and letting your application handle the rest. Only upon the user hitting this specific URL will the authentication process be triggered. This is a authentication technique to avoid extra overhead -- set the upstream for the specific sub-path to be somewhere an application session is created, and have that application session capture the Shibboleth attributes.Notice how the rest of the application doesn't refer to the authorizer. This means the application can be used anonymously, too. Alternatively, you can configure the
option to be fa -
Adding the
line into a location isn't all you need to do to get the FastCGI authorizer to recognise your path as Shibboleth protected. You need also need to ensure thatshibd
is configured to accept your paths as well, following the next set of instructions.
Configuring Shibboleth's shibboleth2.xml to recognise secured paths
Within Apache, you can tell Shibboleth which paths to secure by using configuration like:
<Location /secure>
ShibRequestSetting authType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession false
Shibboleth is made aware of this configuration automatically.
However, the FastCGI authorizer for Shibboleth operates without such
directives and thus path protection needs to be configured like it would be
for IIS, using the <RequestMapper>
configuration. The same options from
Apache are accepted within the RequestMapper
section of the
configuration file, like this truncated example shows.
This example corresponds to the sample Nginx configuration given above.
<RequestMapper type="XML">
<Host name="example.org"
<Path name="/secure" />
<Path name="/secure2/shibboleth" />
- The Shibboleth FastCGI authorizer must have both
configured for the resultant path. If they are not present, then the authorizer will ignore the path it is passed and the user will not be prompted for authentication (and no logging will take place). -
names are case sensitive. - You can use other configuration items like
> to configure how Shibboleth handles incoming requests. - Configuration is inherited downwards in the XML tree. So, configure
on a<Host>
element will see it apply to all paths beneath it. This is not required, however; attributes can be placed anywhere you desire. - Nested
elements are greedy. Putting a path withname="shibboleth"
within a path withname="secure"
really translates to a path withname="secure/shibboleth"
. - Upon changing this configuration, ensure the
applications are hard-restarted, as well asshibd
If you're experiencing issues with the Shibboleth authorizer appearing to fail to be invoked, check the following:
- The authorizer requires a
element inshib2.xml
to be correctly configured withauthType
for auth to take place. If you don't (or say forget to restartshibd
), then the authorizer will return a200 OK
status response, which equates to unconditionally allowing access. - No logs will get issued anywhere for anything related to the FastCGI
applications (standard
logging does apply, however). If you're testing for why the authentication cycle doesn't start, try killing your FastCGI authorizer and make sure you see a502
error come back from Nginx. If you still get a200
, then yourshib_request
configuration in Nginx is probably wrong and the authorizer isn't being contacted. - When in doubt, hard restart the entire stack, and use something like
to ensure you avoid any browser caching. - If still in doubt that the Nginx installation has been successfully built
with the
module, run Nginx in debug mode, and trace the request accordingly through the logs or console output.
- http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpHeadersMoreModule
- https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/NativeSPRequestMapper
- https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/NativeSPRequestMap
- https://github.com/nginx-shib/nginx-http-shibboleth
- http://davidjb.com/blog/2013/04/setting-up-a-shibboleth-sp-with-fastcgi-support/
- https://github.com/jcu-eresearch/shibboleth-fastcgi/
- https://github.com/jcu-eresearch/nginx-custom-build
Deprecated documentation: