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 * <a href="">
 * OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
 * <p>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at the
 * <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
 * <p>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
 * limitations under the License.
 * <p>
 * Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
 * frentix GmbH,
 * <p>

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.olat.basesecurity.Group;
import org.olat.basesecurity.IdentityRef;
import org.olat.core.util.async.ProgressDelegate;
import org.olat.core.util.mail.MailPackage;
import org.olat.core.util.mail.MailerResult;
import org.olat.repository.LeavingStatusList;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryEntry;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryEntryRef;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryEntryShort;
import org.olat.resource.OLATResource;
import org.olat.resource.accesscontrol.ResourceReservation;

 * @author srosse,,
public interface BusinessGroupService {

	 * Create a persistent BusinessGroup with the provided
	 * parameters. The BusinessGroup can have a waiting-list.
	 * @param creator
	 * @param name
	 * @param description
	 * @param minParticipants
	 * @param maxParticipants
	 * @param waitingListEnabled
	 * @param autoCloseRanksEnabled
	 * @param resource
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroup createBusinessGroup(Identity creator, String name, String description,
			Integer minParticipants, Integer maxParticipants, boolean waitingListEnabled, boolean autoCloseRanksEnabled,
			RepositoryEntry resource);
	 * Mostly used by REST API. Same as above but with parameter to save an external id and a list of flags.
	 * @param creator
	 * @param name
	 * @param description
	 * @param externalId
	 * @param managedFlags
	 * @param minParticipants
	 * @param maxParticipants
	 * @param waitingListEnabled
	 * @param autoCloseRanksEnabled
	 * @param resource
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroup createBusinessGroup(Identity creator, String name, String description,
			String externalId, String managedFlags,
			Integer minParticipants, Integer maxParticipants, boolean waitingListEnabled, boolean autoCloseRanksEnabled,
			RepositoryEntry resource);
	 * Update the business group with the supplied arguments and do it in sync
	 * @param group
	 * @param name
	 * @param desc
	 * @param minParticipants
	 * @param maxParticipants
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroup updateBusinessGroup(Identity ureqIdentity, BusinessGroup group, String name, String description,
			String externalId, String managedFlags, Integer minParticipants, Integer maxParticipants);
	 * Update the business group with the supplied arguments and do it in sync
	 * @param group
	 * @param name
	 * @param description
	 * @param minParticipants
	 * @param maxParticipants
	 * @param waitingList
	 * @param autoCloseRanks
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroup updateBusinessGroup(Identity ureqIdentity, BusinessGroup group, String name, String description,
			Integer minParticipants, Integer maxParticipants, Boolean waitingList, Boolean autoCloseRanks);
	public BusinessGroup updateDisplayMembers(BusinessGroup group,
			boolean ownersIntern, boolean participantsIntern, boolean waitingListIntern,
			boolean ownersPublis, boolean participantsPublic, boolean waitingListPublic,
			boolean download);
	public BusinessGroup updateAllowToLeaveBusinessGroup(BusinessGroup group, boolean allowLeaving);
	 * Delete a business group from the persistence store
	 * @param group
	public void deleteBusinessGroup(BusinessGroup group);
	 * Delete a business group and send a mail to all users in the group
	 * @param group
	 * @param businessPath
	 * @param deletedBy
	 * @param locale
	 * @return
	public MailerResult deleteBusinessGroupWithMail(BusinessGroup group, String businessPath, Identity deletedBy, Locale locale);

	 * Set certain business-group as active (set last-usage and delete time stamp for
	 * 'SEND_DELETE_EMAIL_ACTION' in LifeCycleManager):
	 * @param group
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroup setLastUsageFor(Identity identity, BusinessGroup group);
	 * Reload the business group
	 * @param group
	 * @return The reloaded business group
	public BusinessGroup loadBusinessGroup(BusinessGroup group);
	 * Reload the business group
	 * @param key
	 * @return The reloaded business group
	public BusinessGroup loadBusinessGroup(Long key);
	 * Load business groups by keys
	 * @param keys
	 * @return The list of business groups
	public List<BusinessGroup> loadBusinessGroups(Collection<Long> keys);
	public List<BusinessGroupShort> loadShortBusinessGroups(Collection<Long> keys);
	 * Load all business groups (be cautious, it takes lot of times)
	 * @return The list of all business groups
	public List<BusinessGroup> loadAllBusinessGroups();
	 * Load the business group by it's OLAT resource
	 * @param resource
	 * @return The business group
	public BusinessGroup loadBusinessGroup(OLATResource resource);

