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Commit acfb6bb4 authored by srosse's avatar srosse
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OO-2636: implements GUI for authorized absence in the roll call list

parent 5a70e3e9
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with 457 additions and 19 deletions
......@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ How to add a new job:
<ref bean="reminderTrigger"/>
<ref bean="videoTranscodingTrigger"/>
<ref bean="automaticLifecycleTrigger"/>
<ref bean="autoCloseLecturesTrigger"/>
<ref bean="reminderLecturesTrigger"/>
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ public class ContactFormController extends BasicController {
private ContactForm cntctForm;
private DialogBoxController noUsersErrorCtr;
private List<String> myButtons;
private Object userObject;
private MailManager mailService;
......@@ -130,6 +131,14 @@ public class ContactFormController extends BasicController {
init(ureq, hasAtLeastOneAddress, cmsg.getDisabledIdentities());
public Object getUserObject() {
return userObject;
public void setUserObject(Object userObject) {
this.userObject = userObject;
private boolean hasAtLeastOneAddress(List<ContactList> recipList) {
boolean hasAtLeastOneAddress = false;
if (recipList != null && recipList.size() > 0 ) {
......@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ public interface LectureBlock extends LectureBlockRef, ModifiedInfo, CreateInfo
public int getPlannedLecturesNumber();
public void setPlannedLecturesNumber(int number);
public int getEffectiveLecturesNumber();
public void setEffectiveLecturesNumber(int effectiveLecturesNumber);
public String getLog();
......@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ public class LectureModule extends AbstractSpringModule implements ConfigOnOff {
private boolean rollCallReminderEnabled;
private int rollCallReminderPeriod;
private int rollCallAutoClosePeriod;
......@@ -139,7 +139,8 @@ public interface LectureService {
* @param authorizedAbsence If there are authorized absence
* @return A new persisted roll call
public LectureBlockRollCall createRollCall(Identity identity, LectureBlock lectureBlock, Boolean authorizedAbsence);
public LectureBlockRollCall createRollCall(Identity identity, LectureBlock lectureBlock,
Boolean authorizedAbsence, String absenceReason);
* Standard merge
......@@ -201,10 +202,13 @@ public interface LectureService {
public List<LectureBlock> getLectureBlocks(RepositoryEntryRef entry, IdentityRef teacher);
* This method will check 2 things. First is the lectures for the specified
* repository entry enabled and if it is the case, it will checks that the
* identity is a teacher in at least one lecture block.
* @param entry
* @param identity
* @return
* @param entry The course / repository entry
* @param identity The identity as teacher
* @return true if the lecture is enabled and the identity a teach
public boolean hasLecturesAsTeacher(RepositoryEntryRef entry, Identity identity);
* <a href="">
* OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at the
* <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
* frentix GmbH,
* <p>
package org.olat.modules.lecture;
......@@ -49,4 +49,62 @@
<!-- Lectures reminder job -->
<bean id="reminderLecturesTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">
<property name="jobDetail" ref="reminderLecturesJob.${}" />
<!-- adjust cron style syntax for your notification needs
"0 10 0 * *" e.g. 10 minutes after midnight
A "Cron-Expression" is a string comprised of 6 or 7 fields separated by white space. The 6 mandatory and 1 optional fields are as follows:
Field Name Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters
Seconds 0-59 , - * /
Minutes 0-59 , - * /
Hours 0-23 , - * /
Day-of-month 1-31 , - * ? / L W C
Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
Day-of-Week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L C #
Year (Optional) empty, 1970-2099 , - * /
