From 8f96ddae47808d9ac941a433866274c0afcd7be7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: srosse <>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2018 21:55:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] OO-3746, OO-3757: add 2 selenium tests for different config.
 of task el.

 pom.xml                                       |   4 +-
 .../org/olat/selenium/     | 304 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../course/    |  35 ++
 .../selenium/page/course/   |  11 +-
 .../page/course/     |   8 +-
 .../selenium/page/graphene/    |   7 +
 6 files changed, 360 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index d2001103751..ac0eaa4ddcb 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-		<version.selenium>3.11.0</version.selenium>
+		<version.selenium>3.13.0</version.selenium>
@@ -2641,7 +2641,7 @@
-				<version>1.4.0.Final</version>
+				<version>1.4.1.Final</version>
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/
index e7b693215a9..b68b3d3f39f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/
+++ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/
@@ -1216,6 +1216,310 @@ public class AssessmentTest extends Deployments {
+	/**
+	 * An author create a course for a task with some custom
+	 * settings, assignment and solution steps are disabled,
+	 * but grading is selected with score and
+	 * passed is automatically calculated.</br>
+	 * It had a participant which goes through the workflow,
+	 * submits 2 documents, one with the embedded editor,
+	 * one with the upload mechanism.</br>
+	 * The author reviews the documents, uploads a correction and
+	 * want a revision.</br>
+	 * The assessed participant upload a revised document.</br>
+	 * The author sees it and close the revisions process, use
+	 * the assessment tool to set the score.</br>
+	 * The participant checks if she successfully passed the task.
+	 * 
+	 * @param authorLoginPage
+	 * @param ryomouBrowser
+	 * @throws IOException
+	 * @throws URISyntaxException
+	 */
+	@Test
+	@RunAsClient
+	public void taskWithoutAssignment(@InitialPage LoginPage authorLoginPage,
+			@Drone @User WebDriver ryomouBrowser)
+	throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
+		UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
+		UserVO kanu = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("kanu");
+		UserVO ryomou = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("ryomou");
+		authorLoginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword());
+		//create a course
+		String courseTitle = "Course-with-task-alt-1-" + UUID.randomUUID();
+		navBar
+			.openAuthoringEnvironment()
+			.createCourse(courseTitle)
+			.clickToolbarBack();
+		//create a course element of type Test with the test that we create above
+		String gtaNodeTitle = "Individual task 2";
+		CourseEditorPageFragment courseEditor = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser)
+			.edit();
+		courseEditor
+			.createNode("ita")
+			.nodeTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		GroupTaskConfigurationPage gtaConfig = new GroupTaskConfigurationPage(browser);
+		gtaConfig
+			.selectWorkflow()
+			.enableAssignment(false)
+			.enableSolution(false)
+			.saveWorkflow();
+		gtaConfig
+			.selectAssessment()
+			.setAssessmentOptions(0.0f, 6.0f, 4.0f)
+			.saveAssessmentOptions();
+		courseEditor
+			.publish()
+			.quickPublish(UserAccess.membersOnly);
+		MembersPage membersPage = courseEditor
+			.clickToolbarBack()
+			.members();
+		membersPage
+			.importMembers()
+			.setMembers(kanu, ryomou)
+			.nextUsers()
+			.nextOverview()
+			.nextPermissions()
+			.finish();
+		//go to the course
+		CoursePageFragment coursePage = membersPage
+			.clickToolbarBack();
+		coursePage
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		//Participant log in
+		LoginPage ryomouLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(ryomouBrowser, deploymentUrl);
+		ryomouLoginPage
+			.loginAs(ryomou)
+			.resume();
+		//open the course
