/** * OLAT - Online Learning and Training<br> * http://www.olat.org * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br> * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br> * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br> * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br> * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br> * limitations under the License. * <p> * Copyright (c) since 2004 at Multimedia- & E-Learning Services (MELS),<br> * University of Zurich, Switzerland. * <hr> * <a href="http://www.openolat.org"> * OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br> * This file has been modified by the OpenOLAT community. Changes are licensed * under the Apache 2.0 license as the original file. */ package org.olat.course.assessment; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.olat.core.CoreSpringFactory; import org.olat.core.gui.components.tree.GenericTreeModel; import org.olat.core.gui.components.tree.GenericTreeNode; import org.olat.core.gui.components.tree.TreeModel; import org.olat.core.id.Identity; import org.olat.core.id.IdentityEnvironment; import org.olat.core.logging.Tracing; import org.olat.core.util.StringHelper; import org.olat.core.util.nodes.INode; import org.olat.core.util.tree.TreeVisitor; import org.olat.core.util.tree.Visitor; import org.olat.course.ICourse; import org.olat.course.assessment.handler.AssessmentConfig; import org.olat.course.assessment.model.AssessmentNodeData; import org.olat.course.assessment.model.AssessmentNodesLastModified; import org.olat.course.nodes.AssessableCourseNode; import org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode; import org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNodeConfiguration; import org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNodeFactory; import org.olat.course.nodes.ProjectBrokerCourseNode; import org.olat.course.nodes.STCourseNode; import org.olat.course.nodes.ScormCourseNode; import org.olat.course.nodes.iq.IQEditController; import org.olat.course.run.environment.CourseEnvironment; import org.olat.course.run.scoring.AssessmentEvaluation; import org.olat.course.run.scoring.ScoreAccounting; import org.olat.course.run.userview.UserCourseEnvironment; import org.olat.course.run.userview.UserCourseEnvironmentImpl; import org.olat.course.tree.CourseEditorTreeModel; import org.olat.course.tree.CourseEditorTreeNode; import org.olat.modules.ModuleConfiguration; /** * Description:<br> * Helper methods for the course assessment system * <P> * Initial Date: Oct 28, 2004<br> * @author gnaegi */ public class AssessmentHelper { private static final Logger log = Tracing.createLoggerFor(AssessmentHelper.class); public static final String KEY_TYPE = "type"; public static final String KEY_IDENTIFYER = "identifyer"; public static final String KEY_INDENT = "indent"; public static final String KEY_TITLE_SHORT = "short.title"; public static final String KEY_TITLE_LONG = "long.title"; public static final String KEY_PASSED = "passed"; public static final String KEY_SCORE = "score"; public static final String KEY_SCORE_F = "fscore"; public static final String KEY_ATTEMPTS = "attempts"; public static final String KEY_DETAILS = "details"; public static final String KEY_SELECTABLE = "selectable"; public static final String KEY_MIN = "minScore"; public static final String KEY_MAX = "maxScore"; public static final String KEY_TOTAL_NODES = "totalNodes"; public static final String KEY_ATTEMPTED_NODES = "attemptedNodes"; public static final String KEY_PASSED_NODES = "attemptedNodes"; public static final String KEY_LAST_USER_MODIFIED = "lastUserModified"; public static final String KEY_LAST_COACH_MODIFIED = "lastCoachModified"; /** * String to symbolize 'not available' or 'not assigned' in assessments * details * */ public static final String DETAILS_NA_VALUE = "n/a"; /** Highes score value supported by OLAT * */ public static final float MAX_SCORE_SUPPORTED = 10000f; /** Lowest score value supported by OLAT * */ public static final float MIN_SCORE_SUPPORTED = -10000f; private static final DecimalFormat scoreFormat = new DecimalFormat("#0.###", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH)); /** * Wraps an identity and it's score evaluation / attempts in a wrapper object * for a given course node * * @param identity * @param localUserCourseEnvironmentCache * @param course the course * @param courseNode an assessable course node or null if no details and * attempts must be fetched * @return a wrapped identity */ public static AssessedIdentityWrapper wrapIdentity(Identity identity, Map<Long,UserCourseEnvironment> localUserCourseEnvironmentCache, Map<Long, Date> initialLaunchDates, ICourse course, AssessableCourseNode courseNode) { // Try to get user course environment from local hash map cache. If not // successful // create the environment and add it to the map for later performance // optimization UserCourseEnvironment uce = localUserCourseEnvironmentCache.get(identity.getKey()); if (uce == null) { uce = createAndInitUserCourseEnvironment(identity, course); // add to cache for later usage localUserCourseEnvironmentCache.put(identity.getKey(), uce); if (log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("localUserCourseEnvironmentCache hit failed, adding course environment for user::" + identity.getKey()); } } Date initialLaunchDate = initialLaunchDates.get(identity.getKey()); return wrapIdentity(uce, initialLaunchDate, courseNode); } /** * Wraps an identity and it's score evaluation / attempts in a wrapper object * for a given course node * * @param uce The users course environment. Must be initialized * (uce.getScoreAccounting().evaluateAll() must be called previously) * @param courseNode an assessable course node or null if no details and * attempts must be fetched * @return a wrapped identity */ public static AssessedIdentityWrapper wrapIdentity(UserCourseEnvironment uce, Date initialLaunchDate, AssessableCourseNode courseNode) { CourseAssessmentService courseAssessmentService = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(CourseAssessmentService.class); // Fetch attempts and details for this node if available Integer attempts = null; String details = null; if (courseNode != null) { AssessmentConfig assessmentConfig = courseAssessmentService.getAssessmentConfig(courseNode); if (assessmentConfig.hasAttempts()) { attempts = courseAssessmentService.getUserAttempts(courseNode, uce); } if (courseNode.hasDetails()) { details = courseNode.getDetailsListView(uce); if (details == null) { details = DETAILS_NA_VALUE; } } } Identity identity = uce.getIdentityEnvironment().getIdentity(); Date lastModified = uce.getCourseEnvironment().getAssessmentManager().getScoreLastModifiedDate(courseNode, identity); return new AssessedIdentityWrapper(uce, attempts, details, initialLaunchDate, lastModified); } public static UserCourseEnvironment createInitAndUpdateUserCourseEnvironment(Identity identity, ICourse course) { // create an identenv with no roles, no attributes, no locale IdentityEnvironment ienv = new IdentityEnvironment(); ienv.setIdentity(identity); UserCourseEnvironment uce = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(ienv, course.getCourseEnvironment()); // Fetch all score and passed and calculate score accounting for the entire // course uce.getScoreAccounting().evaluateAll(true); return uce; } /** * Create a user course environment for the given user and course. After * creation, the users score accounting will be initialized. * * @param identity * @param course * @return Initialized user course environment */ public static UserCourseEnvironment createAndInitUserCourseEnvironment(Identity identity, ICourse course) { // create an identenv with no roles, no attributes, no locale IdentityEnvironment ienv = new IdentityEnvironment(); ienv.setIdentity(identity); UserCourseEnvironment uce = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(ienv, course.getCourseEnvironment()); // Fetch all score and passed and calculate score accounting for the entire // course uce.getScoreAccounting().evaluateAll(); return uce; } public static UserCourseEnvironment createAndInitUserCourseEnvironment(Identity identity, CourseEnvironment courseEnv) { // create an identenv with no roles, no attributes, no locale IdentityEnvironment ienv = new IdentityEnvironment(); ienv.setIdentity(identity); UserCourseEnvironment uce = new UserCourseEnvironmentImpl(ienv, courseEnv); // Fetch all score and passed and calculate score accounting for the entire // course uce.getScoreAccounting().evaluateAll(); return uce; } /** * check the given node for assessability. * @param node * @return */ public static boolean checkIfNodeIsAssessable(CourseNode node) { //TODO uh refactoring if (node instanceof AssessableCourseNode) { if (node instanceof STCourseNode) { CourseAssessmentService courseAssessmentService = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(CourseAssessmentService.class); AssessmentConfig assessmentConfig = courseAssessmentService.getAssessmentConfig(node); if (assessmentConfig.hasPassed() || assessmentConfig.hasScore()) { return true; } } else if (node instanceof ScormCourseNode) { CourseAssessmentService courseAssessmentService = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(CourseAssessmentService.class); AssessmentConfig assessmentConfig = courseAssessmentService.getAssessmentConfig(node); if (assessmentConfig.hasPassed() || assessmentConfig.hasScore()) { return true; } } else if (node instanceof ProjectBrokerCourseNode) { return