<property name="cronExpression" value="15 34 */1 * * ?" />
<property name="startDelay" value="60000" />
<bean id="reminderLecturesJob.enabled" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean" lazy-init="true">
<property name="jobClass" value="org.olat.modules.lecture.manager.ReminderLecturesJob" />
<!-- dummy bean -->
<bean id="reminderLecturesJob.disabled" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean" lazy-init="true">
<property name="jobClass" value="" />
<!-- Lectures auto close job -->
<bean id="autoCloseLecturesTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">
<property name="jobDetail" ref="autoCloseLecturesJob.${}" />
<!-- adjust cron style syntax for your notification needs
"0 10 0 * *" e.g. 10 minutes after midnight
A "Cron-Expression" is a string comprised of 6 or 7 fields separated by white space. The 6 mandatory and 1 optional fields are as follows:
Field Name Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters
Seconds 0-59 , - * /
Minutes 0-59 , - * /
Hours 0-23 , - * /
Day-of-month 1-31 , - * ? / L W C
Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
Day-of-Week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L C #
Year (Optional) empty, 1970-2099 , - * /
<property name="cronExpression" value="15 34 */1 * * ?" />
<property name="startDelay" value="60000" />
<bean id="autoCloseLecturesJob.enabled" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean" lazy-init="true">
<property name="jobClass" value="org.olat.modules.lecture.manager.AutoCloseLecturesJob" />
<!-- dummy bean -->
<bean id="autoCloseLecturesJob.disabled" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean" lazy-init="true">
<property name="jobClass" value="" />
\ No newline at end of file
* <a href="">
* OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at the
* <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
* frentix GmbH,
* <p>
package org.olat.modules.lecture.manager;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;
* Initial date: 5 avr. 2017<br>
* @author srosse,,
public class AutoCloseLecturesJob extends JobWithDB {
public void executeWithDB(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException {
//auto close
......@@ -109,7 +109,10 @@ public class LectureBlockDAO {
sb.append("select block.key from lectureblock block")
.append(" inner join block.teacherGroup teacherGroup")
.append(" inner join teacherGroup.members teachers")
.append(" where block.entry.key=:entryKey and teachers.identity.key=:identityKey");
.append(" where block.entry.key=:entryKey and teachers.identity.key=:identityKey")
.append(" and exists (select config.key from lectureentryconfig config")
.append(" where config.entry.key=:entryKey and config.lectureEnabled=true")
.append(" )");
List<Long> firstKey = dbInstance.getCurrentEntityManager()
.createQuery(sb.toString(), Long.class)
......@@ -187,12 +187,15 @@ public class LectureServiceImpl implements LectureService {
public LectureBlockRollCall createRollCall(Identity identity, LectureBlock lectureBlock, Boolean authorizedAbsence) {
public LectureBlockRollCall createRollCall(Identity identity, LectureBlock lectureBlock,
Boolean authorizedAbsence, String reasonAbsence) {
LectureBlockRollCall rollCall = lectureBlockRollCallDao.getRollCall(lectureBlock, identity);
if(rollCall == null) {//reload in case of concurrent usage
rollCall = lectureBlockRollCallDao.createAndPersistRollCall(lectureBlock, identity, authorizedAbsence, null, null);
rollCall = lectureBlockRollCallDao.createAndPersistRollCall(lectureBlock, identity,
authorizedAbsence, reasonAbsence, null);
} else if(authorizedAbsence != null) {
rollCall = lectureBlockRollCallDao.update(rollCall);
return rollCall;
* <a href="">
* OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at the
* <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
* frentix GmbH,
* <p>
package org.olat.modules.lecture.manager;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;
* A job which send reminders.
