diff --git a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/assessment/bulk/_i18n/LocalStrings_en.properties b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/assessment/bulk/_i18n/LocalStrings_en.properties
index b0436024c9650148f4ab35c010a23758bc2fb24e..bed894dc05d70abb36addbf842d383eee63b3fde 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/olat/course/assessment/bulk/_i18n/LocalStrings_en.properties
+++ b/src/main/java/org/olat/course/assessment/bulk/_i18n/LocalStrings_en.properties
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#Tue Dec 10 15:16:34 CET 2013
+#Tue Dec 10 15:34:39 CET 2013
 bulk.action.greaterThanMax=Value greater than 10000 or greater than your maximum score ({0})
 bulk.action.lessThanMin=Value less than -10000 or less than your minimum score ({0})
 bulk.action.no.coursenodes=You do not have a suitable course building block for the bulk assessment. The following types  are suitable \: $org.olat.course.nodes\:title_ms, $org.olat.course.nodes\:title_ta und $org.olat.course.nodes\:title_projectbroker
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ bulk.wizard.title=Bulk assessment
 chelp.bulkassessment.more=More information concerning creating and executing bulk assessments\:
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.assessmentdata=Assessment values
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.cols=A data row must include the following information\:
-chelp.bulkassessment_data.cols.comment=A comment may be added if so desired.
+chelp.bulkassessment_data.cols.comment=A comment may be added if so desired
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.cols.id=User identification (user name, registered mail address or institutional identifier)
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.cols.score=Score. Add decimals with either comma or period. Use with caution. Do not use comma decimals when applying the comma separator.
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.cols.status=Passed status (see below)
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.excel=Select "separated by tab" when copying data from an Excel file.
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.filedata=Return files
+chelp.bulkassessment_data.finish=Upload the resulting archive with the wizard. Please check the number of files for each participant in the next step.
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.input=You can either copy/paste data from an Excel file, or enter manually.
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.intro=Enter the assessment data for all users in the second wizard step. Files can be uploaded into the return folders of the course elements task and topic assignment.
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.manually=You can enter data manually. Select "separated by comma" for correct input format. See below for some examples.
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ chelp.bulkassessment_data.manually.1=The user gets a score of 5, a passed status
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.manually.2=If no score is required, you can omit it, but you still have to use a placeholder.
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.manually.3=Already existing comments can be resetted by adding "".
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.passed=Use the following entries to set the passed status\:
-chelp.bulkassessment_data.returnfiles=Files can be uploaded into the return folders of the course elements task and topic assignment.
+chelp.bulkassessment_data.returnfiles=The bulk assessment allows the file upload into the return folders of the course elements topic assignment and task. Using a .zip-file, you can upload as many files as required for each participant.
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.title=Bulk assessment\: Data input
 chelp.bulkassessment_data.zip=In order to do this, create a separate folder for each participant with the folder name the respective user name. Archive the folders into a .zip file after adding all necessary files to their corresponding folders. This could look like this\:
 chelp.bulkassessment_node.intro=Select the assessable course element for which a bulk assessment should be carried out. All course elements are displayed for which at least one of the following assessment features is configured\:
@@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ chelp.bulkassessment_overview.taskStatus=shows the status of the scheduled bulk
 chelp.bulkassessment_overview.title=Bulk assessment\: Overview
 chelp.bulkassessment_overview.usecase=The bulk assessment assists you with mass assessing the course elements task and assessment and allows the bulk upload of return files for the course element topic assignment. The latter requires a configured return box.
 chelp.bulkassessment_schedule.edit=All coaches with assessment tool rights are entitled to edit or delete scheduled bulk assessments.
+chelp.bulkassessment_schedule.intro=A bulk assessment can be carried out immediately or at a later date. A delayed execution allows you to revise the assessment if necessary. Scheduled bulk assessments can be deleted. You will receive a mail notification upon completed assessment.
+chelp.bulkassessment_schedule.title=Bulk assessment\: Schedule
 choose.node.desc=Select the element from this course for which the bulk assessment should be executed. 
 choose.node.title=Select course element
 confirmation.mail.body=The bulk assessment of the cours element {1} in course {0} has been executed as planned for {3} users at {4}.\r\n\r\n{2}