false;//no assessment-tool in V1.0 return always false } else { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks recursivley a course structure or a part of it for assessable nodes * or for structure course nodes (subtype of assessable node), which * 'hasPassedConfigured' or 'hasScoreConfigured' is true. If founds the first * node that meets the criterias, it returns true. * * @param node * @return boolean */ public static boolean checkForAssessableNodes(CourseNode node) { if(checkIfNodeIsAssessable(node)) { return true; } // check children now int count = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CourseNode cn = (CourseNode) node.getChildAt(i); if (checkForAssessableNodes(cn)) { return true; } } return false; } public static int countAssessableNodes(CourseNode node) { int count = 0; if(checkIfNodeIsAssessable(node)) { count++; } // check children now int numOfChildren = node.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i<numOfChildren; i++) { CourseNode cn = (CourseNode) node.getChildAt(i); count += countAssessableNodes(cn); } return count; } /** * Get all assessable nodes including the root node (if assessable) * * @param editorModel * @param excludeNode Node that should be excluded in the list, e.g. the * current node or null if all assessable nodes should be used * @return List of assessable course nodes */ public static List<CourseNode> getAssessableNodes(final CourseEditorTreeModel editorModel, final CourseNode excludeNode) { CourseEditorTreeNode rootNode = (CourseEditorTreeNode) editorModel.getRootNode(); final List<CourseNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); // visitor class: takes all assessable nodes if not the exclude node and // puts // them into the nodes list Visitor visitor = new Visitor() { @Override public void visit(INode node) { CourseEditorTreeNode editorNode = (CourseEditorTreeNode) node; CourseNode courseNode = editorModel.getCourseNode(node.getIdent()); if (!editorNode.isDeleted() && (courseNode != excludeNode)) { if(checkIfNodeIsAssessable(courseNode)) { nodes.add(courseNode); } } } }; // not visit beginning at the root node TreeVisitor tv = new TreeVisitor(visitor, rootNode, false); tv.visitAll(); return nodes; } public static String getRoundedScore(BigDecimal score) { if (score == null) return null; Double fscore = score.doubleValue(); return getRoundedScore(fscore); } /** * @param score The score to be rounded * @return The rounded score for GUI presentation */ public static String getRoundedScore(Float score) { if (score == null) return null; //cluster_OK the formatter is not multi-thread and costly to create synchronized(scoreFormat) { return scoreFormat.format(score); } } public static String getRoundedScore(Double score) { if (score == null) return null; //cluster_OK the formatter is not multi-thread and costly to create synchronized(scoreFormat) { return scoreFormat.format(score); } } public static Float getRoundedScore(String score) { if (!StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(score)) return null; //cluster_OK the formatter is not multi-thread and costly to create synchronized(scoreFormat) { try { return new Float(scoreFormat.parse(score).floatValue()); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("", e); return null; } } } /** * * @param course * @return */ public static TreeModel assessmentTreeModel(ICourse course) { CourseNode rootNode = course.getRunStructure().getRootNode(); GenericTreeModel gtm = new GenericTreeModel(); GenericTreeNode node = new GenericTreeNode(); node.setTitle(rootNode.getShortTitle()); node.setUserObject(rootNode); node.setIconCssClass(CourseNodeFactory.getInstance().getCourseNodeConfiguration(rootNode.getType()).getIconCSSClass()); gtm.setRootNode(node); List<GenericTreeNode> children = addAssessableNodesToList(rootNode); children.forEach(child -> node.addChild(child)); return gtm; } private static List<GenericTreeNode> addAssessableNodesToList(CourseNode parentCourseNode) { List<GenericTreeNode> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i<parentCourseNode.getChildCount(); i++) { CourseNode courseNode = (CourseNode)parentCourseNode.getChildAt(i); List<GenericTreeNode> assessableChildren = addAssessableNodesToList(courseNode); if (assessableChildren.size() > 0 || isAssessable(courseNode)) { GenericTreeNode node = new GenericTreeNode(); node.setTitle(courseNode.getShortTitle()); node.setUserObject(courseNode); CourseNodeConfiguration nodeconfig = CourseNodeFactory.getInstance().getCourseNodeConfigurationEvenForDisabledBB(courseNode.getType()); node.setIconCssClass(nodeconfig.getIconCSSClass()); result.add(node); assessableChildren.forEach(child -> node.addChild(child)); } } return result; } private static boolean isAssessable(CourseNode courseNode) { boolean assessable = false; if (courseNode instanceof AssessableCourseNode && !