+		NavigationPage ryomouNavBar = new NavigationPage(ryomouBrowser);
+		ryomouNavBar
+			.openMyCourses()
+			.select(courseTitle);
+		//go to the group task
+		CoursePageFragment ryomouTestCourse = new CoursePageFragment(ryomouBrowser);
+		ryomouTestCourse
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		GroupTaskPage ryomouTask = new GroupTaskPage(ryomouBrowser);
+		ryomouTask
+			.assertSubmissionAvailable();
+		URL submit1Url = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/submit_2.txt");
+		File submit1File = new File(submit1Url.toURI());
+		String submittedFilename = "personal_solution.html";
+		String submittedText = "This is my solution";
+		ryomouTask
+			.submitFile(submit1File)
+			.submitText(submittedFilename, submittedText)
+			.submitDocuments();
+		//back to author
+		coursePage
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		GroupTaskToCoachPage participantToCoach = new GroupTaskToCoachPage(browser);
+		URL correctionUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/correction_1.txt");
+		File correctionFile = new File(correctionUrl.toURI());
+		participantToCoach
+			.selectIdentityToCoach(ryomou)
+			.assertSubmittedDocument("personal_solution.html")
+			.assertSubmittedDocument("submit_2.txt")
+			.uploadCorrection(correctionFile)
+			.needRevision();
+		//participant add a revised document
+		URL revisionUrl = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/submit_3.txt");
+		File revisionFile = new File(revisionUrl.toURI());
+		ryomouTestCourse
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		ryomouTask
+			.submitRevisedFile(revisionFile)
+			.submitRevision();
+		//back to author
+		coursePage
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		participantToCoach
+			.selectIdentityToCoach(ryomou)
+			.assertRevision("submit_3.txt")
+			.closeRevisions()
+			.openIndividualAssessment()
+			.individualAssessment(null, 5.5f)
+			.assertPassed();
+		//participant checks she passed the task
+		ryomouTestCourse
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		ryomouTask
+			.assertPassed();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * An author create a course for a task with some custom
+	 * settings, the following steps are not selected: review
+	 * (and revisions) and solutions. The assignment is automatic.
+	 * The assessment is set to passed automatically.</br>
+	 * It had a participant which see the assignment and submits
+	 * 2 documents, one with the embedded editor,
+	 * one with the upload mechanism.</br>
+	 * The author reviews the documents and use
+	 * the assessment tool to set the score.</br>
+	 * The participant checks if she successfully passed the task.
+	 * 
+	 * @param authorLoginPage
+	 * @param ryomouBrowser
+	 * @throws IOException
+	 * @throws URISyntaxException
+	 */
+	@Test
+	@RunAsClient
+	public void taskWithIndividuScoreNoRevision(@InitialPage LoginPage authorLoginPage,
+			@Drone @User WebDriver ryomouBrowser)
+	throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
+		UserVO author = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createAuthor();
+		UserVO kanu = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("kanu");
+		UserVO ryomou = new UserRestClient(deploymentUrl).createRandomUser("ryomou");
+		authorLoginPage.loginAs(author.getLogin(), author.getPassword());
+		//create a course
+		String courseTitle = "Course-with-individual-task-" + UUID.randomUUID();
+		navBar
+			.openAuthoringEnvironment()
+			.createCourse(courseTitle)
+			.clickToolbarBack();
+		//create a course element of type Test with the test that we create above
+		String gtaNodeTitle = "Individual task 1";
+		CourseEditorPageFragment courseEditor = CoursePageFragment.getCourse(browser)
+			.edit();
+		courseEditor
+			.createNode("ita")
+			.nodeTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		GroupTaskConfigurationPage gtaConfig = new GroupTaskConfigurationPage(browser);
+		gtaConfig
+			.selectWorkflow()
+			.enableSolution(false)
+			.enableReview(false)
+			.saveWorkflow()