* Initial date: 5 avr. 2017<br>
* @author srosse,,
public class ReminderLecturesJob extends JobWithDB {
public void executeWithDB(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException {
// reminders
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ package org.olat.modules.lecture.model;
import java.util.Date;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureBlock;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureBlockRef;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureBlockRollCall;
......@@ -33,8 +34,11 @@ import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureBlockRollCall;
public class LectureBlockAndRollCall {
private final String entryDisplayname;
private final Long lectureBlockKey;
private final String lectureBlockTitle;
private final int plannedLectures;
private final int effectiveLectures;
private final Date startDate;
private final Long rollCallKey;
......@@ -46,8 +50,10 @@ public class LectureBlockAndRollCall {
this.entryDisplayname = entryDisplayname;
startDate = lectureBlock.getStartDate();
lectureBlockKey = lectureBlock.getKey();
lectureBlockTitle = lectureBlock.getTitle();
plannedLectures = lectureBlock.getPlannedLecturesNumber();
effectiveLectures = lectureBlock.getEffectiveLecturesNumber();
if(rollCall == null) {
rollCallKey = null;
......@@ -66,6 +72,10 @@ public class LectureBlockAndRollCall {
return entryDisplayname;
public LectureBlockRef getLectureBlockRef() {
return new LectureBlockRefImpl(lectureBlockKey);
public String getLectureBlockTitle() {
return lectureBlockTitle;
......@@ -82,6 +92,10 @@ public class LectureBlockAndRollCall {
return plannedLectures;
public int getEffectiveLecturesNumber() {
return effectiveLectures;
public String getCoach() {
return coach;
* <a href="">
* OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at the
* <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
* frentix GmbH,
* <p>
package org.olat.modules.lecture.model;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureBlockRef;
* Initial date: 5 avr. 2017<br>
* @author srosse,,
public class LectureBlockRefImpl implements LectureBlockRef {
private final Long key;
public LectureBlockRefImpl(Long key) {
this.key = key;
public Long getKey() {
return key;
......@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
package org.olat.modules.lecture.model;
import java.util.Date;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureBlockRef;
......@@ -32,11 +34,13 @@ public class LectureBlockRow implements LectureBlockRef {
private final Long key;
private final String title;
private final String location;
private final Date startDate;
public LectureBlockRow(Long key, String title, String location) {
public LectureBlockRow(Long key, String title, String location, Date startDate) {
this.key = key;
this.title = title;
this.location = location;
this.startDate = startDate;
......@@ -51,7 +55,8 @@ public class LectureBlockRow implements LectureBlockRef {
public String getLocation() {
return location;
public Date getStartDate() {
return startDate;
* <a href="">
* OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at the
* <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
* frentix GmbH,
* <p>
package org.olat.modules.lecture.model;
import java.util.Date;
* <a href="">
* OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at the
* <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
* frentix GmbH,
* <p>
package org.olat.modules.lecture.ui;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureModule;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.RepositoryEntryLectureConfiguration;
* An helper to calculate the configuration with the override.
* Initial date: 4 avr. 2017<br>
* @author srosse,,
public class ConfigurationHelper {
protected static boolean isRollCallEnabled(RepositoryEntryLectureConfiguration lectureConfig, LectureModule lectureModule) {
return (lectureConfig.isOverrideModuleDefault() && lectureConfig.getRollCallEnabled() != null && lectureConfig.getRollCallEnabled().booleanValue())
|| (!lectureConfig.isOverrideModuleDefault() && lectureModule.isRollCallDefaultEnabled());
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.elements.FlexiTableElement;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.elements.FormLink;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.FormBasicController;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.FormEvent;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.DateFlexiCellRenderer;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.DefaultFlexiColumnModel;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.FlexiTableColumnModel;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.FlexiTableDataModelFactory;
......@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ public class LectureListRepositoryController extends FormBasicController {
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(false,;