(courseNode instanceof ProjectBrokerCourseNode)) { AssessableCourseNode assessableCourseNode = (AssessableCourseNode) courseNode; CourseAssessmentService courseAssessmentService = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(CourseAssessmentService.class); AssessmentConfig assessmentConfig = courseAssessmentService.getAssessmentConfig(courseNode); if (assessableCourseNode.hasDetails() || assessmentConfig.hasAttempts() || assessmentConfig.hasScore() || assessmentConfig.hasPassed() || assessmentConfig.hasComment()) { assessable = true; } } return assessable; } public static List<Map<String,Object>> assessmentNodeDataListToMap(List<AssessmentNodeData> assessmentNodeData) { List<Map<String,Object>> maps = new ArrayList<>(assessmentNodeData.size()); for(AssessmentNodeData data:assessmentNodeData) { maps.add(data.toMap()); } return maps; } public static List<AssessmentNodeData> assessmentNodeDataMapToList(List<Map<String,Object>> assessmentNodeData) { List<AssessmentNodeData> list = new ArrayList<>(assessmentNodeData.size()); for(Map<String,Object> data:assessmentNodeData) { list.add(new AssessmentNodeData(data)); } return list; } /** * Add all assessable nodes and the scoring data to a list. Each item in the list is an object array * that has the following data: * @param recursionLevel * @param courseNode * @param userCourseEnv * @param discardEmptyNodes * @param discardComments * @return list of object arrays or null if empty */ public static List<AssessmentNodeData> getAssessmentNodeDataList(UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv, AssessmentNodesLastModified lastModifications, boolean followUserVisibility, boolean discardEmptyNodes, boolean discardComments) { List<AssessmentNodeData> data = new ArrayList<>(50); ScoreAccounting scoreAccounting = userCourseEnv.getScoreAccounting(); scoreAccounting.evaluateAll(); getAssessmentNodeDataList(0, userCourseEnv.getCourseEnvironment().getRunStructure().getRootNode(), scoreAccounting, userCourseEnv, followUserVisibility, discardEmptyNodes, discardComments, data, lastModifications); return data; } /** * Calculated * * * @param evaluatedScoreAccounting * @param userCourseEnv * @param discardEmptyNodes * @param discardComments * @return */ public static List<AssessmentNodeData> getAssessmentNodeDataList(ScoreAccounting evaluatedScoreAccounting, UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv, boolean followUserVisibility, boolean discardEmptyNodes, boolean discardComments) { List<AssessmentNodeData> data = new ArrayList<>(50); getAssessmentNodeDataList(0, userCourseEnv.getCourseEnvironment().getRunStructure().getRootNode(), evaluatedScoreAccounting, userCourseEnv, followUserVisibility, discardEmptyNodes, discardComments, data, null); return data; } public static int getAssessmentNodeDataList(int recursionLevel, CourseNode courseNode, ScoreAccounting scoreAccounting, UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv, boolean followUserVisibility, boolean discardEmptyNodes, boolean discardComments, List<AssessmentNodeData> data, AssessmentNodesLastModified lastModifications) { // 1) Get list of children data using recursion of this method AssessmentNodeData assessmentNodeData = new AssessmentNodeData(recursionLevel, courseNode); data.add(assessmentNodeData); int numOfChildren = 0; for (int i = 0; i < courseNode.getChildCount(); i++) { CourseNode child = (CourseNode) courseNode.getChildAt(i); numOfChildren += getAssessmentNodeDataList(recursionLevel + 1, child, scoreAccounting, userCourseEnv, followUserVisibility, discardEmptyNodes, discardComments, data, lastModifications); } // 2) Get data of this node only if // - it has any wrapped children or // - it is of an assessable course node type boolean hasDisplayableValuesConfigured = false; boolean hasDisplayableUserValues = false; if (numOfChildren > 0 || courseNode instanceof AssessableCourseNode) { if(courseNode instanceof ProjectBrokerCourseNode) { //ProjectBroker : no assessment-tool in V1.0 , remove project broker completely form assessment-tool gui assessmentNodeData.setSelectable(false); } else if (courseNode instanceof AssessableCourseNode) { AssessableCourseNode assessableCourseNode = (AssessableCourseNode) courseNode; CourseAssessmentService courseAssessmentService = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(CourseAssessmentService.class); AssessmentConfig assessmentConfig = courseAssessmentService.getAssessmentConfig(courseNode); AssessmentEvaluation scoreEvaluation = scoreAccounting.evalCourseNode(assessableCourseNode); if(scoreEvaluation != null) { assessmentNodeData.setAssessmentStatus(scoreEvaluation.getAssessmentStatus()); assessmentNodeData.setNumOfAssessmentDocs(scoreEvaluation.getNumOfAssessmentDocs()); } assessmentNodeData.setUserVisibility(scoreEvaluation.getUserVisible()); assessmentNodeData.setLastModified(scoreEvaluation.getLastModified()); assessmentNodeData.setLastUserModified(scoreEvaluation.getLastUserModified()); assessmentNodeData.setLastCoachModified(scoreEvaluation.getLastCoachModified()); if(lastModifications != null) { lastModifications.addLastModified(scoreEvaluation.getLastModified()); lastModifications.addLastUserModified(scoreEvaluation.getLastUserModified()); lastModifications.addLastCoachModified(scoreEvaluation.getLastCoachModified()); } if(!followUserVisibility || scoreEvaluation.getUserVisible() == null || scoreEvaluation.getUserVisible().booleanValue()) { // details if (assessableCourseNode.hasDetails()) { hasDisplayableValuesConfigured = true; String detailValue = assessableCourseNode.getDetailsListView(userCourseEnv); if (detailValue == null) { // ignore unset details in discardEmptyNodes mode assessmentNodeData.setDetails(AssessmentHelper.DETAILS_NA_VALUE); } else { assessmentNodeData.setDetails(detailValue); hasDisplayableUserValues = true; } } // attempts if (assessmentConfig.hasAttempts()) { hasDisplayableValuesConfigured = true; Integer attemptsValue = scoreEvaluation.getAttempts(); if (attemptsValue != null) { assessmentNodeData.setAttempts(attemptsValue); if (attemptsValue.intValue() > 0) { // ignore attempts = 0 in discardEmptyNodes mode hasDisplayableUserValues = true; } } } // score if (assessmentConfig.hasScore()) { hasDisplayableValuesConfigured = true; Float score = scoreEvaluation.getScore(); if (score != null) { assessmentNodeData.setRoundedScore(AssessmentHelper.getRoundedScore(score)); assessmentNodeData.setScore(score); hasDisplayableUserValues = true; } if(!(assessableCourseNode instanceof STCourseNode)) { assessmentNodeData.setMaxScore(assessmentConfig.getMaxScore()); assessmentNodeData.setMinScore(assessmentConfig.getMinScore()); } } // passed if (assessmentConfig.hasPassed()) { hasDisplayableValuesConfigured = true; Boolean passed = scoreEvaluation.getPassed(); if (passed != null) { assessmentNodeData.setPassed(passed); hasDisplayableUserValues = true; } } } // selection command available if (assessmentConfig.isEditable()) { // Assessable course nodes are selectable assessmentNodeData.setSelectable(true); } else { // assessable nodes that do not have score or passed are not selectable // (e.g. a st node with no defined rule assessmentNodeData.setSelectable(false); } if (!hasDisplayableUserValues && assessmentConfig.hasComment() && !discardComments) { // comments are invisible in the table but if configured the node must be in the list // for the efficiency statement this can be ignored, this is the case when discardComments is true hasDisplayableValuesConfigured = true; if (courseAssessmentService.getUserComment(assessableCourseNode, userCourseEnv) != null) { hasDisplayableUserValues = true; } } } else { // Not assessable nodes are not selectable. (e.g. a node that // has an assessable child node but is itself not assessable) assessmentNodeData.setSelectable(false); } } // 3) Add data of this node to mast list if node assessable or children list has any data. // Do only add nodes when they have any assessable element, otherwhise discard (e.g. empty course, // structure nodes without scoring rules)! When the discardEmptyNodes flag is set then only // add this node when there is user data found for this node. boolean addNode = (numOfChildren > 0 || (discardEmptyNodes && hasDisplayableValuesConfigured && hasDisplayableUserValues) || (!discardEmptyNodes && hasDisplayableValuesConfigured)); if(!addNode) { data.remove(assessmentNodeData); return 0; } return numOfChildren + 1;//add itself } /** * Evaluates if the results are visble or not in respect of the configured CONFIG_KEY_DATE_DEPENDENT_RESULTS parameter. <br> * The results are always visible if no date dependent, * or if date dependent only in the period: startDate-endDate. * EndDate could be null, that is there is no restriction for the end date. * * @return true if is visible. */ public static boolean isResultVisible(ModuleConfiguration modConfig) { boolean isVisible = false; Boolean showResultsActive = modConfig.getBooleanEntry(IQEditController.CONFIG_KEY_DATE_DEPENDENT_RESULTS); if(showResultsActive != null && showResultsActive.booleanValue()) { Date startDate = (Date)modConfig.get(IQEditController.CONFIG_KEY_RESULTS_START_DATE); Date endDate = (Date)modConfig.get(IQEditController.CONFIG_KEY_RESULTS_END_DATE); Date currentDate = new Date(); if(startDate != null && currentDate.after(startDate) && (endDate == null || currentDate.before(endDate))) { isVisible = true; } } else { isVisible = true; } return isVisible; } }