diff --git a/.hgignore b/.hgignore
index 3942d166193701d0f17975ef37b8f4ac1248bac2..a94f07441a74ff82490ed910c83d38a3a8b8b94e 100644
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -54,4 +54,6 @@ syntax: regexp
 syntax: regexp
 syntax: regexp
\ No newline at end of file
+syntax: regexp
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/olat.local.properties.sample b/olat.local.properties.sample
index 71a03a9bc65c9290ae87fa81928b73a7733382d6..e89653610c0e6bc973c96ec973421f544c0633ca 100644
--- a/olat.local.properties.sample
+++ b/olat.local.properties.sample
@@ -78,13 +78,9 @@ localization.cache=false
 # When running in eclipse use "INFO, syslog, A1", for production use "INFO, syslog"
 log.rootCategory = INFO, syslog, A1
-# how to load the brasato "framework" - usually "jar" suffices but
-# for developers project sources are also possible e.g., 
-# e.g. C:/eclipse/workspace/olatcore/src/main/java/
-# or /home/myuser/workspaces/olatcore/src/main/java
 # relative path to 
 # if enabled then the IM Server must be running before OLAT is started!
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 210e353728616b81abf22473f1c2b5181406b0fb..55798be04fe0e7c6b270ad76f4a4a1fa0881977d 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -306,11 +306,11 @@
-								<directory>src/main/profile</directory>
-								<includes>
-									<include>${os.property.file}</include>
-								</includes>
-								<filtering>true</filtering>
+									<directory>src/main/profile</directory>
+									<includes>
+										<include>${os.property.file}</include>
+									</includes>
+									<filtering>true</filtering>
@@ -375,8 +375,22 @@
-					<version>2.7</version>
+					<version>2.8</version>
+				        <linkedResources>
+			                <linkedResource>
+		                        <name>static</name>
+		                        <type>2</type>
+		                        <location>${basedir}/src/main/webapp/static</location>
+			                </linkedResource>
+			               	<linkedResource>
+		                        <name>/src/main/java/olat.local.properties</name>
+		                        <type>1</type>
+		                        <location>${basedir}/olat.local.properties</location>
+                			</linkedResource>
+				        </linkedResources>				        
 						<!-- context name for servlet container e.g. localhost:8080/olat -->
@@ -388,7 +402,6 @@
 				<!-- Surefire plugin used to execute unit tests.
 				"mvn -DskipTests=false test" to run all tests
@@ -473,7 +486,7 @@
-						<srcdir>${basedir}/../webapp/WEB-INF/src/</srcdir>
+						<srcdir>${basedir}/src/</srcdir>
@@ -568,7 +581,7 @@
-										<value>${basedir}/../webapp/WEB-INF/src/org/olat/restapi/support/application-doc.xml</value>
+										<value>${basedir}/src/org/olat/restapi/support/application-doc.xml</value>
@@ -577,7 +590,7 @@
-										<value>${basedir}/../webapp/WEB-INF/src/org/olat/restapi/support/application-grammars.xml</value>
+										<value>${basedir}/src/org/olat/restapi/support/application-grammars.xml</value>
@@ -612,7 +625,7 @@
-										<stylesheet>${basedir}/../webapp/WEB-INF/src/org/olat/restapi/support/wadl_documentation.xsl</stylesheet>
+										<stylesheet>${basedir}/src/org/olat/restapi/support/wadl_documentation.xsl</stylesheet>
diff --git a/scripts/SVNcheckin_translations.sh b/scripts/SVNcheckin_translations.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index dd20833b39190b997e2c50b59dab319448edd977..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/SVNcheckin_translations.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Checks for changes in the translation directory, updates them and checks
-# them in to the OLAT svn
-# 19.11.2004
-# gnaegi@id.unizh.ch
-# updated to use with svn, 11.4.2006, alexander.schneider@id.unizh.ch
-if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
- echo "Usage: checkin_translations.sh LOCALE Example: checkin_translations.sh en"
- exit;
-#read locale as input parameter
-#LOG=/usr/local/olat/translationlog/$LOCALE-trans-$(date +%Y%m%d).log
-LOG=/usr/local/opt/nightly/translationlog/$LOCALE-trans-$(date +%Y%m%d).log
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat4/
-#cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatlive/
-echo -e "Starting SVN update for locale $LOCALE\n" >> $LOG
-echo -e "---------------------------------------\n" >> $LOG
-UPDATE=`svn update webapp/i18n/default/$LOCALE/` > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
-echo $UPDATE | grep "^M.*" >> $LOG
-echo $UPDATE | grep "^P.*" >> $LOG
-CONFLICTS=`echo $UPDATE | grep "^C.*"` 2> /dev/null
-# abort when any conflicts are found and send email to developers
-if [ "$CONFLICTS" != "" ]; then
-  echo "****** Conflicts found in" >> $LOG
-  echo $CONFLICTS >> $LOG
-  echo "****** Fix them manually !!" >> $LOG
-  echo $CONFLICTS | mail -s "Conflicts found while updating locale $LOCALE - fix them" -r "olat@olat.unizh.ch" id_olat@id.unizh.ch
-  exit;
-echo -e "Starting SVN diffs for locale $LOCALE\n" >> $LOG
-echo -e "-------------------------------------\n" >> $LOG
-svn diff webapp/i18n/default/$LOCALE/ >> $LOG 2> /dev/null
-# TODO: check for conflicts here, proceed only when no conflicts are here
-echo -e "Checking in changes for locale $LOCALE\n" >> $LOG
-echo -e "------------------ -------------------\n" >> $LOG
-svn ci -m "Translation changes in $LOCALE" webapp/i18n/default/$LOCALE/ >> $LOG 2> /dev/null
-echo -e "\n\n" >> $LOG
diff --git a/scripts/SVNnightly.sh b/scripts/SVNnightly.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 25b1a36301b0668cfe126921589d96d650921872..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/SVNnightly.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# "** Sending DE changes diffs to ale"
-#echo "** Processing translation DE"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh de
-#echo "** Processing translation EN"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh en
-#echo "** Processing translation FR"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh fr
-#echo "** Processing translation IT"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh it
-#echo "** Processing translation ES"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh es
-#echo "** Processing translation GR"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh gr
-#echo "** Processing translation CZ"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh cz
-#echo "** Processing translation PL"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh pl
-#echo "** Processing translation RU"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh ru
-#echo "** Processing translation DK"
-/usr/local/opt/nightly/bin/SVNcheckin_translations.sh dk
-export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/opt/java-1.5
-export ANT_HOME=/usr/local/opt/ant
-export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/opt/nightly/tomcat
-export LANG=de_CH
-echo "** Stopping Tomcat..."
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat4/
-#cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatlive/
-echo "** Running nightly build..."
-ant -logfile ../build.log -logger org.apache.tools.ant.listener.MailLogger SVNnightly
-echo "** run ant config-deploy-all"
-ant config-deploy-all
-echo "** Starting Tomcat..."
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatdata/logs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/checkForUnusedProperties.sh b/scripts/checkForUnusedProperties.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c5d35c007ff12429bc96f3e03a3390320f268558..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/checkForUnusedProperties.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# script that checks for unused properties in all spring config files.