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(BlockCols.title));
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(BlockCols.location));
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(, new DateFlexiCellRenderer(getLocale())));
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel("edit", translate("edit"), "edit"));
tableModel = new LectureListRepositoryDataModel(columnsModel, getLocale());
......@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ public class LectureListRepositoryController extends FormBasicController {
List<LectureBlock> blocks = lectureService.getLectureBlocks(entry);
List<LectureBlockRow> rows = new ArrayList<>(blocks.size());
for(LectureBlock block:blocks) {
rows.add(new LectureBlockRow(block.getKey(), block.getTitle(), block.getLocation()));
rows.add(new LectureBlockRow(block.getKey(), block.getTitle(), block.getLocation(), block.getStartDate()));
tableEl.reset(true, true, true);
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ public class LectureListRepositoryDataModel extends DefaultFlexiTableDataModel<L
case id: return row.getKey();
case title: return row.getTitle();
case location: return row.getLocation();
case date: return row.getStartDate();
default: return null;
......@@ -75,7 +76,8 @@ public class LectureListRepositoryDataModel extends DefaultFlexiTableDataModel<L
public enum BlockCols implements FlexiSortableColumnDef {
private final String i18nKey;
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ public class LectureRepositorySettingsController extends FormBasicController {
overrideModuleDefaults = overrideEl.isSelected(0);
} else if(enableEl == source || rollCallEnabledEl.isAtLeastSelected(1)) {
} else if(enableEl == source || rollCallEnabledEl == source) {
super.formInnerEvent(ureq, source, event);
......@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ public class LectureRepositorySettingsController extends FormBasicController {
protected void formOK(UserRequest ureq) {
if(enableEl.isAtLeastSelected(1) && overrideEl.isSelected(0)) {
//reset values
......@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ public class LectureRepositorySettingsController extends FormBasicController {
} else {
......@@ -19,30 +19,48 @@
package org.olat.modules.lecture.ui;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.olat.basesecurity.GroupRoles;
import org.olat.commons.calendar.CalendarUtils;
import org.olat.core.commons.persistence.SortKey;
import org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.FormItem;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.FormItemContainer;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.elements.FlexiTableElement;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.elements.FlexiTableSortOptions;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.FormBasicController;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.FormEvent;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.FormLayoutContainer;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.BooleanCellRenderer;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.DateFlexiCellRenderer;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.DefaultFlexiColumnModel;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.FlexiTableColumnModel;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.FlexiTableDataModelFactory;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.SelectionEvent;
import org.olat.core.gui.components.form.flexible.impl.elements.table.StaticFlexiCellRenderer;
import org.olat.core.gui.control.Controller;
import org.olat.core.gui.control.Event;
import org.olat.core.gui.control.WindowControl;
import org.olat.core.gui.control.generic.closablewrapper.CloseableModalController;
import org.olat.core.util.mail.ContactList;
import org.olat.core.util.mail.ContactMessage;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureBlock;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureModule;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.LectureService;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.model.LectureBlockAndRollCall;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.ui.ParticipantLectureBlocksDataModel.ParticipantCols;
import org.olat.modules.lecture.ui.component.AbsentPresentCellRenderer;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryEntry;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
* Appeal button: after 5 day (coach can change the block) start, end after 15 day (appeal period)
* Initial date: 28 mars 2017<br>
* @author srosse,,
......@@ -54,29 +72,50 @@ public class ParticipantLectureBlocksController extends FormBasicController {
private ParticipantLectureBlocksDataModel tableModel;
private final RepositoryEntry entry;
private final boolean appealEnabled;
private final AppealCallback appealCallback;
private CloseableModalController cmc;
private ContactFormController appealCtrl;
