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 * <a href="">
 * OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br>
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 * <p>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br>
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br>
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at the
 * <a href="">Apache homepage</a>
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 * <p>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br>
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br>
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br>
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br>
 * limitations under the License.
 * <p>
 * Initial code contributed and copyrighted by<br>
 * frentix GmbH,
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 * <p>

import static;
import static;
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import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.olat.admin.quota.QuotaConstants;
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import org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurity;
import org.olat.basesecurity.BaseSecurityManager;
import org.olat.basesecurity.SecurityGroup;
import org.olat.collaboration.CollaborationTools;
import org.olat.collaboration.CollaborationToolsFactory;
import org.olat.core.CoreSpringFactory;
import org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.vfs.OlatRootFolderImpl;
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import org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest;
import org.olat.core.logging.OLog;
import org.olat.core.logging.Tracing;
import org.olat.core.util.StringHelper;
import org.olat.core.util.notifications.SubscriptionContext;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.Quota;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.QuotaManager;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.callbacks.VFSSecurityCallback;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.restapi.VFSWebServiceSecurityCallback;
import org.olat.core.util.vfs.restapi.VFSWebservice;
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import org.olat.user.restapi.UserVO;
import org.olat.user.restapi.UserVOFactory;

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 * Description:<br>
 * This handles the learning groups.
 * <P>
 * Initial Date:  23 mar. 2010 <br>
 * @author srosse,
public class LearningGroupWebService {
	private OLog log = Tracing.createLoggerFor(LearningGroupWebService.class);
	private static final String VERSION = "1.0";
	private static CacheControl cc = new CacheControl();
	static {
	 * Retrieves the version of the Group Web Service.
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType text/plain
   * @response.representation.200.doc The version of this specific Web Service
   * @response.representation.200.example 1.0
	 * @return
	public Response getVersion() {
		return Response.ok(VERSION).build();
	 * Return the list of all groups if you have group manager permission, or all
	 * learning group that you particip with or owne.
	 * @response.representation.200.qname {}groupVO
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.200.doc This is the list of all groups in OLAT system
   * @response.representation.200.example {@link}
   * @param request The HTTP Request
	 * @return
	public Response getGroupList(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		List<BusinessGroup> groups;
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		if(isGroupManager(request)) {
			groups = bgs.loadAllBusinessGroups();
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		} else {
			Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
			SearchBusinessGroupParams params = new SearchBusinessGroupParams(identity, true, true);
			groups = bgs.findBusinessGroups(params, null, 0, -1);
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		int count = 0;
		GroupVO[] groupVOs = new GroupVO[groups.size()];
		for(BusinessGroup bg:groups) {
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			groupVOs[count++] = ObjectFactory.get(bg);
		return Response.ok(groupVOs).build();
	 * Return the group specified by the key of the group.
	 * @response.representation.200.qname {}groupVO
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.200.doc A business group in the OLAT system
   * @response.representation.200.example {@link}
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param request The REST request
	 * @param httpRequest The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response findById(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context Request request,
			@Context HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class).loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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		if(bg == null) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
		Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(httpRequest);
		if(!isGroupManager(httpRequest) && !bgs.isIdentityInBusinessGroup(identity, bg)) {
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			return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
		Date lastModified = bg.getLastModified();
		Response.ResponseBuilder response = request.evaluatePreconditions(lastModified);
		if(response == null) {
			GroupVO vo = ObjectFactory.get(bg);
			response = Response.ok(vo);
	 * Create a group.
	 * @response.representation.qname {}groupVO
   * @response.representation.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.doc A business group in the OLAT system
   * @response.representation.example {@link}
	 * @response.representation.200.qname {}groupVO
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.200.doc The saved business group
   * @response.representation.200.example {@link}
	 * @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param group The group
	 * @param request The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response createGroup(final GroupVO group, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
		if(identity == null || !isGroupManager(request)) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

		final BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		if(group.getKey() != null && group.getKey().longValue() > 0) {
			return postGroup(group.getKey(), group, request);
		if(!StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(group.getName())) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE).build();