	 * Create and persist a new business group based on a source group.
	 * @param sourceBusinessGroup The group that will be used as the source group and everything
	 * @param targetName
	 * @param targetDescription
	 * @param targetMin
	 * @param targetMax
	 * @param targetResource
	 * @param areaLookupMap The area lookup map (the target group will references
	 *          mapped areas) or null (target group will reference the same areas
	 *          as the original group)
	 * @param copyAreas
	 * @param copyCollabToolConfig
	 * @param copyRights
	 * @param copyOwners
	 * @param copyParticipants
	 * @param copyMemberVisibility
	 * @param copyWaitingList
	 * @return The copied business group
	public BusinessGroup copyBusinessGroup(Identity identity, BusinessGroup sourceBusinessGroup, String targetName, String targetDescription,
			Integer targetMin, Integer targetMax, boolean copyAreas, boolean copyCollabToolConfig, boolean copyRights,
			boolean copyOwners, boolean copyParticipants, boolean copyMemberVisibility, boolean copyWaitingList, boolean copyRelations);

	 * Merge the owners, participants and the waiting list.
	 * @param targetGroup
	 * @param groupsToMerge
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroup mergeBusinessGroups(Identity ureqIdentity, BusinessGroup targetGroup,
			List<BusinessGroup> groupsToMerge, MailPackage mailing);
	 * Update the members of a list of business groups. The process is additive, a current
	 * participant which is marked as "add owner", will be participant and owner.
	 * @param membersMod
	 * @param groups
	public void updateMembership(Identity identity, MembershipModification modifications,
			List<BusinessGroup> groups, MailPackage mailing);
	 * Very fine tuned membership changes on several groups
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param changes
	public void updateMemberships(Identity ureqIdentity, List<BusinessGroupMembershipChange> changes,
			MailPackage mailing);

	 * Find the BusinessGroups list associated with the supplied identity, where the identity is an owner.
	 * @param identity
	 * @param resource
	 * @return
	public List<BusinessGroup> findBusinessGroupsOwnedBy(Identity identity);
	 * Find the list of BusinessGroups associated with the supplied identity, where
	 * the identity is a participant.
	 * @param identity
	 * @param resource
	 * @return
	public List<BusinessGroup> findBusinessGroupsAttendedBy(Identity identity);
	public List<BusinessGroup> findBusinessGroups(Identity identity, int maxResults, BusinessGroupOrder... order);
	 * Find all business-groups where the identity is on the waiting-list.
	 * @param identity
	 * @param resource
	 * @return
	public List<BusinessGroup> findBusinessGroupsWithWaitingListAttendedBy(Identity identity, RepositoryEntryRef resource);
	public int countBusinessGroups(SearchBusinessGroupParams params, RepositoryEntryRef resource);
	public List<BusinessGroup> findBusinessGroups(SearchBusinessGroupParams params, RepositoryEntryRef resource, int firstResult, int maxResults, BusinessGroupOrder... ordering);
	 * Find my favorite business groups with some additional useful informations
	 * @param params
	 * @param resource
	 * @param firstResult
	 * @param maxResults
	 * @param ordering
	 * @return
	public List<StatisticsBusinessGroupRow> findBusinessGroupsWithMemberships(BusinessGroupQueryParams params, IdentityRef identity);
	 * Retrieve the business groups of a repository entry with the number of coaches, participants,
	 * user in waiting list and reservation in each groups. For each groups, there is as additional
	 * informations the courses linked to them, and the list of offers.
	 * @param params
	 * @param entryRef
	 * @return
	public List<StatisticsBusinessGroupRow> findBusinessGroupsFromRepositoryEntry(BusinessGroupQueryParams params, IdentityRef identity, RepositoryEntryRef entry);
	 * Retrieve the business groups of a repository entry with the number of coaches, participants,
	 * user in waiting list and reservation in each groups. For each groups, there is as additional
	 * informations the courses linked to them, the list of offers, and the book mark flag for the
	 * specified identity.
	 * @param params
	 * @param identity
	 * @return
	public List<StatisticsBusinessGroupRow> findBusinessGroupsForSelection(BusinessGroupQueryParams params, IdentityRef identity);
	 * Retrieve the business groups of a repository entry with the number of coaches, participants,
	 * user in waiting list and reservation in each groups.
	 * @param params
	 * @return
	public List<StatisticsBusinessGroupRow> findBusinessGroupsStatistics(BusinessGroupQueryParams params);
	 * Retrieve the published/open business groups of a repository entry with the number of participants
	 * and reservation in each groups.
	 * @param params
	 * @return
	public List<OpenBusinessGroupRow> findPublishedBusinessGroups(BusinessGroupQueryParams params, IdentityRef identity);
	public List<Long> toGroupKeys(String groupNames, RepositoryEntryRef resource);