-# start script outside olat3 / olatcore folder but names must match olat3 olatcore
-# date: 17.01.2011
-# autor: Guido Schnider
-declare -A proptofile
-for prop in `cat ./olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/src/serviceconfig/olat.properties | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '#' | cut -d= -f1`
-  #echo $prop
-  proptofile["$prop"]=0
-for file in `find olat3 olatcore -name '*.xml'`
-	for prop in `cat ./olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/src/serviceconfig/olat.properties | grep -v '^$' | grep -v '#' | cut -d= -f1`
-	do
-		found=`grep $prop $file | wc -l`
-		if [ $found -gt 0 ]; then
-			times=${proptofile[$prop]}
-			total=$(( $times + $found ))
-			proptofile["$prop"]=$total
-			#echo "$prop found $found time(s) in $file"
-		fi
-	done
-echo ""
-echo " Properties with a "- 0" are not used in xml spring files. Ignore .values and .comment prop as they are only used for comments"
-echo ""
-for property in ${!proptofile[@]}
-	echo "$property - ${proptofile[$property]}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/checkin_translations.sh b/scripts/checkin_translations.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index cdbb0c5c4c535a08e3a8873f20ea85cfe174ca4a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/checkin_translations.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Checks for changes in the translation directory, updates them and checks
-# them in to the OLAT cvs
-# 19.11.2004
-# gnaegi@id.unizh.ch
-export CVSROOT=:ext:nightly@cvs.olat.org:/usr/local/cvs/
-export CVS_RSH=ssh
-LOG=/usr/local/opt/nightly/translationlog/trans-$(date +%Y%m%d).log
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatlive
-echo -e "Starting CVS update for all locales \n" >> $LOG
-echo -e "---------------------------------------\n" >> $LOG
-UPDATE=`find . -type f -name 'LocalStrings_*' | xargs cvs -n update` > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
-echo $UPDATE | grep "^M.*" >> $LOG
-echo $UPDATE | grep "^P.*" >> $LOG
-CONFLICTS=`echo $UPDATE | grep "^C.*"` 2> /dev/null
-# abort when any conflicts are found and send email to developers
-if [ "$CONFLICTS" != "" ]; then
-  echo "****** Conflicts found in" >> $LOG
-  echo $CONFLICTS >> $LOG
-  echo "****** Fix them manually !!" >> $LOG
-  echo $CONFLICTS | mail -s "Conflicts found while updating - fix them" -r "olat@olat.unizh.ch" id_olat@id.unizh.ch
-  exit;
-echo -e "Starting CVS diffs for all locales \n" >> $LOG
-echo -e "-------------------------------------\n" >> $LOG
-cvs diff webapp/WEB-INF/src/ >> $LOG 2> /dev/null
-# TODO: check for conflicts here, proceed only when no conflicts are here
-echo -e "Checking in changes for all locales \n" >> $LOG
-echo -e "------------------ -------------------\n" >> $LOG
-find /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatlive/webapp/WEB-INF/src/org/olat/ -type f -name 'LocalStrings_*' -print0 | xargs -0 cvs add >> $LOG
-find /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatlive/webapp/WEB-INF/src/org/olat/ -type f -name 'LocalStrings_*' | xargs cvs ci -m "Translation changes" >> $LOG 2> /dev/null >> $LOG
-echo -e "\n\n" >> $LOG
diff --git a/scripts/chkchelp b/scripts/chkchelp
deleted file mode 100755
index 95abf37946bfb36e1ada3722b8085f0d1ace752e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/chkchelp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-# Try to figure out where the files found in the _chelp directories are used and
-# list the files for which no usage can be figured out.
-# Warning: the results are not very reliable because it depends on coding style etc. 
-# of the scanned source files (java and html)
-# Author: Matthai Kurian
-my $d = $0;
-$d =~ s!/?[^/]*/*$!!;
-$od  = $d . '/../webapp/WEB-INF/src/org/olat';
-$cd = $d . '/../../olatcore/src/main/java';
-die 'Could not find olat3' unless -d $od;
-die 'Could not find olatcore' unless -d $cd;
-my @srcfiles;
-my @chelpfiles;
-my $usedin;
-my @paramized;
-# Special known cases we do not search for
-push (@paramized, "statistic_(.*).html");
-print "Scanning $od for chelp files...";
-print "done.\n";
-print "Scanning $cd for chelp files...";
-print "done.\n";
-print "Scanning source files ...";
-foreach $f (@srcfiles) {
-	$f =~ s/[^\/]+\/\.\.\///;
-	$f =~ s/[^\/]+\/\.\.\///;
-	open (F, $f);
-	@l=<F>;
-	foreach ($f) {
-		/\.java$/ and do {
-			foreach (@l) {
-				if (/setFormContextHelp\s?\([\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*,[\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*,[\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*\)/) {
-					if (defined ($usedin->{$2})) {
-						push (@{$usedin->{$2}},$f);
-						next;
-					}
-				} 
-				if (/setFormContextHelp\s?\("(.*),\s?"((.*)"\+(.*)\+"(.*)"),(.*)\)/) {
-					#print "Parametrized $3\+$4\+$5 chelp file: $f\n";
-					push (@paramized, "$3(.*)$5");
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		};
-		/\.htm$/ and do {
-			foreach (@l) {
-				if (/javascript:contextHelpWindow\s?\('(.*)\/(.*)'\)/) {
-					push (@{$usedin->{$2}},$f);
-					next;
-				}
-			}
-		};
-		/\.html$/ and do {
-			foreach (@l) {
-				if (/\$r\.contextHelpRelativeLink\s?\([\s"]*([^"]+)[\s"]*,[\s"]*([^"]+)[\s"]*\)/) {
-					if (defined $usedin->{$2}) {
-						push (@{$usedin->{$2}},$f);
-					}
-					next;
-				}
-				if (/\$r\.contextHelp\s?\([\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*,[\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*,[\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*\)/) {
-					if (defined $usedin->{$2}) {
-						push (@{$usedin->{$2}},$f);
-					}
-					next;
-				}
-				if (/\$r\.contextHelpWithWrapper\s?\([\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*,[\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*,[\s"']*([^'"]+)[\s"']*\)/) {
-					if (defined $usedin->{$2}) {
-						push (@{$usedin->{$2}},$f);
-						next;
-					}
-					my $p = $2;
-					if ($2 =~ /\${(.*)}/) {
-						$p =~ s/\${(.*)}/(.*)/;
-						#print "Parametrized >$p< \${$1} chelp file: $f\n";
-						push (@paramized, $p);
-					}
-					next;
-				}
-				if (/javascript:contextHelpWindow\s?\('(.*)'\)/) {
-					$1 =~ /\$r\.relLink\("help\/\${r.getLanguageCode\(\)}\/(.*)\/(.*)"\)/;
-					push (@{$usedin->{$2}},$f);
-					next;
-				}
-				if (/\$r\.contextHelpRelativeLink\s?\([\s"]*([^"]+)[\s"]*\)/) {
-					if (defined $usedin->{$1}) {
-						push (@{$usedin->{$1}},$f);
-					}
-					next;
-				}