		Integer minPart = normalize(group.getMinParticipants());
		Integer maxPart = normalize(group.getMaxParticipants());
		BusinessGroup newBG = bgs.createBusinessGroup(identity, group.getName(), group.getDescription(), minPart, maxPart, false, false, null);
		GroupVO savedVO = ObjectFactory.get(newBG);
		return Response.ok(savedVO).build();
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	 * Updates a group.
	 * @response.representation.qname {}groupVO
   * @response.representation.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.doc A business group in the OLAT system
   * @response.representation.example {@link}
	 * @response.representation.200.qname {}groupVO
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.200.doc The saved business group
   * @response.representation.200.example {@link}
	 * @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param group The group
	 * @param request The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response postGroup(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, final GroupVO group, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
		final BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		final BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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		if(bg == null) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
		if(!StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(group.getName())) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE).build();
		Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
		BusinessGroup mergedBg = bgs.updateBusinessGroup(identity, bg, group.getName(), group.getDescription(),
				normalize(group.getMinParticipants()), normalize(group.getMaxParticipants()));
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		//save the updated group
		GroupVO savedVO = ObjectFactory.get(mergedBg);
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		return Response.ok(savedVO).build();
	public Response postGroupConfiguration(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, final GroupConfigurationVO group, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
		final BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		final BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
		if(bg == null) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
		String[] selectedTools = group.getTools();
		if(selectedTools == null) {
			selectedTools = new String[0];
		CollaborationTools tools = CollaborationToolsFactory.getInstance().getOrCreateCollaborationTools(bg);
		for (int i=CollaborationTools.TOOLS.length; i-->0; ) {
			boolean enable = false;
			String tool = CollaborationTools.TOOLS[i];
			for(String selectedTool:selectedTools) {
				if(tool.equals(selectedTool)) {
					enable = true;
			tools.setToolEnabled(tool, enable);
		DisplayMembers displayMembers = bgs.getDisplayMembers(bg);
		if(group.getOwnersVisible() != null) {
		if(group.getParticipantsVisible() != null) {
		if(group.getWaitingListVisible() != null) {
		if(group.getOwnersPublic() != null) {
		if(group.getParticipantsPublic() != null) {
		if(group.getWaitingListPublic() != null) {
		bgs.updateDisplayMembers(bg, displayMembers);
		return Response.ok().build();
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	 * Deletes the business group specified by the groupKey.
	 * @response.representation.200.doc The business group is deleted
	 * @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param request The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response deleteGroup(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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		if(bg == null) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
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		return Response.ok().build();
	 * Returns the informations of the group specified by the groupKey.
	 * @response.representation.200.qname {}groupInfoVO
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.200.doc Participants of the business group
   * @response.representation.200.example {@link}
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param request The HTTP Request
	 * @return
	public Response getInformations(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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		if(bg == null) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();

		Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
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		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			if(!bgs.isIdentityInBusinessGroup(identity, bg)) {
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				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
		GroupInfoVO info = getInformation(identity, bg);
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		return Response.ok(info).build();
	 * Return the Forum web service
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param request The HTTP Request
	 * @return
	public ForumWebService getForum(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class).loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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		if(bg == null) {
			return null;
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
			if(!bgs.isIdentityInBusinessGroup(identity, bg)) {
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				return null;
		CollaborationTools collabTools = CollaborationToolsFactory.getInstance().getOrCreateCollaborationTools(bg);
		if(collabTools.isToolEnabled(CollaborationTools.TOOL_FORUM)) {
			Forum forum = collabTools.getForum();
			return new ForumWebService(forum);
		return null;
	public VFSWebservice getFolder(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
		if(bg == null) {
			return null;
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
			if(!bgs.isIdentityInBusinessGroup(identity, bg)) {
				return null;
		CollaborationTools collabTools = CollaborationToolsFactory.getInstance().getOrCreateCollaborationTools(bg);
		if(!collabTools.isToolEnabled(CollaborationTools.TOOL_FOLDER)) {
			return null;
		String relPath = collabTools.getFolderRelPath();
		QuotaManager qm = QuotaManager.getInstance();
		Quota folderQuota = qm.getCustomQuota(relPath);
		if (folderQuota == null) {
			Quota defQuota = qm.getDefaultQuota(QuotaConstants.IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT_GROUPS);
			folderQuota = QuotaManager.getInstance().createQuota(relPath, defQuota.getQuotaKB(), defQuota.getUlLimitKB());
		SubscriptionContext subsContext = null;
		VFSSecurityCallback secCallback = new VFSWebServiceSecurityCallback(true, true, true, folderQuota, subsContext);
		OlatRootFolderImpl rootContainer = new OlatRootFolderImpl(relPath, null);
		return new VFSWebservice(rootContainer);
	 * Return the Forum web service
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param request The HTTP Request
	 * @return
	public GroupWikiWebService getWiki(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
		if(bg == null) {
			return null;
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
			if(!bgs.isIdentityInBusinessGroup(identity, bg)) {
				return null;
		CollaborationTools collabTools = CollaborationToolsFactory.getInstance().getOrCreateCollaborationTools(bg);
		if(collabTools.isToolEnabled(CollaborationTools.TOOL_WIKI)) {
			return new GroupWikiWebService(bg);
		return null;
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	 * Returns the list of owners of the group specified by the groupKey.
	 * @response.representation.200.qname {}userVO
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.200.doc Owners of the business group
   * @response.representation.200.example {@link org.olat.user.restapi.Examples#SAMPLE_USERVOes}
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param request The HTTP Request
	 * @return
	public Response getTutors(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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		if(bg == null) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
			if(!bgs.isIdentityInBusinessGroup(identity, bg)) {
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				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
			DisplayMembers displayMembers = bgs.getDisplayMembers(bg);
			if(!displayMembers.isShowOwners()) {
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				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
		return getIdentityInGroup(bg.getOwnerGroup());
	 * Returns the list of participants of the group specified by the groupKey.
	 * @response.representation.200.qname {}userVO
   * @response.representation.200.mediaType application/xml, application/json
   * @response.representation.200.doc Participants of the business group
   * @response.representation.200.example {@link org.olat.user.restapi.Examples#SAMPLE_USERVOes}
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param request The HTTP Request
	 * @return
	public Response getParticipants(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
		BusinessGroup bg = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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		if(bg == null) {
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
		if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
			Identity identity = RestSecurityHelper.getIdentity(request);
			if(!bgs.isIdentityInBusinessGroup(identity, bg)) {
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				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
			DisplayMembers displayMembers = bgs.getDisplayMembers(bg);
			if(!displayMembers.isShowParticipants()) {
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				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
		return getIdentityInGroup(bg.getPartipiciantGroup());
	private Response getIdentityInGroup(SecurityGroup sg) {
		BaseSecurity securityManager = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance();
		List<Object[]> owners = securityManager.getIdentitiesAndDateOfSecurityGroup(sg);
		int count = 0;
		UserVO[] ownerVOs = new UserVO[owners.size()];
		for(int i=0; i<owners.size(); i++) {
			Identity identity = (Identity)(owners.get(i))[0];
			ownerVOs[count++] = UserVOFactory.get(identity);
		return Response.ok(ownerVOs).build();
	 * Adds an owner to the group.
	 * @response.representation.200.doc The user is added as owner of the group
	 * @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group or the user cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group 
	 * @param identityKey The user's id
	 * @param request The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response addTutor(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @PathParam("identityKey") Long identityKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		try {
			if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
			final UserRequest ureq = RestSecurityHelper.getUserRequest(request);
			final BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
			final BusinessGroup group = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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			final Identity identity = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance().loadIdentityByKey(identityKey, false);
			if(identity == null || group == null) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
			bgs.addOwners(ureq.getIdentity(), ureq.getUserSession().getRoles(), Collections.singletonList(identity), group, null);
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			return Response.ok().build();
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Trying to add an owner to a group", e);
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
	 * Removes the owner from the group.
	 * @response.representation.200.doc The user is removed as owner from the group
	 * @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group or the user cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param identityKey The user's id
	 * @param request The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response removeTutor(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @PathParam("identityKey") Long identityKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		try {
			if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
			final UserRequest ureq = RestSecurityHelper.getUserRequest(request);
			final BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
			final BusinessGroup group = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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			final Identity identity = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance().loadIdentityByKey(identityKey, false);
			if(identity == null || group == null) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
			bgs.removeOwners(ureq.getIdentity(), Collections.singletonList(identity), group);
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			return Response.ok().build();
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Trying to remove an owner to a group", e);
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
	 * Adds a participant to the group.
	 * @response.representation.200.doc The user is added as participant of the group
	 * @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group or the user cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param identityKey The user's id
	 * @param request The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response addParticipant(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @PathParam("identityKey") Long identityKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		try {
			if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
			final UserRequest ureq = RestSecurityHelper.getUserRequest(request);
			final BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
			final BusinessGroup group = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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			final Identity identity = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance().loadIdentityByKey(identityKey, false);
			if(identity == null || group == null) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
			BusinessGroupAddResponse state = bgs.addParticipants(ureq.getIdentity(), ureq.getUserSession().getRoles(), Collections.singletonList(identity), group, null);
			if(state.getAddedIdentities().contains(identity)) {
				return Response.ok().build();
			} else if(state.getIdentitiesAlreadyInGroup().contains(identity)) {
				return Response.ok().status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED).build();
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED).build();
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		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Trying to add a participant to a group", e);
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
	 * Removes a participant from the group.
	 * @response.representation.200.doc The user is remove from the group as participant
	 * @response.representation.401.doc The roles of the authenticated user are not sufficient
	 * @response.representation.404.doc The business group or the user cannot be found
	 * @param groupKey The key of the group
	 * @param identityKey The id of the user
	 * @param request The HTTP request
	 * @return
	public Response removeParticipant(@PathParam("groupKey") Long groupKey, @PathParam("identityKey") Long identityKey, @Context HttpServletRequest request) {
		try {
			if(!isGroupManager(request)) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();
			final UserRequest ureq = RestSecurityHelper.getUserRequest(request);
			final BusinessGroupService bgs = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class);
			final BusinessGroup group = bgs.loadBusinessGroup(groupKey);
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			final Identity identity = BaseSecurityManager.getInstance().loadIdentityByKey(identityKey, false);
			if(identity == null || group == null) {
				return Response.serverError().status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
			bgs.removeParticipants(ureq.getIdentity(), Collections.singletonList(identity), group, null);
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			return Response.ok().build();
		} catch (Exception e) {
			log.error("Trying to remove a participant to a group", e);
			return Response.serverError().status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
	 * @param integer
	 * @return value bigger or equal than 0
	private static final Integer normalize(Integer integer) {
		if(integer == null) return null;
		if(integer.intValue() <= 0) return null;
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		return integer;