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* OLAT - Online Learning and Training<br>
* <p>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* <p>
* <p>
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
* limitations under the License.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) since 2004 at Multimedia- & E-Learning Services (MELS),<br>
* University of Zurich, Switzerland.
* <hr>
* <a href="">
* OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
* This file has been modified by the OpenOLAT community. Changes are licensed
* under the Apache 2.0 license as the original file.
package org.olat.admin.quota;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity;
import org.olat.basesecurity.OrganisationRoles;
import org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.FolderConfig;
import org.olat.core.commons.persistence.DB;
import org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest;
import org.olat.core.gui.control.Controller;
import org.olat.core.gui.control.WindowControl;
import org.olat.core.logging.OLATRuntimeException;
import org.olat.core.logging.OLATSecurityException;
import org.olat.core.logging.OLog;
import org.olat.core.logging.Tracing;
import org.olat.core.util.StringHelper;
import org.olat.core.util.resource.OresHelper;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.Quota;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.QuotaManager;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSManager;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryEntryRef;
import org.olat.repository.manager.RepositoryEntryRelationDAO;
import org.olat.repository.model.RepositoryEntryRefImpl;
import org.olat.resource.OLATResource;
import org.olat.resource.OLATResourceManager;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
* <h3>Description:</h3>
* Quota manager implementation for the OLAT LMS. This is a singleton that must
* be specified in the spring configuration and be properly initialized!
* <p>
* Initial Date: 23.05.2007 <br>
* @author Florian Gnaegi, frentix GmbH,
public class QuotaManagerImpl implements QuotaManager, InitializingBean {
private static final OLog log = Tracing.createLoggerFor(QuotaManagerImpl.class);
private static final String QUOTA_CATEGORY = "quot";
private OLATResource quotaResource;
private final Map<String,Quota> defaultQuotas = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private DB dbInstance;
private BaseSecurity securityManager;
private PropertyManager propertyManager;
private OLATResourceManager resourceManager;
private RepositoryEntryRelationDAO repositoryEntryRelationDao;
public Quota createQuota(String path, Long quotaKB, Long ulLimitKB) {
if(quotaKB == null && ulLimitKB == null) {
String defaultIdentifier = getDefaultQuotaIdentifier(path);
Quota defQuota = getDefaultQuota(defaultIdentifier);
if(defQuota != null) {
quotaKB = defQuota.getQuotaKB();
ulLimitKB = defQuota.getUlLimitKB();
return new QuotaImpl(path, quotaKB, ulLimitKB);
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
quotaResource = resourceManager.findOrPersistResourceable(OresHelper.lookupType(Quota.class));
initDefaultQuotas(); // initialize default quotas
dbInstance.intermediateCommit();"Successfully initialized Quota Manager");
private void initDefaultQuotas() {
Quota defaultQuotaUsers = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_USERS);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_USERS, defaultQuotaUsers);
Quota defaultQuotaPowerusers = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_POWER);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_POWER, defaultQuotaPowerusers);
Quota defaultQuotaGroups = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_GROUPS);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_GROUPS, defaultQuotaGroups);
Quota defaultQuotaRepository = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_REPO);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_REPO, defaultQuotaRepository);
Quota defaultQuotaCourseFolder = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_COURSE);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_COURSE, defaultQuotaCourseFolder);
Quota defaultQuotaNodeFolder = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_NODES);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_NODES, defaultQuotaNodeFolder);
Quota defaultQuotaPfNodeFolder = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_PFNODES);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_PFNODES, defaultQuotaPfNodeFolder);
Quota defaultQuotaFeed = initDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_FEEDS);
defaultQuotas.put(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_FEEDS, defaultQuotaFeed);
* @param quotaIdentifier
* @param factor Multiplier for some long running resources as blogs
* @return
private Quota initDefaultQuota(String quotaIdentifier) {
Quota q = null;
Property p = propertyManager.findProperty(null, null, quotaResource, QUOTA_CATEGORY, quotaIdentifier);
if (p != null) {
q = parseQuota(p);
if (q != null) {
return q;
// initialize default quota
q = createQuota(quotaIdentifier, Long.valueOf(FolderConfig.getDefaultQuotaKB()), Long.valueOf(FolderConfig.getLimitULKB()));
return q;
* Get the identifiers for the default quotas
* @return
public Set<String> getDefaultQuotaIdentifyers() {
return defaultQuotas.keySet();
* Get the default quota for the given identifyer or NULL if no such quota
* found
* @param identifyer
* @return
public Quota getDefaultQuota(String identifyer) {
if(StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(identifyer)) {
return defaultQuotas.get(identifyer);
return null;
* Get the quota (in KB) for this path. Important: Must provide a path with a
* valid base.
