/** * OLAT - Online Learning and Training<br> * http://www.olat.org * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br> * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br> * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br> * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br> * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br> * limitations under the License. * <p> * Copyright (c) since 2004 at Multimedia- & E-Learning Services (MELS),<br> * University of Zurich, Switzerland. * <hr> * <a href="http://www.openolat.org"> * OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br> * This file has been modified by the OpenOLAT community. Changes are licensed * under the Apache 2.0 license as the original file. */ package org.olat.course; import java.io.File; import org.olat.core.id.IdentityEnvironment; import org.olat.core.id.OLATResourceable; import org.olat.core.util.vfs.LocalFolderImpl; import org.olat.core.util.vfs.VFSContainer; import org.olat.course.config.CourseConfig; import org.olat.course.export.CourseEnvironmentMapper; import org.olat.course.folder.CourseContainerOptions; import org.olat.course.run.environment.CourseEnvironment; import org.olat.course.tree.CourseEditorTreeModel; import org.olat.resource.OLATResource; /** * Description:<BR/> * Interface of the OLAT course. The course has a course environment and * a run structure and some other fields. * <p> * Initial Date: 2004/10/11 13:55:48 * @author Felix Jost */ public interface ICourse extends OLATResourceable { /** * Name of folder within course root directory where nodes export their data. */ public static final String EXPORTED_DATA_FOLDERNAME = "export"; /** * @return The course run structure */ public Structure getRunStructure(); /** * @return The course editor tree model for this course */ public CourseEditorTreeModel getEditorTreeModel(); /** * Export course to file system. * @param originalCourseResource The original resource * @param exportDirectory The directory to export files to. * @param runtimeDatas Export with runtime datas (true add archives of the groups...) * @param backwardsCompatible Export in a format compatible with older OpenOLAT version * @param foldersToCleanup Can add there folders which need to be clean up after the export */ public void exportToFilesystem(OLATResource originalCourseResource, File exportDirectory, boolean runtimeDatas); public void postCopy(CourseEnvironmentMapper envMapper, ICourse sourceCourse); public void postImport(File importDirectory, CourseEnvironmentMapper envMapper); /** * Return the container to files for this course. * (E.g. "/course/123/") * @return the container to files for this course */ public LocalFolderImpl getCourseBaseContainer(); /** * Return the container to the coursefolder of this course. (E.g. * "COURSEBASEPATH/coursefolder/"). !! This is for administration or * internal use!! There is no permission check, make sure your controller * does check if user is allowed to see stuff, e.g. shared folder * * @return the container to the coursefolder of this course */ public VFSContainer getCourseFolderContainer(); /** * Return the merged course container with the desired directories: * course folder, shared resource folder, folders course elements * and participants folder elements. * * @return the container to the coursefolder of this course */ public VFSContainer getCourseFolderContainer(CourseContainerOptions options); /** * Give the possibility to override the read-only mode of the containers * if the course is closed. * * @param overrideReadOnly * @return */ public VFSContainer getCourseFolderContainer(boolean overrideReadOnly); /** * The course folder that the user specified by its identity environment * can see and use. Used by WebDAV access. * * @param identityEnv * @return The aggreagted course folder */ public VFSContainer getCourseFolderContainer(IdentityEnvironment identityEnv); public LocalFolderImpl getCourseExportDataDir(); /** * @return The course title. This is the display name of the course repository entry * or the short title of the course run structure root node if the repository entry * has not been created yet */ public String getCourseTitle(); /** * @return The course environment of this course */ public CourseEnvironment getCourseEnvironment(); /** * @return true: if the structure has assessable nodes or structure * course nodes (subtype of assessable node), which 'hasPassedConfigured' or 'hasScoreConfigured' * is true */ public boolean hasAssessableNodes(); /** * @return The course configuration */ public CourseConfig getCourseConfig(); }