EXPERIMENTAL: Setting up latest OpenOLAT version on Eclipse With an Application Server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenOLAT supports only Tomcat officially, but it can also run on other application servers like JBoss AS or Glassfish. This README is intended for people who have some minimal experience with these servers and can install a JDBC driver, set some JMS resources... The beginning of the installation is the same as Tomcat, it's described in INSTALL.README. To create your eclipse project, use these commands instead of the default one: for JBoss AS: mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -P-tomcat,jbossas7 and for Glassfish mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -P-tomcat,gae Configuration JBoss AS 7.1 -------------------------- 1. I use a JBoss AS 7.1.1 with Hibernate upgraded to the latest version. 2. Define a JDBC connection pool in your standalone.xml configuration with a jndi-name like: java:jboss/datasources/OpenOLATDS and set this JNDI name in olat.local.properties set the following properties: db.source=jndi db.jndi=java:jboss/datasources/OpenOLATDS hibernate.cache=disabled 3. Create a queue with a jndi-name like: java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/searchQueue and a topic: java:jboss/exported/jms/topic/sysbus in olat.local.properties set the following properties: jms.provider=jndi jms.broker.jndi=java:/ConnectionFactory sysbus.broker.jndi=java:jboss/exported/jms/topic/sysbus search.broker.jndi=java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/searchQueue index.broker.jndi=java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/indexQueue exam.broker.jndi=java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/examQueue Configuration Glassfish 3.1 --------------------------- 1. I use the community edition of Glassfish version 2. In the administration console, create a JDBC Resource with a JNDI name like: jdbc/OpenOLATDS and drop the driver.jar at the right place. In olat.local.properties, set the following properties: db.source=jndi db.jndi=jdbc/OpenOLATDS 3. In the administration console, create in JMS Resources > Connection factories: -A resource of type javax.jms.ConnectionFactory with a JNDI name like: OpenOLATConnectionFactory In JMS Resources > Destination factories: -A queue of type javax.jms.Queue and a JNDI name like; queue/searchQueue -A topic of type javax.jms.Topic and a JNDI name like; topic/sysbus in olat.local.properties set the following properties: jms.provider=jndi jms.broker.jndi=OpenOLATConnectionFactory sysbus.broker.jndi=topic/sysbus search.broker.jndi=queue/searchQueue index.broker.jndi=queue/indexQueue exam.broker.jndi=queue/examQueue Features located on the application server ------------------------------------------ State Feature ------------------------------------------ OK JDBC Connections OK JMS OK JAX-RS (restapi) x JAX-WS (onyx, vitero) x Mail x LDAP Connection OK (only JBoss) Hibernate/JPA (only JBoss AS, we depend on Hibernate) x Caching (for JPA second level cache for example)