########## # # To start, copy this file to olat.local.properties and modify it to fit your needs. Please have a look # at the file src/main/resources/serviceconfig/olat.properties to get the full list of configuration # options. # ########## ######################################################################## # Application data directory. ######################################################################## # runtime application data directory. Tomcat user needs R/W permissions here userdata.dir=/opt/openolat/olatdata ######################################################################## # Database settings ######################################################################## # supported vendors currently include "mysql" and "postgresql" db.vendor=mysql # here you have two options: when you set auto.upgrade.database to true # the alter scripts in /src/main/resources/database/**/alter**.sql are # executed automatically. For most cases this is fine. If you set it to # false however, you must execute those scripts yourself BEFORE starting # OpenOLAT after an update. auto.upgrade.database=true # the name of the application database db.name=openolat # the name of the OLAT database user db.user=openolat # the password of the OLAT database user db.pass=openolat # JDBC options (e.g., to set character channel behavior etc.) db.jdbc.options=useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8 ######################################################################## # Web application container (e.g., Tomcat) settings ######################################################################## # hosted application fully qualified domain name (e.g., DNS CNAME) # omit references to protocol/scheme (e.g., HTTP(S)) server.domainname=localhost # the port on which the container is listening server.port=8080 ######################################################################## # SMTP (mail) settings ######################################################################## # mail support can be disabled by leaving the following entry blank or # setting it to the keyword 'disabled' (without quotes!) smtp.host=localhost # if required by your local SMTP you may need to provide credentials smtp.user= smtp.pwd= # system mails will be sent from this address (from local domain with valid reverse dns): fromemail=no-reply@your.domain # set this email to a mail address in your domain (used as reply-to address) adminemail=webmaster@your.domain # set this email to a mail address in your domain (used for 'ask for help here' type of messages that do not have special address) supportemail=${adminemail} # set this email to a mail address in your domain (used to tell users how to apply for more quote disk space) quotaemail=${supportemail} # set this email to a mail address in your domain (used to notify when users are deleted from the system) deleteuseremail=${supportemail} # set this email to a mail address in your domain (used for red-screen error reports) erroremail=${adminemail} ######################################################################## # OLAT identity settings ######################################################################## # OLAT instance ID (effects a unique namespace for addressable items) # ID should be no longer than 10 characters! This needs to be unique # amongst nodes within a cluster, if you are not clustering then you # can leave this value as is. instance.id=myopenolat ######################################################################## # Misc / Developer settings ######################################################################## # for developers set to true - velocity pages are NOT cached olat.debug=false # for developers set to false - i18n files are not cached localization.cache=true # path to the source code. Use this together with olat.debug=true in a # development setup. If set properly, velocity templates, i18n files and # static files like CSS will be reloaded from the source code on each request # without redeployment of the entire webapp. #project.build.home.directory=/Users/srosse/workspace/OpenOLAT user.generateTestUsers=false # disable full text indexer at startup for development environment generate.index.at.startup=false # only set this if you do not want unit tests to be performed during the build skip.unit.tests=true # when running in eclipse use "INFO, syslog, A1", for production use "INFO, syslog" log.rootCategory = INFO, syslog, A1