	//retrieve repository entries

	public boolean hasResources(BusinessGroup group);
	public boolean hasResources(List<BusinessGroup> groups);
	public void addResourceTo(BusinessGroup group, RepositoryEntry re);
	public void addResourcesTo(List<BusinessGroup> groups, List<RepositoryEntry> resources);
	public void removeResourceFrom(List<BusinessGroup> group, RepositoryEntry re);
	public void removeResource(RepositoryEntry resource);
	public List<RepositoryEntry> findRepositoryEntries(Collection<BusinessGroup> groups, int firstResult, int maxResults);
	 * Same as above but do a better caching
	 * @param groups
	 * @param firstResult
	 * @param maxResults
	 * @return
	public List<RepositoryEntryShort> findShortRepositoryEntries(Collection<BusinessGroupShort> groups, int firstResult, int maxResults);
	public List<BGRepositoryEntryRelation> findRelationToRepositoryEntries(Collection<Long> groups, int firstResult, int maxResults);
	//found identities
	public int countContacts(Identity identity);
	public List<Identity> findContacts(Identity identity, int firstResult, int maxResults);
	public List<Identity> getMembersOf(RepositoryEntryRef resource, boolean owner, boolean attendee);
	public Group getGroup(BusinessGroup group);
	 * Return true if the identity has one of the specified role
	 * @param identity
	 * @param businessGroup
	 * @param role
	 * @return
	public boolean hasRoles(IdentityRef identity, BusinessGroupRef businessGroup, String role);
	public List<Identity> getMembers(BusinessGroup businessGroup, String... roles);
	public List<Identity> getMembers(List<BusinessGroup> businessGroups, String... roles);
	public int countMembers(BusinessGroup businessGroup, String... roles);
	 * Get position of an identity on a certain waiting-list 
	 * @param identity
	 * @param businessGroup
	 * @return
	public int getPositionInWaitingListFor(IdentityRef identity, BusinessGroupRef businessGroup);
	 * The method follow the business groups of the specified entry
	 * and remove the participant membership of the group where
	 * the entry is the only resource.
	 * @param identity
	 * @param entry
	public void leave(Identity identity, RepositoryEntry entry, LeavingStatusList status, MailPackage mailing);
	 * Adds a user to a group as owner and does all the magic that needs to be
	 * done: - add to security group (optional) - add to jabber roster - fire multi user event
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param addIdentities  The users who should be added
	 * @param group
	 * @param flags
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroupAddResponse addOwners(Identity ureqIdentity, Roles ureqRoles, List<Identity> addIdentities,
			BusinessGroup group, MailPackage mailing);
	 * Remove a list of users from a group as owner and does all the magic that needs to be
	 * done: - remove from security group (optional) - remove from jabber roster - fire
	 * multi-user event
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param identitiesToRemove
	 * @param group
	 * @param flags
	public void removeOwners(Identity ureqIdentity, Collection<Identity> identitiesToRemove, BusinessGroup group);
	 * Enroll an identity to the group following the rules set by reservation, max participants,
	 * waiting list, auto close ranks...
	 * @param group
	 * @param identity
	 * @return
	public EnrollState enroll(Identity ureqIdentity, Roles ureqRoles, Identity identityToEnroll, BusinessGroup group,
			MailPackage mailing);
	 * Adds a list of users to a group as participant and does all the magic that needs to
	 * be done:
	 * <ul>
	 * 	<li>add to security group (optional)
	 *  <li>add to jabber roster
	 *  <li>fire multi-user
	 * </ul>
	 * Method execute in doInSync
	 * event
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param addIdentities The users who should be added
	 * @param currBusinessGroup
	 * @param flags
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroupAddResponse addParticipants(Identity ureqIdentity, Roles ureqRoles, List<Identity> addIdentities,
			BusinessGroup currBusinessGroup, MailPackage mailing);
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param reservationOwner
	 * @param resource
	public void acceptPendingParticipation(Identity ureqIdentity, Identity reservationOwner, OLATResource resource);
	public void cancelPendingParticipation(Identity ureqIdentity, ResourceReservation reservation);
	public LeaveOption isAllowToLeaveBusinessGroup(Identity identity, BusinessGroup group);
	 * Remove a list of users from a group as participant and does all the magic that needs
	 * to be done:
	 * <ul>
	 * 	<li>remove from secgroup (optional)
	 *  <li>remove from jabber roster -
	 *  <li>fire multi-user event
	 * </ul>
	 * The method is made under doInSync.
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param identities The user who should be removed
	 * @param group
	 * @param flags
	public void removeParticipants(Identity ureqIdentity, List<Identity> identities, BusinessGroup group, MailPackage mailing);
	 * Remove the members (tutors and participants) from all business groups connected
	 * to the resource (the resource can be a BusinessGroup) by canceling their membership
	 * or their reservations.<br>
	 * This method respect the managed flags.
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param identities
	 * @param group
	public void removeMembers(Identity ureqIdentity, List<Identity> identities, OLATResource resource, MailPackage mailing, boolean overrideManaged);