* @param path
* @return Quota object.
public Quota getCustomQuota(String path) {
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
query.append("select, prop.stringValue from ").append(Property.class.getName()).append(" as prop where ")
.append(" prop.category='").append(QUOTA_CATEGORY).append("'")
.append(" and prop.resourceTypeName='").append(quotaResource.getResourceableTypeName()).append("'")
.append(" and prop.resourceTypeId=").append(quotaResource.getResourceableId())
.append(" and")
.append(" and prop.identity is null and prop.grp is null");
List<Object[]> props = dbInstance.getCurrentEntityManager()
.createQuery(query.toString(), Object[].class)
.setParameter("name", path)
.setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", Boolean.TRUE)
if(props.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Object[] p = props.get(0);
return parseQuota((String)p[0], (String)p[1]);
* Sets or updates the quota (in KB) for this path. Important: Must provide a
* path with a valid base.
* @param quota
public void setCustomQuotaKB(Quota quota) {
PropertyManager pm = PropertyManager.getInstance();
Property p = pm.findProperty(null, null, quotaResource, QUOTA_CATEGORY, quota.getPath());
if (p == null) { // create new entry
p = pm.createPropertyInstance(null, null, quotaResource, QUOTA_CATEGORY, quota.getPath(), null, null, assembleQuota(quota), null);
} else {
// if the quota is a default quota, rebuild the default quota list
if (quota.getPath().startsWith(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT)) {
* @param quota to be deleted
* @return true if quota successfully deleted or no such quota, false if quota
* not deleted because it was a default quota that can not be deleted
public boolean deleteCustomQuota(Quota quota) {
if (defaultQuotas == null) {
throw new OLATRuntimeException(QuotaManagerImpl.class, "Quota manager has not been initialized properly! Must call init() first.", null);
// do not allow to delete default quotas!
if (quota.getPath().startsWith(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT)) {
return false;
PropertyManager pm = PropertyManager.getInstance();
Property p = pm.findProperty(null, null, quotaResource, QUOTA_CATEGORY, quota.getPath());
if (p != null) pm.deleteProperty(p);
return true;
* Get a list of all objects which have an individual quota.
* @return list of quotas.
public List<Quota> listCustomQuotasKB() {
List<Quota> results = new ArrayList<>();
List<Property> props = propertyManager.listProperties(null, null, quotaResource, QUOTA_CATEGORY, null);
if (props == null || props.isEmpty()) return results;
for (Iterator<Property> iter = props.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Property prop =;
return results;
* @param p
* @return Parsed quota object.
private Quota parseQuota(Property p) {
String s = p.getStringValue();
return parseQuota(p.getName(), s);
* @param name Path of the quota
* @param s
* @return Parsed quota object.
private Quota parseQuota(String name, String s) {
int delim = s.indexOf(':');
if (delim == -1) return null;
Quota q = null;
try {
Long quotaKB = Long.valueOf(s.substring(0, delim));
Long ulLimitKB = Long.valueOf(s.substring(delim + 1));
q = createQuota(name, quotaKB, ulLimitKB);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// will return null if quota parsing failed
return q;
private String assembleQuota(Quota quota) {
return quota.getQuotaKB() + ":" + quota.getUlLimitKB();
* call to get appropriate quota depending on role. Authors have normally
* bigger quotas than normal users.