+			.selectAssignment();
+		URL task1Url = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/task_1_a.txt");
+		File task1File = new File(task1Url.toURI());
+		gtaConfig.uploadTask("Individual Task 1 alpha", task1File);
+		URL task2Url = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/task_1_b.txt");
+		File task2File = new File(task2Url.toURI());
+		gtaConfig
+			.uploadTask("Individual Task 2 beta", task2File)
+			.enableAutoAssignment(true)
+			.saveTasks();
+		gtaConfig
+			.selectAssessment()
+			.setAssessmentOptions(0.0f, 6.0f, 4.0f)
+			.saveAssessmentOptions();
+		courseEditor
+			.publish()
+			.quickPublish(UserAccess.membersOnly);
+		MembersPage membersPage = courseEditor
+			.clickToolbarBack()
+			.members();
+		membersPage
+			.importMembers()
+			.setMembers(kanu, ryomou)
+			.nextUsers()
+			.nextOverview()
+			.nextPermissions()
+			.finish();
+		//go to the course
+		CoursePageFragment coursePage = membersPage
+			.clickToolbarBack();
+		coursePage
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		//Participant log in
+		LoginPage ryomouLoginPage = LoginPage.getLoginPage(ryomouBrowser, deploymentUrl);
+		ryomouLoginPage
+			.loginAs(ryomou)
+			.resume();
+		//open the course
+		NavigationPage ryomouNavBar = new NavigationPage(ryomouBrowser);
+		ryomouNavBar
+			.openMyCourses()
+			.select(courseTitle);
+		//go to the group task
+		CoursePageFragment ryomouTestCourse = new CoursePageFragment(ryomouBrowser);
+		ryomouTestCourse
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		GroupTaskPage ryomouTask = new GroupTaskPage(ryomouBrowser);
+		ryomouTask
+			.assertAssignmentAvailable()
+			.assertTask("Individual Task")
+			.assertSubmissionAvailable();
+		URL submit1Url = JunitTestHelper.class.getResource("file_resources/submit_2.txt");
+		File submit1File = new File(submit1Url.toURI());
+		String submittedFilename = "personal_solution.html";
+		String submittedText = "This is my solution";
+		ryomouTask
+			.submitFile(submit1File)
+			.submitText(submittedFilename, submittedText)
+			.submitDocuments();
+		//back to author
+		coursePage
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		GroupTaskToCoachPage participantToCoach = new GroupTaskToCoachPage(browser);
+		participantToCoach
+			.selectIdentityToCoach(ryomou)
+			.assertSubmittedDocument("personal_solution.html")
+			.assertSubmittedDocument("submit_2.txt")
+			.openIndividualAssessment()
+			.individualAssessment(null, 5.5f)
+			.assertPassed();
+		//participant checks she passed the task
+		ryomouTestCourse
+			.clickTree()
+			.selectWithTitle(gtaNodeTitle);
+		ryomouTask
+			.assertPassed();
+	}
 	 * Create an assessment course element, add two users to the course
 	 * and assesses them with the bulk assessment tool. The 2 users
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
index 431a015631c..10ab1f1c8e2 100644
--- a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
+++ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
@@ -48,6 +48,32 @@ public class GroupTaskConfigurationPage {
 		return selectTab(configBy);
+	public GroupTaskConfigurationPage enableAssignment(boolean enable) {
+		return enableStep("task.assignment", enable);
+	}
+	public GroupTaskConfigurationPage enableReview(boolean enable) {
+		return enableStep("review", enable);
+	}
+	public GroupTaskConfigurationPage enableRevision(boolean enable) {
+		return enableStep("revision", enable);
+	}
+	public GroupTaskConfigurationPage enableSolution(boolean enable) {
+		return enableStep("sample", enable);
+	}
+	private GroupTaskConfigurationPage enableStep(String name, boolean enable) {
+		By stepBy = By.xpath("//fieldset[contains(@class,'o_sel_course_gta_steps')]//label[input[@name='" + name + "']]");
+		WebElement labelEl = browser.findElement(stepBy);
+		By checkboxStepBy = By.xpath("//fieldset[contains(@class,'o_sel_course_gta_steps')]//label/input[@name='" + name + "']");
+		WebElement checkboxEl = browser.findElement(checkboxStepBy);
+		OOGraphene.check(labelEl, checkboxEl, Boolean.valueOf(enable));
