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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
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OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing 
Alan Moran's avatar
Alan Moran committed
permissions and limitations under the License. 

You should have received a copy of the License along with OpenOLAT, see file LICENSE.TXT distributed 
along with this release. You may also obtain a copy of the License at 
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Alan Moran committed

Copyright codebase 2011 - 2012:
OpenOLAT is © by frentix GmbH [], Zurich, Switzerland on behalf of of the
OpenOLAT open source community [].
Alan Moran's avatar
Alan Moran committed

OpenOLAT logo and icons
The OpenOLAT logo and icons if not covered by another licenses mentioned below are released under 
the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 license. 
German license text  []
English license text []

Contributors codebase 2011 - 2012: (in alphabetical order) 
- frentix GmbH, Switzerland []
  Michael Enz, Christian Franck, Florian Gnägi, Roman Haag, Stefan Köber, Joël Krähemann, 
  Stéphane Rossé, Kirsten Scherer, Sergio Trentini 
- BPS Bildungsportal Sachsen GmbH, Germany []:
  Armin Blawitzki, Stefan Köber, Sven Morgener
Copyright codebase 1999 - 2011: (in alphabetical order)
Björn Adelberg, Sandra Arnold, Sandra Bischof, Armin Blawitzki, Hanspeter Brun, Patrick Brunner, 
Gabriel Bucher, Lavinia Dumitrescu, Lars Eberle, Stefan Egli, Claudia Ehrle, Joël Fisler, Florian Gnägi, 
Christian Guretzki, Roman Haag, Stefan Hofstetter, Kristina Isacson, Sabina Jeger, Felix Jost, Andreas Kapp, 
Martin Kernland, Stefan Köber, Ingmar Kroll, Rainer Kulow, Matthai Kurian, Thomas Linowsky, Andre Locher, 
Marc Luder, Alan Moran, Sven Morgner, Pascal Pellmont, Tiziana Perini, Frank Richter, Milanka Ringwald, 
Stéphane Rossé, Alberto Sanz, Alexander Schneider, Franziska Schneider, Guido Schnider, Ruth Schuermann, 
Maya Schüssler, Jens Schwendel, Renata Sevcikova, Coni Steinemann, Mike Stock, Alexandra Stucki, Marion Weber, 
Carsten Weisse, Immo Wille, Hans-Jörg Zuberbühler 
© at Multimedia- & E-Learning Services (MELS) [] , 
University of Zurich [], Switzerland.
Alan Moran's avatar
Alan Moran committed

Contributors codebase 1999 - 2011: (in alphabetical order)
- frentix GmbH, Switzerland []
  Florian Gnägi, Roman Haag, Maurus Rohrer, Gregor Wassmann, Stéphane Rossé, Timo Würsch
- JGS goodsolutions GmbH, Switzerland []:
  Florian Gnägi, Felix Jost, Mike Stock
- beecom, Switzerland []:
  Gabriel Bucher, Rainer Kulow, Pascal Pellmont
- Nouvelle srl, Italy []:
  Roberto Bagnoli
- BPS Bildungsportal Sachsen GmbH, Germany []:
  Carsten Weiße, Ingmar Kroll, Lars Eberle
- LaLiLuna tutorial site, Germany []
  Sebastian Hennebrueder
Alan Moran's avatar
Alan Moran committed