private LectureModule lectureModule;
private LectureService lectureService;
private RepositoryService repositoryService;
public ParticipantLectureBlocksController(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, RepositoryEntry entry) {
super(ureq, wControl, "participant_blocks");
this.entry = entry;
appealEnabled = lectureModule.isAbsenceAppealEnabled();
int appealOffset = lectureModule.getRollCallAutoClosePeriod();//TODO absence or is it reminder period
int appealPeriod = lectureModule.getAbsenceAppealPeriod();
appealCallback = new AppealCallback(appealEnabled, appealOffset, appealPeriod);
protected void initForm(FormItemContainer formLayout, Controller listener, UserRequest ureq) {
if(formLayout instanceof FormLayoutContainer) {
FormLayoutContainer layoutCont = (FormLayoutContainer)formLayout;
layoutCont.contextPut("title", entry.getDisplayname());
FlexiTableColumnModel columnsModel = FlexiTableDataModelFactory.createFlexiTableColumnModel();
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(, new DateFlexiCellRenderer(getLocale())));
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(ParticipantCols.entry));
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(ParticipantCols.lectureBlock));
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(;
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel(ParticipantCols.present, new AbsentPresentCellRenderer()));
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel("appeal", ParticipantCols.appeal.ordinal(), "appeal",
if(appealEnabled) {
columnsModel.addFlexiColumnModel(new DefaultFlexiColumnModel("appeal", ParticipantCols.appeal.ordinal(), "appeal",
new BooleanCellRenderer(new StaticFlexiCellRenderer(translate("appeal"), "appeal"), null)));
tableModel = new ParticipantLectureBlocksDataModel(columnsModel, getLocale());
tableModel = new ParticipantLectureBlocksDataModel(columnsModel, appealCallback, getLocale());
tableEl = uifactory.addTableElement(getWindowControl(), "table", tableModel, 20, false, getTranslator(), formLayout);
FlexiTableSortOptions options = new FlexiTableSortOptions();
......@@ -96,11 +135,106 @@ public class ParticipantLectureBlocksController extends FormBasicController {
protected void formInnerEvent(UserRequest ureq, FormItem source, FormEvent event) {
if(tableEl == source) {
if(event instanceof SelectionEvent) {
SelectionEvent se = (SelectionEvent)event;
String cmd = se.getCommand();
LectureBlockAndRollCall row = tableModel.getObject(se.getIndex());
if("appeal".equals(cmd)) {
doAppeal(ureq, row);
super.formInnerEvent(ureq, source, event);
protected void event(UserRequest ureq, Controller source, Event event) {
if(appealCtrl == source) {
if(event == Event.DONE_EVENT) {
LectureBlockAndRollCall row = (LectureBlockAndRollCall)appealCtrl.getUserObject();
logAudit("Appeal send for lecture block: " + row.getLectureBlockTitle() + " (" + row.getLectureBlockRef().getKey() + ")", null);
} else if(cmc == source) {
super.event(ureq, source, event);
private void cleanUp() {
appealCtrl = null;
cmc = null;
protected void formOK(UserRequest ureq) {
private void doAppeal(UserRequest ureq, LectureBlockAndRollCall row) {
if(appealCtrl != null) return;
LectureBlock block = lectureService.getLectureBlock(row.getLectureBlockRef());
List<Identity> teachers = lectureService.getTeachers(block);
List<Identity> onwers = repositoryService.getMembers(entry,;
ContactList contactList = new ContactList(translate(""));
ContactMessage cmsg = new ContactMessage(getIdentity());
cmsg.setSubject(translate("appeal.subject", new String[]{ row.getLectureBlockTitle() }));
appealCtrl = new ContactFormController(ureq, getWindowControl(), true, false, false, cmsg);
String title = translate("appeal.title", new String[]{ row.getLectureBlockTitle() });
cmc = new CloseableModalController(getWindowControl(), "close", appealCtrl.getInitialComponent(), true, title);
public class AppealCallback {
private final boolean enabled;
private final int appealOffset;
private final int appealPeriod;
private final Date now;
public AppealCallback(boolean enabled, int appealOffset, int appealPeriod) {
this.enabled = enabled;
this.appealOffset = appealOffset;
this.appealPeriod = appealPeriod;
now = new Date();
public boolean appealAllowed(LectureBlockAndRollCall row) {
if(enabled) {
int lectures = row.getEffectiveLecturesNumber();
if(lectures <= 0) {
lectures = row.getPlannedLecturesNumber();
int attended = row.getLecturesAttendedNumber();
if(attended < lectures) {
Date date = row.getDate();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal = CalendarUtils.getEndOfDay(cal);
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, appealOffset);
Date beginAppeal = cal.getTime();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, appealPeriod);
Date endAppeal = cal.getTime();
return now.compareTo(beginAppeal) >= 0 && now.compareTo(endAppeal) <= 0;
return false;
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