-				if (/<img src="\$chelpStaticDirUrl\/([^"]*)"(.*)?>/) {
-					$if = $1;
-					$if =~ s/\.png//;
-					foreach (@chelpfiles) {
-						if (/$if_(..)\.png$/) {
-							if (defined $usedin->{$if.'_'.$1.'.png'}) {
-								push (@{$usedin->{$if.'_'.$1.'.png'}}, $f);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				} 
-			}
-			break;
-		};
-	}
-print "done.\n";
-# consider patterns found for parametrized use
-foreach $h (@chelpfiles) {
-	$x=join (',', @{$usedin->{$h}});
-	if ($x =~ /^$/) {
-		foreach $p (@paramized) {
-			if($h =~ m/($p)/) {
-				push (@{$usedin->{$h}}, $p);
-			} 
-		}
-	}
-my $unused = 0;
-foreach $h (@chelpfiles) {
-	$x=join (',', @{$usedin->{$h}});
-	if ($x =~ /^$/) {
-		print 'Cound not figure out usage of chelp file >'.$h."<\n";
-		$unused++;
-	} 
-print "$#chelpfiles chelp files found $#srcfiles files scanned. ";
-print "$unused unused chelp files found.\n";
-foreach (@chelpfiles) {
-	print "\n$_\n";
-	my %d;
-	foreach $u (@{$usedin->{$_}}) {
-		if (!defined $d{$u}) {
-			$d{$u}=1;
-		}
-	}
-	foreach (sort keys (%d)) {
-		print "\t$_\n";
-	}
-sub findChelpFiles () {
-	my ($p) = @_;
-	if (-f $p) {
-		push (@srcfiles, $p);
-		if ($p =~ /\/_chelp\//) {
-			$f = (split(/\//, $p))[-1];
-			push (@chelpfiles, $f);
-			$usedin->{$f}=[];
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	opendir (D, $p);
-	foreach (readdir (D)) {
-		chomp;
-		next if /^\.$/;
-		next if /^\.\.$/;
-		next if /^CVS$/;
-		&findChelpFiles("$p/$_");
-	}
diff --git a/scripts/count-unique-users.sh b/scripts/count-unique-users.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0531298316fce70de46b9da6d075cab5277dda90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/count-unique-users.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-## counts unique logins out of one or more olat log files.
-## Usage: count-unique-users.sh filename1 filename2 ...
-for l in `ls $1` 
-awk 'BEGIN{FS="\\^%\\^"}/Logged.on/{split($1,tmp," ");start=index($9,"[");end=index($9,"]");msg=substr($9,start+1,end-start-1);print msg}' $l | sort -u | wc -l
-echo $res
diff --git a/scripts/countErrorsAndSendSMS.sh b/scripts/countErrorsAndSendSMS.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index d02f1ce68a4595b357bef0fc194f077178539fa8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/countErrorsAndSendSMS.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# send sms to users when the error count is bigger than specified
-# only works with Switch.ch sms service!
-# path to OLAT log files
-cd /usr/local/opt/olat/olatdata/logs
-# add numbers here
-ERRORCOUNT=`grep 'OLAT::ERROR' olat.log | wc -l`
-if [ "$ERRORCOUNT" -gt "$CUTVALUE" ]
-echo "Error count ($ERRORCOUNT) bigger than cut value ($CUTVALUE)." | /usr/bin/mail -s "OLAT alert!" -r "id_olat@olat.unizh.ch" $HANDY02@sms.switch.ch $HANDY03@sms.switch.ch $HANDY04@sms.switch.ch
diff --git a/scripts/dbAndUserSetup.sh b/scripts/dbAndUserSetup.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0522becadcd2d5e3a771abea6ff3d9ff2e7efd3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/dbAndUserSetup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Initial database setup script: will generate db user and an olat database #
-# 11. July 2004 Florian Gnägi                                               #
-echo "This script will create a database user and a database for OLAT on your MySQL server. Do you want to continue? (y|n)"
-read Y
-if [ "$Y" != "y" ]; then
-	echo byby
-	exit	
-# collect user dbname, username, password
-echo Enter your OLAT database name:
-read OLATDB
-echo Enter your OLAT database user:
-echo Enter the password for database user $OLATUSER:
-# create mysql db query
-# executing query
-echo Generating now the OLAT database user $OLATUSER with the password $OLATDB that has access to the database $OLATDB 
-echo You must now enter the MySQL root user password:
-mysql -u root -p mysql -e "$QUERY"
-echo "User generated. Try login now with 'mysql -u $OLATUSER -p $OLATDB'"
diff --git a/scripts/diskspace.sh b/scripts/diskspace.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index cd6cffc7f5958db4b93feee238f74e6b2d3c0144..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/diskspace.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Generates a disk usage report
-# 19.11.2004
-# gnaegi@id.unizh.ch
-cd /usr/local/opt/olat/olatdata/
-rm -f quota.txt
-uname -a >> quota.txt
-echo -e "-------------------------------------\n" >> quota.txt
-echo -e "Disk Usage of olatdata directory" >> quota.txt
-echo -e "-------------------------------------\n" >> quota.txt
-du -hs --exclude=bcroot --exclude=quota.txt--exclude=quota.txt  ??* >> quota.txt
-du -h --max-depth=1 bcroot >> quota.txt
-du -hs . >>quota.txt
-echo -e "\n\nFilesystem Totals" >> quota.txt
-echo -e "-------------------------------------\n" >> quota.txt
-df -h >> quota.txt
-echo -e "\n\nTop-10 space waster statistics (in MB)" >> quota.txt
-echo -e "-------------------------------------\n" >> quota.txt
-echo -e "Top 10 course folder:" >> quota.txt
-du --block-size=1MB --max-depth=1 bcroot/course/ | sort -gr | head -n 11 | tail -n 10 >> quota.txt
-echo -e "\nTop 10 user homes:" >> quota.txt
-du --block-size=1MB --max-depth=1 bcroot/homes/ | sort -gr | head -n 11 | tail -n 10 >> quota.txt
-echo -e "\nTop 10 group folders:" >> quota.txt
-du --block-size=1MB --max-depth=1 bcroot/cts/folders/BusinessGroup/ | sort -gr | head -n 11 | tail -n 10 >> quota.txt
-echo -e "\nTop 10 repository entries:" >> quota.txt
-du --block-size=1MB --max-depth=1 bcroot/repository/ | sort -gr | head -n 11 | tail -n 10 >> quota.txt
-less quota.txt 2>&1 | mail -s "Nightly OLAT disk usage report" -r $FROMMAIL $TOMAIL 
diff --git a/scripts/logintoolat.sh b/scripts/logintoolat.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9fe5efe53ae41adedbe3453b18fc0f15f569ab40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/logintoolat.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# Bash script based on basic linux command line tools to log in to OLAT start a course
-# from the home and logout again.
-# Install: Create a user with a password in OLAT and disable the AJAX mode for this user.
-# This user should have one bookmark to a course on his home screen.
-# initial date: 4. Sept. 2007
-# author: Guido Schnider
-## output in logfile should look like this, if not all url's are present olat is in ajax mode or the performace
-# user does need the necessary *single* bookmark to a course which is mandatory! CHECK THIS!