Alan Moran's avatar
Alan Moran committed
This product uses software based on the Apache Software License like
* Tomcat (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Velocity (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Log4J (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* cglib (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* CyberNeko HTML Parser (Apache 2 License) []
* Quartz job scheduler from the OpenSymphony project (Apache 2 license) []
* Spring framework (Apache License, Version 2.0) []
* Xerces (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* SMACK client library from (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Bouncycastle (Bouncy Castle Licence) []
* Jackson	(Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Batik-css	(Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Apache Web Services™ Project (axiom, woden, neethi...)	(Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Axis2 (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Woodstox (LGPL 2.1 and Apache License 2.0) []
* XMLBeans (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* ActiveMQ (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* POI (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Ehcache	(Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* JDOM (Apache like) Project []
* Apache Commons libraries (commons-codec, commons-collections, commons-fileupload, commons-httpclient, commons-io,
  commons-lang,commons-logging,commons-net) (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Lucene (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* PDFbox (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* JavaAssist (Apache Software License or LGPL, MPL) []
* Testng (Apache License, Version 2.0) []
* Mockito (MIT License) []
* SeleniumHQ (Apache License, Version 2.0) []
* OpenSAML (Apache License, Version 2.0) []
* Jaxen (Apache style) []
* Rome (Apache License, Version 2.0) []
* Jakarta ORO (Apache License, Version 2.0) []
* SakaiProject basic LTI (Educational Community License, version 2.0,
  see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/ECL.license.txt) []
* Geronimo Specs (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* JCommander (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* google-guice (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* jsr107-cache (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* Apache Ant (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []
* SCORM player project: reload (MIT License) []
* Prototype javascript framework (MIT License) []
* javascript framework (MIT License) []
* JSMATH latex rendering (Apache Software License, Version 2.0) []

This product uses software based on the BSD License
* antisamy (BSD license.) []
* HSQLDB (HSQLDB License, a BSD open source license) []
* XStream (BSD style) []
* dom4j (BSD style license) []
* Mail	(CDDL-1.0, BSD, GPL-2.0, GNU-Classpath) []
* Antlr (BSD license) []
* PostgreSQL JDBC Driver(BSD License) []

This product uses software based on the Common Public License Version
* wsdl4j	(Common Public License Version 1.0) []
* junit	(Common Public License Version 1.0) []
* java2html (GPL or CPL1.0) []

This product uses software based on the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
* JGraphT (GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1) []
* Hibernate (GNU Lesser General Public License) []
* c3p0 (GNU Lesser General Public License) []
* Jmep (GNU Lesser Public License) []
* gnu-regexp (GNU Lesser General Public License) []
* JAMWiki (GNU Lesser General Public License) []
* XOM (GNU Lesser General Public License) []
* DHTML calendar by (LGPL) []
  Author: Mihai Bazon, <> []
* TinyMCE WYSIWYG HTML editor (LGPL) []

This product uses software in the public domain
* aopalliance	(Public Domain) []
* backport-util-concurrent	(Public Domain) []
* XML Pull (Public Domain) []

This product uses software based on the General Public License (GPL)
* Connector/J	(GNU General Public License, Version 2) []
* JAZZLIB ZIP library []
  It is under GPL with a special exception :
  "As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to
  produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the
  resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
  This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
  executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License."

This product uses software based on the CDDL
* Jersey (CDDL 1.1 and GPL 2 with CPE) []
* jsr311-api	(CDDL License) []
* Grizzly	(CDDL) []

This product uses software based on specific License
* ical4j (see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/ical4j.license.txt) []
* cos	(Jason Hunter License see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/cos.license.txt)
* radeox (unkown) [unkown]
* org.json (see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/json.license.txt) []
* SAC (W3C Software License) []
* SCORM API adaper by the ISN (International Relations and Security Network) at ETH Zurich []
  Author: Matthai Kurian <>
  pfplms-scorm (see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/PfPLMS-API-adapter-core.license.txt)
* xpp3 (see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/xpp3-license.txt) []
* asm (see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/asm-license.txt) []
* JTA (see src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/licenses/jta.licence.txt) []

YAML layout framework (Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Lizenz,
see []
Please read the licensing terms of YAML if you plan to use OLAT in a commercial setup.

The OpenOLAT comic portlet uses comic strips produces by Alex Macartney
Alan Moran's avatar
Alan Moran committed
Please not that these comics are not public domain and must not be used for any
other purpose than beeing displayed in the OpenOLAT home portal