* @param identity
* @return
public Quota getDefaultQuotaDependingOnRole(Identity identity, Roles roles) {
if (isPowerUser(roles)) {
return getDefaultQuotaPowerUsers();
return getDefaultQuotaUsers();
* call to get appropriate quota depending on role. Authors have normally
* bigger quotas than normal users. The method checks also if the user has a custom quota on the path specified. If yes the custom quota is retuned
* @param identity
* @return custom quota or quota depending on role
public Quota getCustomQuotaOrDefaultDependingOnRole(Identity identity, Roles roles, String relPath) {
Quota quota = getCustomQuota(relPath);
if (quota == null) { // no custom quota
Quota defQuota = isPowerUser(roles) ? getDefaultQuotaPowerUsers() : getDefaultQuotaUsers();
return createQuota(relPath, defQuota.getQuotaKB(), defQuota.getUlLimitKB());
return quota;
private boolean isPowerUser(Roles roles) {
return roles.isAdministrator() || roles.isLearnResourceManager() || roles.isAuthor();
* get default quota for normal users. On places where you have users with
* different roles use
* @see getDefaultQuotaDependingOnRole(Identity identity)
* @return Quota
private Quota getDefaultQuotaUsers() {
return defaultQuotas.get(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_USERS);
* get default quota for power users (authors). On places where you have users
* with different roles use
* @see getDefaultQuotaDependingOnRole(Identity identity)
* @return Quota
private Quota getDefaultQuotaPowerUsers() {
return defaultQuotas.get(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_POWER);
* Return upload-limit depending on quota-limit and upload-limit values.
* @param quotaKB2 Quota limit in KB, can be Quota.UNLIMITED
* @param uploadLimitKB2 Upload limit in KB, can be Quota.UNLIMITED
* @param currentContainer2 Upload container (folder)
* @return Upload limit on KB
public int getUploadLimitKB(long quotaKB2, long uploadLimitKB2, VFSContainer currentContainer2) {
if (quotaKB2 == Quota.UNLIMITED) {
if (uploadLimitKB2 == Quota.UNLIMITED) {
return Quota.UNLIMITED; // quote & upload un-limited
} else {
return (int)uploadLimitKB2; // only upload limited
} else {
// initialize default UL limit
// prepare quota checks
long quotaLeftKB = VFSManager.getQuotaLeftKB(currentContainer2);
if (quotaLeftKB < 0) {
quotaLeftKB = 0;
if (uploadLimitKB2 == Quota.UNLIMITED) {
return (int)quotaLeftKB;// quote:limited / upload:unlimited
} else {
// quote:limited / upload:limited
if (quotaLeftKB > uploadLimitKB2) {
return (int)uploadLimitKB2; // upload limit cut the upload
} else {
return (int)quotaLeftKB; // quota-left space cut the upload
* Check if a quota path is valid
* @param path
* @return
public boolean isValidQuotaPath(String path) {
if (path.startsWith(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT) && !defaultQuotas.containsKey(path)) {
return false;
return true;
public Controller getQuotaEditorInstance(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, String relPath,
boolean withLegend, boolean withCancel) {
try {
return new GenericQuotaEditController(ureq, wControl, relPath, withLegend, withCancel);
} catch (OLATSecurityException e) {
log.warn("Try to access the quota editor without enough privilege", e);
GenericQuotaViewController viewCtrl = new GenericQuotaViewController(ureq, wControl, relPath);
return viewCtrl;
public Controller getQuotaViewInstance(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, String relPath) {
return new GenericQuotaViewController(ureq, wControl, relPath);
public boolean hasMinimalRolesToEditquota(Roles roles) {
return roles.isAdministrator() || roles.isSystemAdmin()
|| roles.isRolesManager() || roles.isUserManager()
|| roles.isLearnResourceManager();
public boolean hasQuotaEditRights(Identity identity, Roles roles, Quota quota) {
if(identity == null || roles == null || quota == null || quota.getPath() == null) {
return false;
String path = quota.getPath();
if(path.startsWith("::DEFAULT")) {
return roles.isSystemAdmin();
} else if(path.startsWith("/cts/folders/BusinessGroup/")) {
return roles.isSystemAdmin() || roles.isAdministrator();
} else if(path.startsWith("/repository/")) {
return canEditRepositoryResources(path, identity, roles);
} else if(path.startsWith("/course/")) {
return canEditRepositoryResources(path, identity, roles) ;
} else if(path.startsWith("/homes/")) {
return canEditUser(path, roles);
return roles.isSystemAdmin();
