## Overview of CO2 emission data and impact of technological change on emissions
by Filip Hudek as project for Data Analysis Lab (DiSC) at University of Innsbruck

## Description
This project analyses data related to climate change and tried to find a connections of various factors that may represent the technological change and CO2 emissions. CO2 emissions were chosen as a representation of the climate change as they are one of the primary drivers. 

1.  The datasets were aquired from [ourworldindata](www.ourworldindata.com) and have been saved in folder named 'Data'. 

2. The analysis of the project has been conducted in Jupyter notebook (run the notebooks in the same folder as you have stored the datasets):

    - The notebook 'Emissions_perCapita' contains:  analysis of the annual CO2 emission per capita
                                                    analysis of GDP dataset and impact on the emissions
                                                    anaysis of Human Development Index and it's impact
                                                    analysis of Life expectancy (not used in report) 

    - The notebook 'Emissions_perCountry_ICT_Subs' contains:  analysis of ICT dataset 

## Installation

For running the notebooks see Requirements.txt file conatining the necessary packages. The analysis has been conducted on Python version 3.9.7. 

## Usage
Open prefered terminal and navigate to the folder containing the datasets and notebooks. For example in Windows cmd '-cd desktop\data_lab' (edit to your specific path). Open the jupyter notebook e.g. with command '-jupyter notebook'. Select notebooks and run the cells of interest.

## Support
Address question to Filip Hudek (filip.hudek@student.uibk.ac.at) 
[Filip Hudek](https://iqoqi.at/en/people/workgroup-staff/kirchmair-gruppe/staff/filip-hudek)