-# testing: idolats0.uzh.ch:8082 with user: performance-test-user-2
-# START: 1233593485 (CUT_TIME: 11)
-# Mon Feb 2 17:51:26 CET 2009 LOGIN_FORM /olat/dmz/1%3A2%3A2002298189%3A2%3A0%3Acid%3Alogin/?lp=OLAT
-# Mon Feb 2 17:51:27 CET 2009 LOGIN /olat/dmz/1%3A3%3A2002298347%3A1%3A0/
-# Mon Feb 2 17:51:31 CET 2009 LAUNCH_COURSE /olat/auth/1%3A2%3A2002298546%3A1%3A0%3Ar%3A0%3Ap%3Acmd.launch/
-# Mon Feb 2 17:51:34 CET 2009 LOGOUT /olat/auth/1%3A3%3A2002298388%3A2%3A0%3Acid%3Alogout/
-# STOP: 1233593495
-# ===========================================
-        for name in $receivers
-        do
-                echo `date`" error - olat server ($domain) not available by auto loginscript!" | /usr/bin/mail -s "OLAT performance alert!" ~R "id_olat@olat.uzh.ch" $name@sms.switch.ch
-        done
-        for name in $receivers
-        do
-                echo `date`"OLAT ($domain) is slow! Login->start course->logout took ($PROCESSTIME)s" | /usr/bin/mail -s "OLAT performance alert!" ~R "id_olat@olat.uzh.ch" $name@sms.switch.ch
-        done
-#Chooses random one of the entries below and tries to login
-let "n=$RANDOM % 4"
-#add http:// or https:// and port as well if needed
-domains=("http://idolatc00.internal.uzh.ch:8084" "http://idolatc00.internal.uzh.ch:8085" "http://idolatc02.internal.uzh.ch:8082" "http://idolatc02.internal.uzh.ch:8083" "https://www.olat.uzh.ch")
-let "n=$RANDOM % 2"
-usernames=("test-user" "test-user-2")
-## add SMS receivers
-# ADD receivers here separated by blank!
-receivers="$HANDY01 $HANDY02 $HANDY03"
-echo "testing: $domain with user: $username" >> ${LOG}
-start=`date +%s`
-echo "START: ${start} (CUT_TIME: ${cutTime})" >> ${LOG} 
-#grab loginpage and extract form action uri
-wget -o temp-log0 -O temp-startpage.html --no-check-certificate --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies $domain/olat/dmz/
-sleep 1
-# THIS step is optional - ONLY needed to get the normal (username/pw) loginform to front when shibboleth login is active
-#open normal login form page not shibboleth
-loginuri=`grep '?lp=OLAT' temp-startpage.html | sed 's/^.*href="//' | sed 's/".*$//'`
-echo `date`" LOGIN_FORM ${domain}${loginuri}" >> ${LOG}
-#echo $loginuri 
-wget -o temp-log1 -O temp-logform.html --no-check-certificate --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies cookies.txt $domain$loginuri
-sleep 1
-#must be 1 otherwise the server is not available
-checkResponse=`grep 'name=\"loginForm\"' temp-logform.html | wc -l`
-if [ $checkResponse == 1 ]
-	uri=`grep 'name=\"loginForm\"' temp-logform.html | sed 's/^.*action="//' | sed 's/".*$//'`
-	#echo $uri
-	#login with extracted uri and post method
-        echo `date`" LOGIN ${uri}" >> ${LOG}
-	wget -o temp-log2 -O temp-home.html --no-check-certificate --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies cookies.txt --post-data="lf_login=$username&lf_pass=$password&olat_fosm_0=Login" $domain$uri
-	#sleep to let the instant messenger connect
-	sleep 3
-	#start demo course from the homepage with direkt link, this only works if there a no other "cmd.launch" stuff is on the screen
-	# best is to remove all other portlets except the bookmarks portlet
-	courseuri=`grep 'cmd.launch\/' temp-home.html | sed 's/^.*href="//' | sed 's/".*$//'`
-        echo `date`" LAUNCH_COURSE ${courseuri}" >> ${LOG}
-	#echo $courseuri
-	#start course
-	wget -o temp-log3 -O temp-course.html --no-check-certificate --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies cookies.txt $domain$courseuri
-	#sleep to let the instant messenger create a chatroom
-	sleep 3
-	#extract logout uri for later usage
-	logouturi=`grep 'logout\/' temp-course.html | sed 's/^.*href="//' | sed 's/".*$//'`
-	#echo $logouturi
-	#logout
-        echo `date`" LOGOUT ${logouturi}" >> ${LOG}
-	wget -o temp-log4 -O temp-logout.html --no-check-certificate --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --load-cookies cookies.txt $domain$logouturi
-	sleep 1
-	#send sms if time is too long
-	rm temp-*
-	rm cookies.txt
-	stop=`date +%s`
-        echo "STOP: ${stop}" >> ${LOG}
-	#substract the sleep times
-	echo `date`" time: "$(($stop-$start-9))
-	PROCESSTIME=$(($stop-$start-9))
-	if [ $PROCESSTIME -gt $cutTime ]
-	then
-		echo "OLAT IS SLOW !!!" >> ${LOG}
-		# only send sms after 6 o'clock in the morning (after restart phase and indexing)
-		if [ `date +%H` -gt 5 ]
-		then
-			sendPerformanceSMS
-		fi
-	fi
-	if [ `date +%H` -gt 5 ]
-	then
-		sendErrorSMS
-	fi
-echo "===========================================" >> ${LOG}
diff --git a/scripts/nightly_core.sh b/scripts/nightly_core.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b16d16e7b87b7a45416a68608713b4a82997f27c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/nightly_core.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# run as user nightly
-export CVSROOT=:ext:nightly@cvs.olat.org:/usr/local/cvs
-export CVS_RSH=ssh
-echo change dir to /usr/local/opt/nightly 
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly
-# echo delete existing olatcore
-rm -R olatcore
-# echo CVS checkout
-echo CVS update olatcore
-/usr/bin/cvs co olatcore
-# echo Change to dir olatcore
-cd olatcore
-echo Maven clean package
-/usr/local/opt/maven/bin/mvn clean package
-#  1.3 Copy JAR to olat3 project
-#  1.4 Allfaellige JUnit-Tests laufen lassen (spaeter)
-#  1.5 CVS checkin olatcore.jar into olat3
-#      First update olatcore-jar from cvs, perhaps it changed
-echo Maven package DONE
-echo Change to dir olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
-echo CVS update of core-JAR
-/usr/bin/cvs upd -dP olatcore-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo Copy core-JAR
-cp /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatcore/target/olatcore-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/olatcore-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo CVS checkin core-JAR
-/usr/bin/cvs ci -m'Nightly olatcore update' olatcore-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo Change to dir /usr/local/home/nightly/
-cd /usr/local/home/nightly	
diff --git a/scripts/nightly_i18n.sh b/scripts/nightly_i18n.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c2c4a5f03d401cc3cbe5538d41ef7301ec6e5c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/nightly_i18n.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-## This script checks out olat3_i18n and olatcore_i18n, build jar files from them and copies the jars into the olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib directory
-echo "NIGHTLY olatcore_i18n BUILD START..." 