	 * Adds a  list of users to a waiting-list of a group and does all the magic that needs to
	 * be done:
	 * <ul>
	 * 	<li>add to security group (optional)
	 *  <li>add to jabber roster
	 *  <li>send notification email
	 *  <li>fire multi user event
	 * </ul>
	 * Method executed under doInSync
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param addIdentities
	 * @param currBusinessGroup
	 * @param flags
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroupAddResponse addToWaitingList(Identity ureqIdentity, List<Identity> addIdentities,
			BusinessGroup businessGroup, MailPackage mailing);

	 * Remove a list of users from a waiting-list as participant and does all the magic that needs
	 * to be done:
	 * - remove from security group (optional)<br>
	 * - send notification email<br>
	 * - fire multi-user event
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param identities
	 * @param currBusinessGroup
	 * @param flags
	public void removeFromWaitingList(Identity ureqIdentity, List<Identity> identities, BusinessGroup businessGroup, MailPackage mailing);

	 * Move users from a waiting-list to participant-list.
	 * @param identities
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param currBusinessGroup
	 * @param flags
	 * @return
	public BusinessGroupAddResponse moveIdentityFromWaitingListToParticipant(Identity ureqIdentity, List<Identity> identities,
			BusinessGroup currBusinessGroup, MailPackage mailing);

	 * Count the duplicates
	 * @param entry
	 * @param coaches
	 * @param participants
	public int countDuplicateMembers(RepositoryEntry entry, boolean coaches, boolean participants);
	 * Remove the members of the repository entry which are already in a business group
	 * linked to it.
	public void dedupMembers(Identity ureqIdentity, RepositoryEntry entry, boolean coaches, boolean participants);
	 * Deduplicate all the courses in the repository
	 * @param ureqIdentity
	 * @param coaches
	 * @param participants
	 * @param progressDelegate
	public void dedupMembers(Identity ureqIdentity, boolean coaches, boolean participants, ProgressDelegate progressDelegate);

	 * Checks if an identity is in a specific business group, either as owner or
	 * as participant
	 * @param identity
	 * @param businessGroup
	 * @return True if coach or participant
	public boolean isIdentityInBusinessGroup(IdentityRef identity, BusinessGroupRef businessGroup);
	public List<String> getIdentityRolesInBusinessGroup(IdentityRef identity, BusinessGroupRef businessGroup);
	 * Checks if an identity is in the list of business groups either as owner or as participant
	 * @param identity
	 * @param businessGroups
	 * @return The list of group keys where the identity is either participant or owner
	public List<BusinessGroupMembership> getBusinessGroupMembership(Collection<Long> businessGroups, Identity... identity);

	 * Return the list of membership of the groups. A membership per user and per group, but
	 * a membership can be owner and participant at the same time if the user is owner and
	 * participant of the group.
	 * @param businessGroups
	 * @return
	public List<BusinessGroupMembership> getBusinessGroupsMembership(Collection<BusinessGroup> businessGroups);
	 * Checks if an identity is in a business group with a specific key, either as owner or
	 * as participant
	 * @param identity
	 * @param groupKey The group key (optional)
	 * @param ownedById
	 * @param attendedById
	 * @param resource The resource context (mandatory)
	 * @return
	public boolean isIdentityInBusinessGroup(Identity identity, Long groupKey, boolean ownedById, boolean attendedById, RepositoryEntryRef resource);
	 * Return all identities with the specified role linked to
	 * a business group.
	 * @param role
	 * @return
	public List<Identity> getIdentitiesWithRole(String role);

	//export - import
	 * Export group definitions to file.
	 * @param groups
	 * @param fExportFile
	public void exportGroups(List<BusinessGroup> groups, List<BGArea> areas, File fExportFile,
			boolean runtimeDatas);

	 * Import previously exported group definitions.
	 * @param resource
	 * @param fGroupExportXML
	public BusinessGroupEnvironment importGroups(RepositoryEntry re, File fGroupExportXML);
	public void archiveGroups(List<BusinessGroup> groups, File exportFile);
