#!/bin/bash ############################################################################# # Initial database setup script: will generate db user and an olat database # # 11. July 2004 Florian Gnaegi # ############################################################################# echo "This script will create a database user and a database for OLAT on your MySQL server. Do you want to continue? (y|n)" read Y if [ "$Y" != "y" ]; then echo byby exit fi # collect user dbname, username, password echo Enter your OLAT database name: read OLATDB echo Enter your OLAT database user: read OLATUSER echo Enter the password for database user $OLATUSER: read OLATPWD # create mysql db query QUERY="CREATE DATABASE $OLATDB; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $OLATDB.* TO '$OLATUSER'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$OLATPWD';" # executing query echo Generating now the OLAT database user $OLATUSER with the password $OLATDB that has access to the database $OLATDB echo You must now enter the MySQL root user password: mysql -u root -p mysql -e "$QUERY" echo "User generated. Try login now with 'mysql -u $OLATUSER -p $OLATDB'"