-# run as user nightly
-export CVSROOT=:ext:nightly@cvs.olat.org:/usr/local/cvs
-export CVS_RSH=ssh
-echo change dir to /usr/local/opt/nightly 
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly
-# echo delete existing olatcore_i18n
-rm -R olatcore_i18n
-# echo CVS checkout
-echo CVS update olatcore_i18n
-/usr/bin/cvs co olatcore_i18n
-# echo Change to dir olatcore_i18n
-cd olatcore_i18n
-echo Maven clean package
-/usr/local/opt/maven/bin/mvn clean package
-echo Maven package DONE
-echo Change to dir olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
-echo CVS update of olatcore_i18n-JAR
-/usr/bin/cvs upd -dP olatcore_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo Copy core_i18n-JAR
-cp /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatcore_i18n/target/olatcore_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/olatcore_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo CVS checkin olatcore-JAR
-/usr/bin/cvs ci -m'Nightly olatcore_i18n update' olatcore_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo Change to dir /usr/local/home/nightly/
-cd /usr/local/home/nightly	
-echo "NIGHTLY olatcore_i18n BUILD FINISHED"
-## now the same for olat3_i18n
-echo "NIGHTLY olat3_i18n BUILD START..." 
-# run as user nightly
-export CVSROOT=:ext:nightly@cvs.olat.org:/usr/local/cvs
-export CVS_RSH=ssh
-echo change dir to /usr/local/opt/nightly 
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly
-# echo delete existing olat3_i18n
-rm -R olat3_i18n
-# echo CVS checkout
-echo CVS update olat3_i18n
-/usr/bin/cvs co olat3_i18n
-# echo Change to dir olat3_i18n
-cd olat3_i18n
-echo Maven clean package
-/usr/local/opt/maven/bin/mvn clean package
-echo Maven package DONE
-echo Change to dir olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
-echo CVS update of olat3_i18n-JAR
-/usr/bin/cvs upd -dP olat3_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo Copy core_i18n-JAR
-cp /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat3_i18n/target/olat3_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar /usr/local/opt/nightly/olat3/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/olat3_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo CVS checkin olat3-JAR
-/usr/bin/cvs ci -m'Nightly olat3_i18n update' olat3_i18n_all-SNAPSHOT.jar
-echo Change to dir /usr/local/home/nightly/
-cd /usr/local/home/nightly	
-echo "NIGHTLY olat3_i18n BUILD FINISHED"
diff --git a/scripts/notify_de_diffs.sh b/scripts/notify_de_diffs.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ed8263987490ba85413149695e2fdd027744d60b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/notify_de_diffs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Checks for changes in the translation directory, updates them and checks 
-# them in to the OLAT cvs
-# 19.11.2004
-# gnaegi@id.unizh.ch
-export CVSROOT=:ext:nightly@cvs.olat.org:/usr/local/cvs/
-export CVS_RSH=ssh
-cd /usr/local/opt/nightly/olatlive/webapp/WEB-INF
-find src -type f -name 'LocalStrings_de*' -print0 | xargs -0 cvs diff >dediff.diff 2>/dev/null
-DIFF=`cat dediff.diff`
-# abort when any conflicts are found and send email to developers
-if [ "$DIFF" != "" ]; then
-   cat dediff.diff | mail -s "Changes found in DE locale - notify translators if needed" -r olat@olat.unizh.ch $DEDIFFSNOTIFICATION
-rm dediff.diff
diff --git a/scripts/olat_backup.sh b/scripts/olat_backup.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a97a3e66173cbb1b624567a4676aadb0208c1a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/olat_backup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-# olat_backup.sh - olat backup script
-# script name           : olat_backup.sh
-# script version        : 1.2.4
-# script author         : OLAT/ID
-# script created        : 2004
-# script changed        : 2008/08/12
-# notes
-# -----
-# Backup script. RUN AS ROOT
-# change history
-# --------------
-# 08/08/13 version 1.2.4
-#  - message handling now instance-dependent
-# 08/08/12 version 1.2.3
-#  - bugfixed logrotate logfile nameing
-# 08/08/07 version 1.2.2
-#  - added activemq handling
-# 08/08/05 version 1.2.1
-#  - updated instances
-# 08/07/08 version 1.2.1
-#  - instance base dir now /usr/local/olatlocal for all
-#  - added new instances :
-#    olat01,olat02,olat03,olat04,olatsh01
-# 08/03/11 version 1.2.0
-#  - changed commands
-#  - bugfixed commandline handling
-#  - adapted changes from old olatbackup script version 1.1.7
-#  - runs sharedmemstat --allusers --clean if present before
-#    service restart
-#  - restartMysql splitted into start/stop and wait functions
-#  - print out netstat status of port 8009 to logfile while waiting
-# 08/01/26 version 1.1.6-ng
-# - changed for olat-ng layout
-# 07/11/23 version 1.1.5-ng
-# - changed for olat-ng layout
-# 07/11/22 version 1.1.5
-# - added --optimize option taht causes execution
-#   of 'mysqlcheck -Aao1' before dumping the databases
-# 07/11/14 version 1.1.4
-# - save gc.log before stopping tomcat. If saving after, it's empty. (asch)
-# 07/11/09 version 1.1.3
-#  - check for existance of gc.log before copying it
-#  - corrected syslogrc definition
-# 07/10/05 version 1.1.2
-#  - before stoping tomcat save garbage collector log (asch)
-# 07/09/25 version 1.1.1
-#  - restartmysql now calls logrotate and forces a
-#    syslog restart to make sure
-# 07/08/23 version 1.1.0
-#  - major rewrite
-#  - auto-detect mysql databases and password
-# 07/08/23 version 1.0.6
-#  - jivemessenger rename to messaging
-# 07/06/22 version 1.0.5
-#  - do not call mysqldump with xcall
-# 07/06/21 version 1.0.4
-#  - xcall now logs to file
-#  - argument parsing for --test etc
-# 07/06/20 version 1.0.3
-#  - setup for idmels04
-#  - wildfire renamed to openfire
-# 06/11/09 version 1.0.2
-#  - setup for idmels02, handle all instances
-# 06/08/24 version 1.0.1
-#  - wait 120 secs before restarting mysql
-# 06/08/22 version 1.0.0
-#  - added forced apache kill
-#  - added version information
-# script info
-sinfo="olat backup script"
-scpr="copyright (c) 2004..2008 by OLAT/ID"
-# script setup
-buinstances="id olat01 olat02 olat03 olat04 olatsh01"
-# used to construct instance message script  file path
-defaultList="mysql test olat messaging"
-logrotateopt="" # set to "-v" for more info
-# basic functions
-  [ ${verbose} -gt 0 ] && echo -e $@
-  [ ${logging} -gt 0 ] && echo -e $@ >> ${bulogfile}
-  if [ ${testMode} -ne 0 ] ; then 
-    xecho "  TEST: $@"
-  elif [ ${logging} -gt 0 ] ; then
-    eval $@  2>&1 | tee -a ${bulogfile}
-  else
-    eval $@
-  fi
-# database functions
-  dbUser="root"
-  dbList=""
-  xecho -n " - reading password ... "
-  dbPasswd=`cat /etc/my.cnf | awk '$1=="password" && $2=="=" { print $3 }'`
-  ##cat /etc/my.cnf | awk '$1=="password" && $2=="=" { print $3 }'
-  if [ -z "${dbPasswd}" ] && [ ${allowDefaults} -gt 0 ] ; then