private boolean canEditUser(String path, Roles roles) {
if(!roles.isAdministrator() && !roles.isSystemAdmin() && !roles.isRolesManager() && !roles.isUserManager()) {
return false;
try {
int start = "/homes/".length();
int index = path.indexOf('/', start + 1);
if(index >= 0 && start < path.length()) {
String username = path.substring(start, index);
Identity editedIdentity = securityManager.findIdentityByName(username);
Roles editedRoles = securityManager.getRoles(editedIdentity);
return (roles.isAdministrator() && roles.isManagerOf(OrganisationRoles.administrator, editedRoles))
|| (roles.isSystemAdmin() && roles.isManagerOf(OrganisationRoles.sysadmin, editedRoles))
|| (roles.isRolesManager() && roles.isManagerOf(OrganisationRoles.rolesmanager, editedRoles))
|| (roles.isUserManager() && roles.isManagerOf(OrganisationRoles.usermanager, editedRoles));
return false;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
log.error("Cannot parse this quota path: " + path, e);
return false;
private boolean canEditRepositoryResources(String path, Identity identity, Roles roles) {
if(!roles.isAdministrator() && !roles.isSystemAdmin() && !roles.isLearnResourceManager()) {
return false;
try {
int start = path.indexOf('/', 2) + 1;
int index = path.indexOf('/', start + 1);
if(index == -1) {
index = path.length();
if(start >= 0 && start <= path.length() && index >= 0 && index <= path.length()) {
String resIdString = path.substring(start, index);
Long resId = Long.valueOf(resIdString);
RepositoryEntryRef re = getRepositoryEntryKey(resId);
return re != null && repositoryEntryRelationDao.hasRole(identity, re, true,,,;
return false;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
log.error("Cannot parse this quota path: " + path, e);
return false;
private RepositoryEntryRef getRepositoryEntryKey(Long resId) {
String query = "select v.key from repositoryentry v inner join v.olatResource as ores where ores.resId=:resId";
List<Long> keys = dbInstance.getCurrentEntityManager()
.createQuery(query, Long.class)
.setParameter("resId", resId)
if(!keys.isEmpty()) {
return new RepositoryEntryRefImpl(keys.get(0));
return null;
public boolean hasQuotaEditRights(Identity identity, Roles roles, List<OrganisationRef> organisationOwnerships) {
return roles.hasRole(organisationOwnerships, OrganisationRoles.administrator)
|| roles.hasRole(organisationOwnerships, OrganisationRoles.sysadmin)
|| roles.hasRole(organisationOwnerships, OrganisationRoles.rolesmanager)
|| roles.hasRole(organisationOwnerships, OrganisationRoles.usermanager)
|| roles.hasRole(organisationOwnerships, OrganisationRoles.learnresourcemanager);
public String getDefaultQuotaIdentifier(Quota quota) {
if(quota == null) return QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT;
String path = quota.getPath();
return getDefaultQuotaIdentifier(path);
private String getDefaultQuotaIdentifier(String path) {
String identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT;
if(path == null || path.startsWith(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT)) {
identifier = path;
} else if(path.startsWith("/cts/folders/BusinessGroup/")) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_GROUPS;
} else if(path.startsWith("/repository/")) {
if(path.indexOf("/_unzipped_") >= 0 || path.indexOf("/_sharedfolder_") >= 0) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_REPO;
} else if(endWithLong(path)) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_FEEDS;
} else {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_REPO;
} else if(path.startsWith("/course/")) {
if(path.indexOf("/foldernodes/") >= 0) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_NODES;
} else if(path.indexOf("/coursefolder") >= 0) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_COURSE;
} else if(path.indexOf("/participantfolder/") >= 0) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_PFNODES;
} else if(path.indexOf("/returnboxes/") >= 0) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_POWER;
} else {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_COURSE;
} else if(path.startsWith("/homes/")) {
identifier = QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_USERS;
return identifier;
private boolean endWithLong(String path) {
boolean ok = false;
int index = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if(index > 0) {
String lastToken = path.substring(index + 1, path.length());
ok = StringHelper.isLong(lastToken);
return ok;