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 * <a href="">
 * OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
 * <p>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at the
 * <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
 * <p>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
 * limitations under the License.
 * <p>
 * Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
 * frentix GmbH,
 * <p>
package org.olat.course;

import org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.vfs.OlatNamedContainerImpl;
import org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.vfs.OlatRootFolderImpl;
import org.olat.core.logging.OLog;
import org.olat.core.logging.Tracing;
import org.olat.core.util.StringHelper;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.MergeSource;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.NamedContainerImpl;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.ReadOnlyCallback;
import org.olat.course.config.CourseConfig;
import org.olat.course.nodes.BCCourseNode;
import org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode;
import org.olat.modules.sharedfolder.SharedFolderManager;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryEntry;
import org.olat.repository.RepositoryManager;

 * @author srosse,,
public class MergedCourseContainer extends MergeSource {
	private static final OLog log = Tracing.createLoggerFor(MergedCourseContainer.class);
	private Long courseId;
	public MergedCourseContainer(Long courseId, String name) {
		super(null, name);
		this.courseId = courseId;
	protected void init() {
		ICourse course = CourseFactory.loadCourse(courseId);
		if(course instanceof PersistingCourseImpl) {
			PersistingCourseImpl persistingCourse = (PersistingCourseImpl)course;
			addContainersChildren(persistingCourse.getIsolatedCourseFolder(), true);
			// grab any shared folder that is configured
			OlatRootFolderImpl sharedFolder = null;
			String sfSoftkey = persistingCourse.getCourseConfig().getSharedFolderSoftkey();
			if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(sfSoftkey) && !CourseConfig.VALUE_EMPTY_SHAREDFOLDER_SOFTKEY.equals(sfSoftkey)) {
				RepositoryManager rm = RepositoryManager.getInstance();
				RepositoryEntry re = rm.lookupRepositoryEntryBySoftkey(sfSoftkey, false);
				if (re != null) {
					sharedFolder = SharedFolderManager.getInstance().getSharedFolder(re.getOlatResource());
					if (sharedFolder != null){
						sharedFolder.setLocalSecurityCallback(new ReadOnlyCallback());
						//add local course folder's children as read/write source and any sharedfolder as subfolder
						addContainer(new NamedContainerImpl("_sharedfolder", sharedFolder));
			// add all course building blocks of type BC to a virtual folder
			MergeSource nodesContainer = new MergeSource(null, "_courseelementdata");
			addFolderBuildingBlocks(persistingCourse, nodesContainer, persistingCourse.getRunStructure().getRootNode());
			if (nodesContainer.getItems().size() > 0) {
	 * internal method to recursively add all course building blocks of type
	 * BC to a given VFS container. This should only be used for an author view,
	 * it does not test for security.
	 * @param course
	 * @param nodesContainer
	 * @param courseNode
	private void addFolderBuildingBlocks(PersistingCourseImpl course, MergeSource nodesContainer, CourseNode courseNode) {
		for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) {
			CourseNode child = (CourseNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i);
			if (child instanceof BCCourseNode) {
				BCCourseNode bcNode = (BCCourseNode) child;
				// add folder not to merge source. Use name and node id to have unique name
				String path = BCCourseNode.getFoldernodePathRelToFolderBase(course.getCourseEnvironment(), bcNode);
				OlatRootFolderImpl rootFolder = new OlatRootFolderImpl(path, null);
				String folderName = bcNode.getShortTitle() + " (" + bcNode.getIdent() + ")";
				OlatNamedContainerImpl BCFolder = new OlatNamedContainerImpl(folderName, rootFolder);
			// recursion for all childrenØ
			addFolderBuildingBlocks(course, nodesContainer, child);

	private Object readResolve() {
		try {
			return this;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Cannot init the merged container of a course after deserialization", e);
			return null;