-    ${dbPasswd}=${defaultPasswd}
-    warnMsg="${errMsg}WARNING: could not detect mysql password, using default\n"
-  fi
-  if [ -z "${dbPasswd}" ] ; then
-    errMsg="${errMsg}ERROR: could not detect mysql password\n"
-    xecho "[error]"
-  else
-    xecho "[done]"
-  fi
-  xecho -n " - reading database list ... "
-  dbList=`mysql --user ${dbUser} --password="${dbPasswd}" -s -e "show databases ;" 2>/dev/null | grep -v Database | tr [:space:] ' '`
-  if [ -z "${dbList}" ] && [ ${allowDefaults} -gt 0 ] ; then
-    dbList="${defaultList}"
-    warnMsg="${errMsg}WARNING: could not detect mysql password, using default\n"
-  fi
-  if [ -z "${dbList}" ] ; then
-    errMsg="${errMsg}ERROR: could not get database list from mysql\n"
-    xecho "[error]"
-  else
-    xecho "[done]"
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${warnMsg}" ] ; then
-    echo -e ${warnMsg};
-    warnMsg=""
-  fi
-  if [ -n "${errMsg}" ] ; then
-    echo -e "${errMsg}"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  xecho "  - databases to backup: ${dbList}"
-  [ ${doOptimize} -le 0 ] && return
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: optimizing mysql databases"
-  stat=0
-  dt=`date '+%s'`
-  if [ ${testMode} -gt 0 ] ; then
-    xecho "TEST: mysqlcheck --user ${dbUser} --password=${dbPasswd} -Aao1"
-  else
-    mysqlcheck --user ${dbUser} --password=${dbPasswd} -Aao1
-    stat=$?
-  fi
-  dt=$(( `date '+%s'` - ${dt} ))
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: optimization finished after ${dt} second(s), status=${stst}"
-# tomcat handling
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  [ ${doMessage} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: setting up service messages for tomcat instances"
-  doWait=0
-  for instance in ${buinstances} ; do
-    if [ "${instance}" = "id" ] ; then 
-      iname="olat"
-    else
-      iname=${instance}
-    fi
-    idir=${instanceBaseDir}/${iname}
-    bum=${idir}/${instanceMessage}
-    if [ -x "${bum}" ] ; then
-      xecho -n "`date '+%D-%T'`: setup service message for instance ${instance} ... "
-      # countdown for shutting down tomcat
-      xcall nohup "${bum}" >> ${bulogfile} 2>&1 &
-      xecho "[done]" 
-      doWait=${bumessagewait}
-    else 
-      xecho "WARNING: could not find \"${bum}\", skipping"
-    fi
-  done
-  if [ ${doWait} -gt 0 ] ; then
-    ## messages are set, now wait
-    xecho -n "`date '+%D-%T'`: waiting for message countdown (${doWait} sec(s)) ... "
-    xcall sleep ${doWait}
-    xecho "[done]" 
-  fi
-  [ ${doStart} -le 0 ] && return 
-  for instance in ${buinstances} ; do
-    # starting tomcats
-    xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: starting up tomcat instance ${instance}"
-    if [ -x "/etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance}" ] ; then
-      xcall /etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance} start --debug
-    else 
-      xecho "WARNING: could not find \"/etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance}\", skipping"
-    fi
-  done
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  for instance in ${buinstances} ; do
-    # shutting down tomcats
-    xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: stopping tomcat instance ${instance}"
-    if [ -x "/etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance}" ] ; then
-      xcall /etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance} stop --debug
-      xcall /etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance} kill --debug
-      xcall /etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance} KillJava --debug
-    else 
-      xecho "WARNING: could not find \"/etc/init.d/tomcat_${instance}\", skipping"
-    fi
-  done
-# openfire handling
-  [ ${doStart} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: starting openfire"
-  xcall /etc/init.d/openfire_id start --debug
-  xcall sleep 30
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: shut down openfire"
-  if [ -x "/etc/init.d/openfire_id" ] ; then
-    xcall /etc/init.d/openfire_id stop --debug
-    xcall /etc/init.d/openfire_id kill --debug
-    xcall /etc/init.d/openfire_id KillJava --debug
-  else 
-    xecho "WARNING: could not find \"/etc/init.d/openfire_id\", skipping"
-  fi
-# activemq handling
-  [ ${doStart} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: starting activemq"
-  xcall /etc/init.d/activemq_id start --debug
-  xcall sleep 30
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: shut down activemq"
-  if [ -x "/etc/init.d/activemq_id" ] ; then
-    xcall /etc/init.d/activemq_id stop --debug
-    xcall /etc/init.d/activemq_id kill --debug
-    xcall /etc/init.d/activemq_id KillJava --debug
-  else 
-    xecho "WARNING: could not find \"/etc/init.d/activemq_id\", skipping"
-  fi
-# java handling
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: one to kill em all "
-  if [ -x "/etc/init.d/tomcat_id" ] ; then
-    xcall /etc/init.d/tomcat_id KillAllJava --debug --force
-  else 
-    xecho "WARNING: could not find \"/etc/init.d/tomcat_id\", skipping"
-  fi
-# apache handling
-  [ ${doStart} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: starting apache"
-  xcall /etc/init.d/apache2 start
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  ## forced apache murder
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: shutdown apache"
-  xcall /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
-  if [ -f /var/run/httpd2.pid ] ; then 
-    echo "WARNING: found /var/run/httpd2.pid"
-    kpid=`cat /var/run/httpd2.pid` 
-    if [ -n "${kpid}" ] ; then
-      echo "WARNING: apache not stopped - using kill -KILL ${kpid}" 
-      xcall kill -KILL ${kpid}
-      xcall sleep 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  kpid=`ps -e -o pid,comm | grep httpd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }' | tr [:space:] ' '`
-  if [ -n "${kpid}" ] ; then
-    echo "WARNING: apache not stopped - using kill -KILL ${kpid}" 
-    xcall kill -KILL ${kpid}
-    xcall sleep 1
-  fi
-  kpid=`ps -e -o pid,comm | grep httpd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }' | tr [:space:] ' '`
-  if [ -n "${kpid}" ] ; then
-    echo "WARNING: apache still not stopped - using killall -KILL ${apachebin}" 
-    xcall killall -KILL ${apachebin}
-    xcall sleep 1
-  fi
-  kpid=`ps -e -o pid,comm | grep httpd | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }' | tr [:space:] ' '`
-  if [ -n "${kpid}" ] ; then
-    echo "ERROR: apache still not killed - giving up" 
-  else
-    echo "NOTICE: apache is dead now - cleanup" 
-    xcall rm -f found /var/run/httpd2.pid
-  fi
-# mysql handling
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: stopping mysql"
-  xcall ${mysqlrc} stop
-  [ ${doStart} -le 0 ] && return 