+		OOGraphene.waitBusy(browser);
+		return this;
+	}
 	public GroupTaskConfigurationPage saveWorkflow() {
 		By saveBy = By.cssSelector(".o_sel_course_gta_save_workflow button.btn-primary");
@@ -122,6 +148,15 @@ public class GroupTaskConfigurationPage {
 		return this;
+	public GroupTaskConfigurationPage enableAutoAssignment(boolean enable) {
+		//task.assignment.type
+		String type = enable ? "auto" : "manual";
+		By typeBy = By.xpath("//fieldset[contains(@class,'o_sel_course_gta_task_config_form')]//input[@name='task.assignment.type'][@value='" + type + "']");
+		browser.findElement(typeBy).click();
+		OOGraphene.waitBusy(browser);
+		return this;
+	}
 	public GroupTaskConfigurationPage saveTasks() {
 		By saveBy = By.cssSelector(".o_sel_course_gta_task_config_buttons button.btn-primary");
 		List<WebElement> saveEls = browser.findElements(saveBy);
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
index f0662777d9f..42c5b89d128 100644
--- a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
+++ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ public class GroupTaskPage {
 		By saveButtonBy = By.cssSelector(".o_sel_course_gta_upload_form button.btn-primary");
+		OOGraphene.waitModalDialogDisappears(browser);
 		return this;
@@ -117,10 +118,16 @@ public class GroupTaskPage {
-		OOGraphene.tinymce(text, browser);
-		By saveAndCloseBy = By.cssSelector("#o_button_saveclose a.btn");
+		By saveAndCloseBy = By.cssSelector(".modal-body #o_button_saveclose a.btn");
+		OOGraphene.waitElement(saveAndCloseBy, browser);
+		OOGraphene.tinymceExec(text, browser);
+		By saveAndCloseDirtyBy = By.cssSelector(".modal-body #o_button_saveclose a.btn.o_button_dirty");
+		OOGraphene.waitElement(saveAndCloseDirtyBy, browser);
+		OOGraphene.waitModalDialogDisappears(browser);
 		return this;
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
index deb15a7fbd3..f9e7601419b 100644
--- a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
+++ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/course/
@@ -71,8 +71,7 @@ public class GroupTaskToCoachPage {
 	public GroupTaskToCoachPage assertSubmittedDocument(String title) {
 		By selectLinkBy = By.xpath("//div[@id='o_step_submit_content']//ul//a//span[contains(text(),'" + title + "')]");
-		List<WebElement> documentLinkEls = browser.findElements(selectLinkBy);
-		Assert.assertFalse(documentLinkEls.isEmpty());
+		OOGraphene.waitElement(selectLinkBy, browser);
 		return this;
@@ -141,11 +140,10 @@ public class GroupTaskToCoachPage {
 			By collpaseBy = By.xpath("//a[@href='#o_step_grading_content']");
 			OOGraphene.waitElement(assessmentButtonBy, browser);
-			browser.findElement(assessmentButtonBy).click();
-		} else {
-			buttons.get(0).click();
+		browser.findElement(assessmentButtonBy).click();
+		OOGraphene.waitModalDialog(browser);
 		return this;
diff --git a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/graphene/ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/graphene/
index 25eaa999b5e..4d52ba9f1f5 100644
--- a/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/graphene/
+++ b/src/test/java/org/olat/selenium/page/graphene/
@@ -231,6 +231,13 @@ public class OOGraphene {
 		((JavascriptExecutor)browser).executeScript("top.tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('" + content + "')");
+	public static final void tinymceExec(String content, WebDriver browser) {
+		Graphene.waitModel(browser).withTimeout(waitTinyDuration, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+			.pollingEvery(poolingDuration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+			.until(new TinyMCELoadedPredicate());
+		((JavascriptExecutor)browser).executeScript("top.tinymce.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertRawHTML', true, '" + content + "')");
+	}
 	public static final void tinymce(String content, String containerCssSelector, WebDriver browser) {
 		By tinyIdBy = By.cssSelector(containerCssSelector + " div.o_richtext_mce");
 		waitElement(tinyIdBy, 5, browser);