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: start mysql"
-  xcall ${mysqlrc} start
-  [ ${doDump} -le 0 ] && return
-  if [ -n "${budir}" ] ; then
-    xcall mkdir -p ${budir}/last
-    ##
-    for instance in ${dbList} ; do
-      if [ -f ${budir}/${instance}.sql.gz ] ; then
-        xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: saving last dump to ${budir}/last"
-        xcall rm -f ${budir}/last/${instance}.sql.gz
-        xcall mv ${budir}/${instance}.sql.gz ${budir}/last
-      fi
-      xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: dumping mysql database ${instance}"
-      if [ ${testMode} -gt 0 ] ; then
-        xecho "TEST: mysqldump --user ${dbUser} --password=${dbPasswd} ${instance} | gzip > ${budir}/${instance}.sql.gz"
-      else
-        mysqldump --user ${dbUser} --password="${dbPasswd}" ${instance} | gzip > ${budir}/${instance}.sql.gz
-      fi
-    done
-  fi
-# other tools
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  if [ ${forceLogrotate} -gt 0 ] ; then 
-    xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: force a logrotate"
-    cmd="${logrotatebin} ${logrotateopt} ${logrotateconf}"
-    if [ ${testMode} -ne 0 ] ; then 
-      xecho "  TEST: $cmd"
-    else
-      rm -f ${logrotatelog}
-      touch ${logrotatelog}
-      if [ -w "${logrotatelog}" ] ; then
-        xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: ${cmd}"
-        eval ${cmd} > ${logrotatelog} 2>&1
-      else
-        xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: WARNING - could not write to ${logrotatelog}"
-        xcall ${cmd}
-      fi
-    fi
-    xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: --------------------------"
-  fi
-  if [ ${forceSyslogRestart} -gt 0 ] ; then 
-    xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: force a syslog restart"
-    xcall ${syslogrc} restart
-    xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: --------------------------"
-  fi  
-  [ ${doStop} -le 0 ] && return 
-  if [ ! -x "${sharedmemstatbin}" ] ; then
-    xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: ${sharedmemstatbin} not found, skipping shared memory cleanup"
-    return
-  fi
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: shared memory cleanup:"
-  xcall ${sharedmemstatbin} --allusers --clean
-  [ ${doStart} -gt 1 ] && [ ${doStop} -gt 1 ] && return  
-  [ -z "${busleep}" ] && return
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: waiting for recovery sleep (${busleep} sec(s))"
-  secs=0
-  while [ ${secs} -lt ${busleep} ] ; do
-   if [ $(( ${secs} % 10 )) -eq 0 ] ; then
-     date '+%D-%T' >> ${bulogfile}
-     netstat -antp | grep 8009 >> ${bulogfile}
-   fi
-   [ ${testMode} -eq 0 ] && sleep 1
-   secs=$(( ${secs} + 1 ))
-  done
-  xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: done"
-###  main program starts here
-for arg in $@ ; do
-  case "${arg}" in
-    --allowdefaults)   allowDefaults=1      ;;
-    --backup)          doStart=1 ; doStop=1 ; doOptimize=1 ; doDump=1; doMessage=1  ;;
-    --dump)            doDump=1             ;;
-    --dumponly)        doStart=0 ; doStop=0 ; doOptimize=0 ; doDump=1; doMessage=0  ;;
-    --message)         doMessage=1          ;;
-    --help)            doHelp=1             ;;
-    --logrotate)       forceLogrotate=1     ;;
-    --nologrotate)     forceLogrotate=0     ;;
-    --nomessage)       doMessage=0          ;;
-    --nooptiomize)     doOptimize=0         ;;
-    --nosleep)         busleep=10           ;;
-    --nosyslogrestart) forceSyslogRestart=1 ;;
-    --notest)          testMode=0           ;;
-    --nowait)          bumessagewait=10     ;;
-    --optimize)        doOptimize=1         ;;
-    --optimizeonly)    doStart=0 ; doStop=0 ; doOptimize=1 ; doDump=0; doMessage=0  ;;
-    --restartonly)     doStart=1 ; doStop=1 ; doOptimize=0 ; doDump=0; doMessage=0  ;;
-    --startonly)       doStart=1 ; doStop=0 ; doOptimize=0 ; doDump=0; doMessage=0  ;;
-    --stoponly)        doStart=0 ; doStop=1 ; doOptimize=0 ; doDump=0; doMessage=0  ;;
-    --syslogrestart)   forceSyslogRestart=1 ;;
-    --test)            testMode=1           ;;
-    --version)         doVersion=1          ;;
-    *)             [ -n "${arg}" ] && errMsg="${errMsg}ERROR: invalid argument \"${arg}\"\n" ;;
-  esac
-action=$(( ${doStart} + ${doStop} + ${doDump} + ${doOptimize} + ${doHelp} + ${doVersion} ))
-na=$(( ${action} + ${doHelp} + ${doVersion} ))
-if [ ${na} -le 0 ] ; then
-  errMsg="${errMsg}ERROR: missing argument(s)\n"
-touch "${bulogfile}"
-[ -f "${bulogfile}" ] || logging=0
-xecho "\n### ${sname} version ${sversion} - ${sdate}\n### ${sinfo}\n" 
-[ ${doVersion} -gt 0 ] && exit 0
-if [ -n "${errMsg}" ] ; then
-  echo -e "${errMsg}"
-  doHelp=1
-  errCode=2
-if [ ${doHelp} -gt 0 ] ; then
-  echo -e "Usage: ${sname} [--options]"
-  echo " avaliable options are : "
-  echo " --allowdefaults)    allow run with default setting (handle with care)" 
-  echo " --backup)           full backup (stop/optimize/dump/start)" 
-  echo " --dump              enable dump" 
-  echo " --dumponly          dump only" 
-  echo " --help              show this help" 
-  echo " --message           enable service message "
-  echo " --logrotate         enable forced logrotate"
-  echo " --nologrotate       disable forced logrotate"
-  echo " --nomessage         disable service message "
-  echo " --nooptiomize       disable optimization"
-  echo " --nosleep           reduce sleep after backup (120->10s)"
-  echo " --nosyslogrestart   disable forced syslog restart"
-  echo " --notest            disable test mode"
-  echo " --nowait            reduce message hold time (600->10s)"
-  echo " --optimize          enable optimization"
-  echo " --optimizeonly      optimize only" 
-  echo " --restartonly       restart services only"  
-  echo " --startonly         start services only"  
-  echo " --stoponly          stop services only"  
-  echo " --syslogrestart     enable forced syslog restart"
-  echo " --test              run in test mode"
-  echo " --version           show version and exit"
-  echo 
-  exit ${errCode}
-## save garbage collector log
-DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
-[ -f /scratch/tmp/gc.log ] && cp /scratch/tmp/gc.log /scratch/tmp/gc.log_${DATE}
-xecho "`date '+%D-%T'`: finished\n"
-exit ${errCode}
diff --git a/scripts/olat_backup_message.sh b/scripts/olat_backup_message.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7db8419eacd7b2756e01528f3b05b2c98309d47b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/olat_backup_message.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# countdown for shutting down tomcat
-# To find the token for this olatinstance search in the table
-# o_property for a property that has the category "_o3_" and
-# the name "maintenanceMessageToken".
-# the url of this olatinstance
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+10+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+9+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+8+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+7+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+6+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+5+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+4+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+3+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+2+Minuten+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
-/usr/bin/wget --no-check-certificate --bind-address= --spider "$url/olat/admin.html?cmd=setmaintenancemessage&token=$token&msg=In+wenigen+Augenblicken+findet+das+taegliche+Datenbackup+statt+(Ausfallzeit+ca.+20+Minuten).+Bitte+loggen+Sie+sich+aus."
-sleep 60
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/postrotate.sh b/scripts/postrotate.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3275f6b43b3bdcfccfb435d14b351246a9d0de4d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/postrotate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# zip rotated logs
-cd /usr/local/opt/olat/olatdata/logs/
-gzip -9 apache_access_log.txt.1
-gzip -9 apache_error_log.txt.1
-gzip -9 mod_jk.log.txt.1
-gzip -9 monitoring_log.txt.1
-# move rotated logs into archive folder
-mv apache_access_log.txt.1.gz archive/apache_access_log.txt.$(date +"%Y%m%d").gz
-mv apache_error_log.txt.1.gz archive/apache_error_log.txt.$(date +"%Y%m%d").gz
-mv mod_jk.log.txt.1.gz archive/mod_jk.log.txt.$(date +"%Y%m%d").gz
-mv monitoring_log.txt.1.gz archive/monitoring_log.txt.$(date +"%Y%m%d").gz
diff --git a/scripts/readme.txt b/scripts/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a8e5a164d91e37d67ca05e7f6ee987497d7aed52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains scripts useful for deploying, managing or running olat.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/usefullinuxscripts.txt b/scripts/usefullinuxscripts.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5f8be9519cf8151ff1e0bec115c6706477d5f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/usefullinuxscripts.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-grep "ERROR" olat.log.2005-05-* | perl -n -e '@bla = split(/\^%\^/); $res = substr($bla[5],1,270); print "\n$res";' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > /tmp/felix/erroroccurences.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/AbstractAccessableCourseNode.java b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/AbstractAccessableCourseNode.java
index cd45e6951f1021c7a785304b80de0eaab63dddcf..84a900e69abab95dcc723215bc95b639ba537535 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/AbstractAccessableCourseNode.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/AbstractAccessableCourseNode.java
@@ -57,17 +57,13 @@ public abstract class AbstractAccessableCourseNode extends GenericCourseNode {
-	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createEditController(org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest,
-	 *      org.olat.core.gui.control.WindowControl, org.olat.course.ICourse)
+	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createEditController(UserRequest, WindowControl, ICourse, UserCourseEnvironment)
 	abstract public TabbableController createEditController(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, ICourse course,
 			UserCourseEnvironment euce);
-	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createNodeRunConstructionResult(org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest,
-	 *      org.olat.core.gui.control.WindowControl,
-	 *      org.olat.course.run.userview.UserCourseEnvironment,
-	 *      org.olat.course.run.userview.NodeEvaluation)
+	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createNodeRunConstructionResult(UserRequest, WindowControl, UserCourseEnvironment, NodeEvaluation, String)
 	abstract public NodeRunConstructionResult createNodeRunConstructionResult(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl,
 			UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv, NodeEvaluation ne, String nodecmd);
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/GenericCourseNode.java b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/GenericCourseNode.java
index b742ba50abbebe36a4278ed3864a2d0a27f00644..8bfa668876710d616fa316efe58973b6776e7b4b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/GenericCourseNode.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/GenericCourseNode.java
@@ -89,17 +89,17 @@ public abstract class GenericCourseNode extends GenericNode implements CourseNod
 			UserCourseEnvironment euce);
-	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createNodeRunConstructionResult(org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest,
-	 *      org.olat.core.gui.control.WindowControl,
-	 *      org.olat.course.run.userview.UserCourseEnvironment,
-	 *      org.olat.course.run.userview.NodeEvaluation)
-	 *      
-	 *      ATTENTION:
-	 *      all course nodes must call updateModuleConfigDefaults(false) here
+	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createNodeRunConstructionResult(UserRequest,
+	 *      WindowControl, UserCourseEnvironment, NodeEvaluation, String)
+	 * 
+	 *      ATTENTION: all course nodes must call
+	 *      updateModuleConfigDefaults(false) here
-	public abstract NodeRunConstructionResult createNodeRunConstructionResult(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl,
-			UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv, NodeEvaluation ne, String nodecmd);
+	public abstract NodeRunConstructionResult createNodeRunConstructionResult(
+			UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl,
+			UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv, NodeEvaluation ne,
+			String nodecmd);
 	protected String getDefaultTitleOption() {
@@ -110,9 +110,7 @@ public abstract class GenericCourseNode extends GenericNode implements CourseNod
 	 * Override this method with a specific implementation if you have
 	 * something interesting to show in the peekview
-	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createPeekViewRunController(org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest,
-	 *      org.olat.course.run.userview.UserCourseEnvironment,
-	 *      org.olat.course.run.userview.NodeEvaluation)
+	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.CourseNode#createPeekViewRunController(UserRequest, WindowControl, UserCourseEnvironment, NodeEvaluation)
 	public Controller createPeekViewRunController(UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, UserCourseEnvironment userCourseEnv,
 			NodeEvaluation ne) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/WikiCourseNode.java b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/WikiCourseNode.java
index 26bdc8790e51538f62965b9fc475f046bdcd09f0..aca4723e122705ca9b4a07fded8a6bd7587065ca 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/WikiCourseNode.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/nodes/WikiCourseNode.java
@@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ public class WikiCourseNode extends AbstractAccessableCourseNode {
-	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.GenericCourseNode#exportNode(java.io.File,
-	 *      org.olat.course.ICourse)
+	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.GenericCourseNode#exportNode(File, ICourse)
 	public void exportNode(File exportDirectory, ICourse course) {
 		RepositoryEntry re = WikiEditController.getWikiReference(getModuleConfiguration(), false);
@@ -189,9 +188,7 @@ public class WikiCourseNode extends AbstractAccessableCourseNode {
-	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.GenericCourseNode#importNode(java.io.File,
-	 *      org.olat.course.ICourse, org.olat.core.gui.UserRequest,
-	 *      org.olat.core.gui.control.WindowControl)
+	 * @see org.olat.course.nodes.GenericCourseNode#importNode(File, ICourse, boolean, UserRequest, WindowControl)
 	public Controller importNode(File importDirectory, ICourse course, boolean unattendedImport, UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl) {
 		File importSubdir = new File(importDirectory, getIdent());
@@ -242,10 +239,6 @@ public class WikiCourseNode extends AbstractAccessableCourseNode {
   	return false;
-	/**
-	 * 
-	 * @return
-	 */
 	public Condition getPreConditionEdit() {
 		if (preConditionEdit == null) {
 			preConditionEdit = new Condition();